Meeting rus_oahpa 23.8. 2013 Present: ''Robert, Heli, Laura, Tore, Trond'' !!!Agenda * Status quo * Word mismatches * Bugzilla * Next meeting !!!Status quo !!Work done * Heli presents updates done ** All word types ** Case menu is changed: No separate plural, but a checkbox ** Book menu: titles The Locative 2 issue: Include all words, and leave locative 1/2 to the user? This is not yet implemented, so in this task the user gets only the words that have a separate Locative 2. TODO: Include all the words in the Gen2 and Loc2 tasks. Otherwise the case menu works. Laura has been testing and it works and looks good. !!Open issues !Errors in the Apertium fst. Not done !e / ë Open. Heli tried to implement e/ë-acceptance, but it does not work, for some reason. Also, stress feedback is still not implemented !!!Word mismatches !!Case-marked nouns used as adverbs We want the oblique forms out of the list of nouns. !!Nouns with marginal Gen2 We make an xml file listing the relevant marginal-gen2-words. They then get a mark in the mysql database during compilation. This xml file will then go into the compilation process __or__ we could have the apertium xml generate two fsts. Which words to treat how will be a topic for linguistic research. __TODO__ * Heli and Francis to look into this until next meeting. * Tore and Laura can work on a list of nons that do not have a pedagogical plural Rob suggests that we should come up with continuation lexica that combines the various issues of non-ped pl, G2, L2. * Word set filters - singular tantum, Gen2, Loc2 constraints in the fst or special features in the oahpa database? !!!Bugzilla !!1682 P5 Adverbs as nouns in Morfa-S see above. !!1683 P5 GenPl in Morfa-S errors For Robert. !!1684 P5 Words that should appear as singular only in Rus-Oahpa List is here, nice, now we await the xml vs list issue. !!1685 P5 Problems with some irregular nouns Robert to look at this. !!1686 P5 Random problems with regular feminine nouns Robert !!1692 P5 запад, восток, юг and север are singularia tantum Closed. !!1693 P5 Голод - singular tantum? Closed !!1694 P5 Words with e or ë Heli on this. !!1695 P5 Adverbs are registered as nouns Duplicate of 1682. !!1696 P5 Tuesday Duplicate of 1683. !!1697 P5 #молоко́ These forms are not generated bŧ apertium. Robert. !!1698 P5 adverbs should be removed from the list of nouns Duplicate of 1682 !!1699 P5 It should be possible to enter e for words that contain ё Duplicate of 1694 !!1700 P5 some words come up with * and are not declined as they should be Duplicate of 1697 !!1701 P5 моро́женые should be listed as sg only for our purposes Duplicate of 1682 !!1702 P5 Genitive 2 Heli to give a list !!1703 P5 Shower vs. soul Duplicate of !!1704 P5 Locative 2 !!!Next meeting 29.8. at 0900.