!!!Bugzilla – Bug 714 Missing features of Vasta * Reported: 2008-08-20 08:59 CEST by Saara Huhmarniemi * Last Modified: 2011-05-04 16:30 CEST (History) * CC List: 3 users including you (edit) !!!Description Saara Huhmarniemi 2008-08-20 08:59:05 CEST I write down here the missing features or bugs in Vasta to remember them. A list of bugs that I need to fix: * ANSWERSUBJECT is not implemented * There is only one answer for each question, so not all the answers in *ml-files are taken into account. * different game types (qa/morfa) for answers/questions are not taken into *ccount. * semantic sets for qa are the same as in morfa. * Adjectives and numerals do not have context / qa -games * Technical: words and tags are not always parallel * Book information is not used as a search criteria Things to work out: * There are no correct answers provided (need a speller) * Free word order, what to do abou it. * All extra words are ignored and only obligatory words are checked * Game is a bit slow, will be improved !!!Comment 1 Saara Huhmarniemi 2008-09-07 18:49:39 CEST I have done changes to Vasta, so I comment on some of the problems and mark them fixed. In the end of the comment, there are the missing features. The new versions are not yet installed to victorio (will be during next week). In addition, I will still work with the missing features. (In reply to comment #0) * There is only one answer for each question, so not all the answers in xml-files are taken into account. This is fixed. In morfa, the answer is selected randomly, if there are several possibilities. In qa, both answer possibilities are taken into account (however, there will be several different answers when the word order is implemented). * different game types (qa/morfa) for answers/questions are not taken into account. These are now implemented both in question level and in element level. * semantic sets for qa are the same as in morfa. This information seems to be added to the xml-files. So I implemented this according to the files. * Adjectives and numerals do not have context / qa -games Done for numerals, still testing with adjectives. * Technical: words and tags are not always parallel * Game is a bit slow, will be improved This is fixed and there is no problem with the speed anymore. Things to work out: * There are no correct answers provided (need a speller) * Free word order, what to do about it. * All extra words are ignored and only obligatory words are checked * ANSWERSUBJECT is not implemented I will implement answersubject together with the word order. * Book information is not used as a search criteria * Dialects are not implemented (general issue) !!!Comment 2 Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen 2011-05-04 15:43:20 CEST I would like to remove Saara from this bug, so that she won't get bugged(!) by e-mails from us. But since she is the reporter, she can't be removed. Sorry Saara! The activity isn't too high for this bug report though, so hopefully you won't be too disturbed. Or to put it another way: Ciprian, how much of this is now implemented or fixed? Can the bug be closed? After today's round of Bugzilla cleaning, this is the only open bug Saara will get e-mails from. !!!Comment 3 Lene Antonsen 2011-05-04 16:26:18 CEST Dette er ting som Ciprian ikke har arbeidet med, så det er kanskje like greit at jeg kommenterer dette. # MorfaC: ANSWERSUBJECT ligger i sme/xml/grammar_defaults.xml, men det er ikke implementert. Poenget er å gjøre matrisene enklere. # MorfaC: Alternative svar på spørsmålene ligger i morfaC-filene, men jeg har aldri sjekka om det fungererer. Poenget er at man til den samme matrisen kan ha både positivt og negativt svar. Dette har ikke så stor betydning, fordi man kan enkelt kopiere spørsmålet og lagt to versjoner av det, med forskjellige svar. # Vasta: Different game types (qa/morfa) for answers/questions are not taken into account. - dette er ikke implementert. Vi har forskjellige filer for MorfaC og Vasta. Tanken var at vi kunne ha felles filer, hvor Vasta bare bruker spørmålet, og MorfaC bruker både spørsmål og svar. # Vasta: semantic sets for qa are the same as in morfa. Dette fungerer - de semantiske settene er de samme i Vasta og Morfa. # MorfaC: Adjectives and numerals do not have context / qa -games - Dette er implementert. # Technical: words and tags are not always parallel - Jeg vet ikke helt hva Saara mener med denne. # Book information is not used as a search criteria - Nei, ikke i Vasta, og det er heller ikke ønskelig. Istedenfor har vi valg av nivå. # Vasta og Sahka: There are no correct answers provided (need a speller). Ja, dette er inne på det som jeg arbeidet med i høst, og skal fortsette med. Hfst og Voikko er sentrale i dette, tror jeg. # Vasta og Sahka: Free word order, what to do abou it. - Dette har vi fiksa. Vi bruker CG-regler. Dette spørsmålet er fra et tidligere stadium. før vi bestemte oss for å bruke CG. # Vasta og Sahka: All extra words are ignored and only obligatory words are checked. Også dette er fiksa med CG. # Game is a bit slow, will be improved - hmmmm , tja.... !!!Comment 4 Lene Antonsen 2011-05-04 16:30:05 CEST Saara skrev denne bugmeldinga lenge før Oahpa var ferdig. Jeg foreslår at Ciprian lukker denne bugmeldinga og heller konsentrerer oss om ting som er relevante for oss i dag.