!!!Outline of learning sami through dialogs
!!Page: Welcome - choose conversation mate
The student can choose an identity for computer for the conversation (s/he chooses a picture), eg.:
* Ánne from Karasjok - (adult)
* Isak from Karasjok - (child)
* Biera from Kautokeino - (adult)
* Biret from Kautokeino - (child)
?* Oliva from Kåfjord - (adult)
?* Hánsa from Kåfjord - (child)
These identities will act as parameters for choice of comments from the computer, and for dialogue topics and dialect forms:
* dialect
** eastern - Karasjok
** western - Kautokeino
?** Kåfjord
* topic
** adult
** child
* comments
** different kind of "lifestories", like "I am 40 years old." "I have a red Ford."
The student can choose tutorial language:
* Norwegian
* English
* Sami (for sami-speaking students who want to train writing and grammar)
!!Page: Choose conversation
The purpose of the conversations are:
* training useful words and expressions
* training grammar (to every setting belong naturally grammatical functions.)
To each setting there will be drawings.
Settings - e.g:
* Get to know each other (Oahpásmuvvan)
** Verbs: 1sg, 2sg?
** Phrases
* Family and house (Bearaš ja orrunsadji)
** Verbs: 1sg, 1du, 1pl, 2sg, 3sg, 3du, 3pl
** Nouns: locative
* Clothes shop (Bivttasgávpi) - pictures are essential
** Verbs: 3sg, 3du, 3pl
** Nouns: accusative, locative (many trisyllabic nouns)
** Adjectives: attribute and predicative forms, comparision
** Prices
* Travelling (Mátkái)
** Verbs:
** Nouns: locative, illative, comitative
** Timeexpressions
* Dining (Boradeapmi) - pictures are essential
** Verbs: also imperative (?)
** Personal pronouns: lokative, illative
** Nouns: accusative, illative
* Plan of the day/week (Vahkku)
** Verbs: auxiliaries + infititive
** Time
** Phrases
* In the city (Gávpogis) - conversation about pictures
** Pre/postpositions
** Adverbs
The student can do some choices according to some of the conversations, e.g:
* Verbs are only in present tense
* Adjectives without comparision
!!Page: Dialogue
The computer asks, the students answers. The computer identities have their own lifestories, and the computer will make comments like: "I live in Tromsø. Where do you live?" "I am 30 years old. How old are you?" It will make the conversation more natural and give the impression of a two-way communication. It is also good teaching because the student will get a model for her own answer.
The dialog is divided into sections, and a positive answer will sometimes lead to a new section.
The questions are made so the student usually gets a couple of the same kind, so s/he has the chance to do better. E.g. 2-3 illative-questions following.
The student gets feedback about a grammatical error. In the tutorial section s/he can get a proposal like: "Do you want to take a training session of illative?"
!!Page: Grammar training session (parallell page)
This will lead the student to [the morphology game|morphoutline.html].
!!Page: Choose a new conversation or leave the program?
Go to "Page: Farewell" or to "Page: Choose conversation"
!!Page: QA drill (parallell page)
There will also be a QA drill, for a larger number of questions. See the separate QA outline page.
!!Page: Farewell
Some comments about the user´s achievement? Links to useful sites? Links to VISL
Close down or go to "Page: Welcome - choose conversation mate" to do it once more or to choose another conversation mate.
!Testing xml structure for the dialogues
Here, we write suggestions for dialogues (or, eventually in a separate doc)
Every dialogue has a setting, e.g. cafe.
The dialogue contains several topics, e.g. drinking, eating, paying. =
Every topic contains several questions. e.g. Do you drink coffee?
Bures boahtin!
Ole hyvä!
Otatko maitoa?
Ole hyvä!
Mitä joisimme?
Otatko sokeria?
Ole hyvä!