TRICKY SOURCE: text SME901 Dihkkádeaddji rávve skohtervuddjiid várrugasat mátkkoštit, go dán jagi lea erenoamán heajos jiekŋa jogain. A1 Od:g =D:TV('dihkkádit',adj,attr,) Dihkkádeaddji =P:v('rávvet',TV,ind,pr,3sg) rávve =H:n('skohter#vuoddji',pl,acc) skohtervuddjiid A:adv('várrugasat') várrugasat <==== ?? H:v('mátkkoštit',IV,inf) mátkkoštit , Od:cl =A:g ==D:pron('dát',,sg,gen) dán ==H:n('jahki',sg,gen) jagi =P:v('leat',IV,ind,pr,3sg) lea =S:g ==D:adj('erenoamán',attr) erenoamán ==D:adj('headju',attr) heajos ==H:n('jiekŋa',sg,nom) jiekŋa =A:n('johka',pl,loc) jogain =. <<<<<<< tricky_ones.txt In this suggestion the "várrugasat mátkkoštit" are attributes to "skohtervuddjiid": SME1 Dihkkádeaddji rávve skohtervuddjiid várrugasat mátkkoštit, go dán jagi lea erenoamán heajos jiekŋa jogain. A1 S:TV('dihkkádit',actor,n,sg,nom,) Dihkkádeaddji P:v('rávvet',TV,ind,pr,3sg) rávve <==== Od:icl Od:n('skohter#vuoddji',pl,acc) skohtervuddjiid <==== =Od: @-FADVL:adv('várrugasat') várrugasat <==== =A:adv H:v('mátkkoštit',IV,inf) mátkkoštit <==== =P:v(inf) . Od:cl =@>N:pron('dát',,sg,gen) dán =A:n('jahki',sg,gen) jagi =P:v('leat',IV,ind,pr,3sg) lea =@>N:adj('erenoamán',attr) erenoamán =@>N:adj('headju',attr) heajos =S:n('jiekŋa',sg,nom) jiekŋa =A:n('johka',pl,loc) jogain . SUBJ V O Dihkkádeaddji rávve _____________________________________ | | | skohtervuddjiid várrogasat mátkkoštit A solution with attributes: SUBJ V O Dihkkádeaddji rávve skohtervuddjiid | mátkkoštit | várrogasat ======= I get a different analysis now: SME1 Dihkkádeaddji rávve skohtervuddjiid várrugasat mátkkoštit, go dán jagi lea erenoamán heajos jiekŋa jogain. A1 S:TV('dihkkádit',actor,n,sg,nom,) Dihkkádeaddji P:v('rávvet',TV,ind,pr,3sg) rávve Od:n('skohter#vuoddji',pl,acc) skohtervuddjiid @-FADVL:adv('várrugasat') várrugasat H:v('mátkkoštit',IV,inf) mátkkoštit , Od:cl =@>N:pron('dát',,sg,gen) dán =A:n('jahki',sg,gen) jagi =P:v('leat',IV,ind,pr,3sg) lea =@>N:adj('erenoamán',attr) erenoamán =@>N:adj('headju',attr) heajos =S:n('jiekŋa',sg,nom) jiekŋa =A:n('johka',pl,loc) jogain =. TT: These are the Accusative with Infinitive constructions. TT: visl does them like this: SOURCE: AN INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH SENTENCE ANALYSIS, EXERCISE 9.A 9.A3) The bowler hat made him look like a retired general. A1 STA:cl S:g =D:art('the',) The =D:n('bowler',sg,nom) bowler =H:n('hat',sg,nom) hat P:v('make',fin,impf) made Od:cl =S:pron('he', m,3sg,acc) him =P:v('look',nfin,inf) look =Cs:g ==H:prp like ==D:g ===D:art('a',) a ===D:adj retired ===H:n('general',sg,nom) general && A2 STA:cl S:g =D:art('the',) The =D:n('bowler',sg,nom) bowler =H:n('hat',sg,nom) hat P:v('make',fin,impf) made