{% extends "mgame.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block gamename %}{{ settings.gamename }}{% endblock %} {% block instructions %} {% if settings.gametype == "bare" %} {% trans "Put each noun in its correct form. Click on a word for its translation." %} {% elif settings.gametype == "context" %} {% if settings.case_context == 'N-PL' %} {% trans "Complete the response to the question by entering the plural form of the noun given in brackets." %} {% elif settings.case_context == 'N-LOC' %} {% trans "Complete the response to the question by entering the locative form of the noun given in brackets." %} {% else %} {% trans "Complete the response to the question by entering the correct possessive form of the noun." %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block subsetting %} {% ifequal settings.gametype "bare" %}