Here is the trick to work with multilingual input: Problem: - from csv to xml, the file names are generated automatically according to the source and target language - now Lene wanted to have multilingual input, hence the generated names look like: A_fkvnob_fin_eng.xml - the reverting script takes only ONE target language for the naming of the reverted files, namely the first after the src lang, here 'nob' Solution: - the multilingual input files have to be renamed for each run so that the generated files can be created correctly. Example: 1. first run the revert script as usual: __input__ the xml-out contains files named as: A_fkvnob_fin_eng.xml Adv_fkvnob_fin_eng.xml ... __commando__ java -Xmx2024m net.sf.saxon.Transform -it:main revert_oahpa-lexicon.xsl inDir=xml-out slang=fkv tlang=nob 2. then rename the files from the xml-out directory with the script __commando__ sh __input for the reversion to fin__ tmp_revert_multilingual_input>ls xml-out/ A_fkvfin.xml MWE_fkvfin.xml POS_fkvfin.xml Pr_fkvfin.xml Adv_fkvfin.xml N_fkvfin.xml Po_fkvfin.xml V_fkvfin.xml __commando__ java -Xmx2024m net.sf.saxon.Transform -it:main revert_oahpa-lexicon.xsl inDir=xml-out slang=fkv tlang=fin 3. the rename the files from the xml-out directory with the script __commando__ sh __input for the reversion to eng__ tmp_revert_multilingual_input>ls xml-out/ A_fkveng.xml MWE_fkveng.xml POS_fkveng.xml Pr_fkveng.xml Adv_fkveng.xml N_fkveng.xml Po_fkveng.xml V_fkveng.xml __commando__ java -Xmx2024m net.sf.saxon.Transform -it:main revert_oahpa-lexicon.xsl inDir=xml-out slang=fkv tlang=eng Done!