Od:pron('he', m,3sg,acc) him Co:cl =P:v('look',nfin,inf) look =Cs:g ==H:prp like ==D:g ===D:art('a',) a ===D:adj retired ===H:n('general',sg,nom) general Thus, the accusative is analysed as the subject of the infinitive ("look", in our example "mátkkoštit"): For us, this would imply: Od:g =S:n('skohter#vuoddji',pl,acc) skohtervuddjiid =A:adv('várrugasat') várrugasat =P:v('mátkkoštit',IV,inf) mátkkoštit LA: I think we have to go for this solution, that S can be Acc when the verbal is infinite. >>>>>>> 1.2 TRICKY (seammálágan) SOURCE: text SME902 Son rávve olbmuid čuovvut skohtermáđii dárkilit go sáhttá leat suddi goappašiid beale luotta. A1 S:pron('son',,3sg,nom) Son P:v('rávvet',TV,ind,pr,3sg) rávve Od:n('olmmoš',pl,acc) olbmuid H:v('čuovvut',TV,inf) čuovvut <==== ?? @-FOBJ:n('skohter#máđii',sg,acc) skohtermáđii A:adv('dárkil',) dárkilit Od:cl =P:g ==D:vaux:v('sáhttit',IV,ind,pr,3sg) sáhttá ==H:v('leat',IV,inf) leat =S:n('suddi',sg,nom) suddi =A:g ==D:pron('goappašat',,pl,gen) goappašiid ==H:prp-pre('beale') beale =D:n('luodda',sg,gen) luotta =. Now: Od:g =H:n('olmmoš',pl,acc) olbmuid =D:v('čuovvut',TV,inf) čuovvut Od:n('skohter#máđii',sg,acc) skohtermáđii A:adv('dárkil',) dárkilit According to the visl AcI analysis: Od:g =S:n('olmmoš',pl,acc) olbmuid =P:v('čuovvut',TV,inf) čuovvut =Od:n('skohter#máđii',sg,acc) skohtermáđii =A:adv('dárkil',) dárkilit LA: TRICKY - I don´t know how it should be when there is a Po inbetween. I have suggested the same kind of solution as in DBM17, ".. avtaler med USA som gir amerikanerne myndighet.." TT: I suggest a similar solution (see below) but it might be I lost track somewhere. SME1 Su vuosttaš girji bođii jagi 1986, ja girji lea muitalus nuorra sámenieidda birra gii šaddá bajás internáhtas. A1 <==== STA:par <==== =CJT:cl S:g =D:pron('son',,3sg,gen) Su <===== =D:adj('vuosttaš',ord,attr) vuosttaš<==== = =H:n('girji',sg,nom) girji <==== = P:v('boahtit',IV,ind,impf,3sg) bođii <==== = A:g <==== = =H:n('jahki',sg,gen) jagi <==== = =D:num('1986',sg,nom) 1986 <==== = , SUB:conj-s('ja') ja <==== =CC:conj <==== =CJT:cl S:n('girji',sg,nom) girji <==== = P:v('leat',IV,ind,pr,3sg) lea <==== = Cs:n('muitalus',sg,nom) muitalus <==== = A:g <==== = <==== =H:g 1 =D:g <==== ==D:g 2 ==D:adj('nuorra',attr) nuorra <==== ===D:adj 3 ==H:n('sáme#nieida',sg,gen)sámenieidda <==== ===H:n 3 =H:prp-post('birra') birra <==== ==H:prp 2 <==== ===-D:cl 3 <====== In the same level as "sámenieidda" which the Rel points at S:pron('gii',,sg,nom) gii <==== ====S:pron P:v('šaddat',IV,ind,pr,3sg) šaddá <==== ====P:v A:adv('bajás') bajás <==== ====A:adv A:n('internáhtta',sg,loc) internáhtas <==== ====A:adv . 