!!!Meeting on online Oahpa Present: Ciprian, Lene, Ryan, Trond. !!! smaoahpa is up and running -- splendid! Now for debugging and planning. !!!Bug list (Known issues under bug list may just be moved to task list...) !!Common * No scores are generated 3/5… * Filling in 5 slots and hitting enter gives __New set__ instead of __Test answers__ or __Next slot__. ** What we want: ** For the first 4: Enter gives __Next slot__. ** For the 5th (last) slot: *** If empty slots: Enter gives __Highest empty slot__. *** If no empty slots: Enter gives __Test answers__. !!Leksa * which entries? ** All entries with __book__ ''or'' __semantics__ * We will not have an option ''level''. * which features? * For the __Show answers__: Show only the first translation * nobsma: nob - first t Procedure for making nobsma # if the only t-initial constituent is , take this # for each tg, take the first t or tf # thereafter, if the next constituent is : ## add the string ''space emdash space'' ## add the constituent # thereafter, if the tg has a ## add this re, in parentheses !!Morfa !Morfa-S nouns * Cases as in sme, ** __but__ not locative (+Loc), instead inessive (+Ine), elative (+Ela) * Number: ** Nominative plural has nominative singular as input * Stem classes: ** Bisyllabic and trisyllabic ** __Not__ contracted (as in sme) * Bug: Plural nouns are presented in singular ** questions and answers must have same number (sg: sg, pl: pl) * Otherwise as sme !Morfa-S verbs * For the time being, only present, preterite ** Personlege pronomen for Sg1 … Pl3 ** ped/sma/doc/smadoc/pronouns_for_morfa_v.csv * Later also imperative ** Pronouns for imperative after the verbs and in parentheses ** The imperative will have fewer forms than for sme * In later versions: also negation verb * When clicking the verb, we get the dictionary translation ** New feature: We want the __verb class__ ** click and get: ''Klasse IV. (Norsk: å vite)'' *** bisyllabic - lemma *** trisyllabic - lemma !Personal pronouns * Forthcoming !!Numra * Numbers cannot be more than 30 characters long, 50 (45) is a better number * I have already corrected that in sme oahpa, but not online * Ordinals are missing !!Common Set and level options do not necessarily work. Things missing in the database cause error * Option: Slot size 1, 3, 5 (as a setting option) !!Leksa ! Turn Leksa to nobsma # tg daughters: t, te and tf should be turned ## For now, take first t* field, later plan differences ### t, tf - translation (tf - whitespace, t - single word) ### te - explanation ### nob -> sma ### nob = t, tf, te ? if te exists, show? otherwise user prompted with t, tf? ### sma = lemma / l # What about smaswe/swesma? ## This will await the Swedish Sami parlieament # Fill in the supersets # New features compared to sme-oahpa ## tcomm: as explained !!Morfa * Bare Morfa-S ** Morfa with nouns ** Morfa with verbs !!Numra !! General * forsida * lokalisering ** just no.; take out de and en, so it's easier to identify localisation issues !!!Time schedule * Saturday -- new version * Saturday 19th demo !!! Ciprian and Ryan discussion points/notes * Union/Exclusion * Database loading script / subsets * re: tcomm - create a small test xml file to test behavior properly in devel