!!!Meeting notes, Pedagogical programs, 090110
Lene, Saara, Trond.
!!Pedagogical grammar explanations
Remove the link to it for now, since it is not good enough.
!!sme-norm.fst - why does it not function? Makefile?
make fst-norm TARGET=sme
Lene does not get the sme-norm.fst compiled. The command is:
Cf. [bugreport|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=765]
!!Coll nums included
LEXICON OVCCIS ! Collective numerals
+N+Coll+Sg+Nom:%>X4 K ;
+N+Coll+Ess:%>X4in K ;
+N+Coll:%>X2 MALLAS- ;
!!space disappears in the analysis of user feedback
TT fixed the files
xml$grep " " *
grammarexplanation.csv:intransitivt verb Verb som ikke kan ta objekt i akkusativ: ’mannat’
questions_nouns.xml: SUBJ MAINV čoavdagiid N-ILL
questions_nouns.xml: INTERR SUBJ MAINV ságaid
This has been a bug for a while
donháliidat is not a word
!!!Choosing of metalanguage
!!Messages are translated into sme
!!!Write more instructions
- pronouns
- finite verb
- option boos vs semset
- semset: POS
sets vs. books - only one of them should function at a time
!!Gradation errors
lemma instead of id (form tag forgotten?)
valency vs. sem class - Lene makes them all "sem class"
Leat go barggus?
Question with non-expected answer:
How to identify &dia-target from below into the block above.
"leat" V IV Ind Prs Sg2
"go" Pcle
"bargu" N Sg Loc
"^sahka" QDL Leat_go_barggus_adult &dia-pos
"juo" Interj
"," CLB
"mun" Pron Pers Sg1 Nom
"leat" V IV Ind Prs Sg1
"doavttir" N Sg Nom &dia-pass
"." CLB
wordlists vs. word class
variable and grammar tag - change the text so it doesn´t need any grammar tag
* I come from Kenya-Loc
* I think Kenya-Nom is a nice place
(the answer just picks the Nom from the analysis of the answer)
!!!Graphical interface
!!youngsters with smaller pictures on Sahka frontpage
sahka file updated, let us have a look at the result.
ped/oahpa/drill/templates/mgame_n.html (Morfa for nouns)
ped/oahpa/drill/templates/mgame_l.html (Morfa numerals)
ped/oahpa/drill/templates/mgame_a.html (Morfa for adjectives)
ped/oahpa/drill/templates/mgame_v.html (Morfa for verbs)
ped/oahpa/drill/templates/quizz.html (Leksa common nouns)
ped/oahpa/drill/templates/quizz_n.html (Leksa placenames)
ped/oahpa/drill/templates/num.html (Numra cardinal)
ped/oahpa/drill/templates/num_ord.html (Numra ordinals)
Example: In order to write instructions for numra:
Open the document {{ped/oahpa/drill/templates/num.html}}
Edit instructions like
{% block gamename %}{% endblock %}
{% block instructions %}{% trans "add instructions here in English" %}{% endblock %}
In your own home directory, create the translations:
* cd ped/oahpa
* django-admin.py makemessages -a
* svn ci -m "new generated files" locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
... for the other files
Update the translations to the official page.
* cd /home/oahpa/
* svn up ped
* cd ped/oahpa/
* django-admin.py compilemessages
Insructions block is included:
The django template language is documented here:
in oahpa/drill/templates/num.html
{% block instructions %}{% trans "Forms for numerals." %}{% endblock %}
And correspondingly, in oahpa/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
#: drill/templates/num.html:21
msgid "Forms for numerals."
msgstr "Anna numeraali perusmuodossa."
So, update the Ys and not the Xs in the string above.
!!!Release week
!!Saara's and Antti's Tromsø trip
In Tromsø Wednesday until Sunday.
* trond with European min lg charter group 11.00-12.00
* trond 30 min intro Giellatekno 13.00 at the library
tirsdag 3. februar 2009
Program:(innlagte "kaffepauser" mellom foredragene)
12.00 Velkommen
12.15 - 12.45 Minikurs i samisk ved Samisk språksenter i Ullsfjord
13.00 - 13.30 Foredrag ved Trond Trosterud om det samiske språkteknologiprosjektet Giellatekno
13.45 - 14.15 Foredrag ved Lene Hansen om boka "Storm på kysten"
14.30 - 15.00 Foredrag ved Åse Mette Johansen om mastergradsoppgaven/boka "Velkommen te våres Norge - En kvalitativ studie av
språkbytte og språkbevaring i Manndalen i Gáivuotna/Kåfjord."
* Lene at course: Monday, Wed and Thur 10-12 and 13-15:
* Lene seminar
* Trond 15 min lecture
Kunne du tenke deg å bidra på samisk miniforskningsmaraton (kan hende vi endrer navnet) den 5. februar? Da tenker jeg på en presentasjon på 10-15 min som er populærvitenskapelig og med en tittel som er spenstig. Opplegget blir på aud 2, og innlegget må være på norsk
Do the release
Release party thursday.
* Send a press release on the release on beforehand.
* The Labyrinth journalist
this works:
* http://oahpa.uit.no/ => http://gtsvn.uit.no/
this is what we want:
* http://oahpa.uit.no/ => http://gtsvn.uit.no/oahpa/
* http://oahpa.no/ => http://gtsvn.uit.no/oahpa/
!!!Milestones, priorities during the last weeks
Think of things for an internal deadline monday the week before, or something.
!!!Task list
* Actively use Bugzilla
* valency vs. sem class - Lene makes them all "sem class" - done
* make rules for "dia-pass" tags - done
* variable and grammar tag - change the text so it doesn´t need any grammar tag - done
* visl update
* contact with Mona Solbakk
* write better/more instructions
* Temporarily remove the grammar explanation link
* dia-pass
* sets vs. books - only one of them should function at a time
* generation of tasks - form tag forgotten?
* reinstall feedback
* test with the interface language
* plan the trip to Tromsø
* forms in lexicon
* Test the empty cache option for change of metalanguage, report.
* Look at the template language
* fix sme-norm.fst (so it will accept "Mun")
* visl update
* contact with Else Grete
!!!Next meeting