1 2 3 32 1 ( (nuorra (sámenieidda)) birra) (gii šaddá bajás internáhtas.) | | | ---------------- So, this is a discintinuous constituent. What about this solution? LA: This one doesn´t work in the visl Tree Builder. SME1 Su vuosttaš girji bođii jagi 1986, ja girji lea muitalus nuorra sámenieidda birra gii šaddá bajás internáhtas. A1 S:g =D:pron('son',,3sg,gen) Su =D:adj('vuosttaš',ord,attr) vuosttaš =H:n('girji',sg,nom) girji P:v('boahtit',IV,ind,impf,3sg) bođii A:g =H:n('jahki',sg,gen) jagi =D:num('1986',sg,nom) 1986 , SUB:conj-s('ja') ja S:n('girji',sg,nom) girji P:v('leat',IV,ind,pr,3sg) lea Cs:g =H:n('muitalus',sg,nom) muitalus =D:g ==D:g- ===D:adj('nuorra',attr) nuorra ===H:n('sáme#nieida',sg,gen) sámenieidda ==H:prp-post('birra') birra ==-D:g ===D:cl ====S:pron('gii',,sg,nom) gii ====P:v('šaddat',IV,ind,pr,3sg) šaddá ====A:adv('bajás') bajás ====A:n('internáhtta',sg,loc) internáhtas . TT: Hmm, I would have liked to see this in a tree structure, but this is what I can figure out now. LA: same solution as TT, but with -D:cl instead of -D:g + =D:cl, as in DBM17, and with phrasemarkings. This one works well in the visl Tree Builder. SME1 Su vuosttaš girji bođii jagi 1986, ja girji lea muitalus nuorra sámenieidda birra gii šaddá bajás internáhtas. A1 STA:par CJT:cl =S:g ==D:pron('son',,3sg,gen) Su ==D:adj('vuosttaš',ord,attr) vuosttaš ==H:n('girji',sg,nom) girji =P:v('boahtit',IV,ind,impf,3sg) bođii =A:g ==H:n('jahki',sg,gen) jagi ==D:num('1986',sg,nom) 1986 , CC:conj-s('ja') ja CJT:cl =S:n('girji',sg,nom) girji =P:v('leat',IV,ind,pr,3sg) lea =Cs:g ==H:n('muitalus',sg,nom) muitalus ==D:g ===D:g- ====D:adj('nuorra',attr) nuorra ====H:n('sáme#nieida',sg,gen) sámenieidda ===H:prp-post('birra') birra ===-D:cl ====S:pron('gii',,sg,nom) gii ====P:v('šaddat',IV,ind,pr,3sg) šaddá ====A:adv('bajás') bajás ====A:n('internáhtta',sg,loc) internáhtas . LA: Here is an (perhaps better) alternative which makes "nuorra sámenieidda" to head for the relative sub-clause to D. SME1 Su vuosttaš girji bođii jagi 1986, ja girji lea muitalus nuorra sámenieidda birra gii šaddá bajás internáhtas. A1 STA:par CJT:cl =S:g ==D:pron('son',,3sg,gen) Su ==D:adj('vuosttaš',ord,attr) vuosttaš ==H:n('girji',sg,nom) girji =P:v('boahtit',IV,ind,impf,3sg) bođii =A:g ==H:n('jahki',sg,gen) jagi ==D:num('1986',sg,nom) 1986 , CC:conj-s('ja') ja CJT:cl =S:n('girji',sg,nom) girji =P:v('leat',IV,ind,pr,3sg) lea =Cs:g ==H:n('muitalus',sg,nom) muitalus ==D:g ===D:g ====H:g- =====D:adj('nuorra',attr) nuorra =====H:n('sáme#nieida',sg,gen) sámenieidda ===H:prp-post('birra') birra ====-D:cl =====S:pron('gii',,sg,nom) gii =====P:v('šaddat',IV,ind,pr,3sg) šaddá =====A:adv('bajás') bajás =====A:n('internáhtta',sg,loc) internáhtas .