!!! Meeting 15.01.14 Participants: Jack, Sulev, Heli. !!Agenda: * Computer for Sulev * Work on Võro FST * Lexicon for Leksa * Next meeting !! Computer for Sulev A Mac laptop has been ordered. !! Work on Võro FST Jack and Sulev are continuously working on it. !! Lexicon for Leksa * Dictionary of basic vocabulary (ca 2000-3000 words) - how to obtain that? There is an online dictionary synaq.org that even has links to pronunciations (audio files in .vaw and .mp3 formats). We can extract a frequency dictionary from the "Uma leht" corpus. Example of a source file of synaq.org? The structure of the dictionary entry? Semantic tags are needed for Leksa. !GOALS: * __Heli__ will contact Heiki: Sulev needs a Mac laptop. * __Jack, Sulev__ will continue working on Võro morhpological finite state transducer. Include more words from main/langs/vro/src/morphology/missingfreq.txt and at least one word from each inflection type. * __Sulev__ will ask the developer of synaq.org about an example source file of the dictionary. !!Next meeting 5. February 10.00 Estonian/Finnish time semantilised klassid, sagedussõnastik synaq.org - ressursside all või otselink sõnastikuartikli juurde, kus on hääldus, näitelaused vms.