!!!Meeting notes, Pedagogical programs, 081201 !!!Participants Lene, Saara, Trond. !!!Sahka Lene sent a document showing the layout. | drawing | dialogue window | feedback | wordlist| - | - Saara to implement cg3 for Sahka, but not more than that this week. !!Drawing Room to navigate, Path to drawings: {{ped/oahpa/media/}} !!Wordlist Discusson on tags for variables in Sahka. {{{ Háliidat go gáfe vai deaja? Mus ii leat. }}} We use the same cg3 rule file for Sahka and for Vasta. {{{ # &dia-neg negative content # &dia-nothing anwers is "nothing" - default: handled the same way as neg # &dia-pos positive content # &dia-target answer to the question - can be used in next question # &dia-dont-know to easy answer - Make a comment for this. # &dia-NAME (string) # &dia-adult regex age - # &dia-young # &dia-child Man boaris don leat?> Mii du namma lea? Bures NAME . Suohtas go don leat čátas odne. Mun lean Leavvajogas eret. dia-name What is your name? asdf. (asdf get analysis '?') ... (accept asdf as users name) Where do you live? In asdf. (asdf get analysis '?') Where is asdf? In Sweden. ... (go on, with Sweden) }}} !!!Task list * This week some work on Sahka, otherwise not much. * In Tromsø, work on dialogues * Saara to make a log password Next week Saara here.