The types of sentences ====================== From VISL-cafeteria: The syntactic top-node receives the default function of UTT (utterance), but may be subdivided into STA statement, QUE question, COM command, EXC exclamation, PER performative. COM: First word is "Imprt" (or second/third after a CS or Adv) Dus ii leat lohpi dan dahkat! is STA, not COM. ------- QUE: - First word is an Interr or goas, makkár, mo, govt, galle, gallát, gallis, manin, manne, gos, - First or second word is Qst - First word is "amma", "ammal" --------- EXC: - One/two words, no verbal, "excl" in the end "Vuoi, gáfat!" ------- PER: "Giitu!" should be one?? Hard to from distinguish from EXC.