!!!Meeting notes, Pedagogical programs, 080902 !!!Participants Biret Ánne, Ciprian, Lene, Saara, Trond. !!!Task list Edit your task lists as we go: !!Biret Ánne * Work on dialogues (not started yet) * Mark dialects in the sme-lex - together with Lene (in progress) * Test the games (in progress) * Present the programs in Oulu (done) !!Ciprian * Testing the games :-) ** still to do * Have a look at the ped lexica and compare with the general ones * Nothing developmental yet !!Lene * Look at the lexicon conversion: manually add the homonyms from the {{dehálasdubl.txt}} file. ** done * Remove some entries (expressions), add more synonyms. ** done * Make Morfa user feedback for verbs, adjectives and numerals (with Biret Ánne, Trond) ** done * Mark placenames into easy and difficult ones + geografical ** done * Contact Kjellaug Isaksen about design - and meeting when Saara is here ** done * Mark dialects in the sme-lex - together with BA ** not finished * Test the games ** done some.. !!Saara * Move adjectives and verbs to Leksa interface ** done, but only updated, not removed the old ones. * New format for verb input in Morfa * not done * Restrict numerals: 1-20 option for bare morfa, 1-12 for contextual morfa ** not done properly * Fix bugs in Vasta (Bug 714) ** fixed partially * Look at Vasta word order ** looked at it * Add paradigms to feedback ** not done * Translate the interface to Finnish ** done !!Trond * Played games, mostly. * Discussed feedback with Lene !!!Status quo There is work forthcoming not checked in for Vasta. The interface will then be more reliable, the grammatical tags should be removed. There are still problems with the pronouns, but they are forthcoming. Lene has worked with the feedback, for N, A, V. Much metadata added to the adjectives, to the lexicon (usage not as / only as attributes, etc.). The bilingual names arrived 4700 nob-sme, !!!The games !!Common !!Numra !!Morfa Pronouns instead of tags is in the pipeline. !Feedback The messages can be reused across POS borders. They must have unique IDs. It does not need to be numbers, may be text. Feedback messages in different languages should be stacked on top of each other in the file for ease of comparison. !!Vasta Saara looked at the word order file, and implemented q-a-dependencies (this holds for contextual Morfa as well). Subject main verb, subject negation is implementet, but not more. We may either make a new grammar for this, or use some tools. One possibility would be to use our own tools. Are they fast enough? We may make a leaner version of it, if the reaction time is too long. We may also use the technology behind sme-grc.rle to provide feedback. Make a taylored dis for analysis. !!Leksa !Names Names have arrived. We (Ciprian) will add them to the dictionaries. !!!Bugzilla Check Biret Ánnes status at Bz. !!!Next meeting IRL Saara will have a look at flights. !!!Graphical design Kjellaug for wednesday next week would be nice. !!!Task list Edit your task lists as we go: !! Lene * Make uniq messagenames for feedback * Look at CG3 for wordorder !!Saara * New format for verb input in Morfa * Restrict numerals: 1-20 option for bare morfa, 1-12 for contextual morfa * Fix bugs in Vasta (Bug 714) * Add paradigms to feedback * New interface for verbs. !!Biret Ánne * Work on dialogues * Mark dialects in the sme-lex - together with Lene * Test the games !!Trond * Look at new incoming names