import sys import circuits from circuits import Component, Debugger, handler from import TCPServer from import write import threading # TODO: error log file class Telnet(Component): channel = "server" def init(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize our ``ChatServer`` Component. This uses the convenience ``init`` method which is called after the component is properly constructed and initialized and passed the same args and kwargs that were passed during construction. """ self.args = args self.opts = kwargs self.utilities = self.opts.pop('utilities') self.clients = {} if self.opts['debug']: Debugger().register(self) address, port = self.opts['bind'] port = int(port) bind = (address, port) TCPServer(bind).register(self) def broadcast(self, data, exclude=None): exclude = exclude or [] targets = (sock for sock in self.clients.keys() if sock not in exclude) for target in targets:, data)) def connect(self, sock, host, port): """Connect Event -- Triggered for new connecting clients""" self.clients[sock] = { "host": sock, "port": port, "state": { "utility": None, "registered": False } }, b"")) def disconnect(self, sock): """Disconnect Event -- Triggered for disconnecting clients""" if sock not in self.clients: return utility = self.clients[sock]["state"]["utility"] del self.clients[sock] def read(self, sock, data): """Read Event -- Triggered for when client connections have data""" print repr(data) try: data = data.strip().decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: data = "" return data_included = False if not self.clients[sock]["state"]["registered"]: d = data.replace('\n','') utility = d # maybe user included data already if utility not in self.utilities: utility, _, data = data.partition('\n') if utility in self.utilities: data_included = True if utility not in self.utilities: return "ERROR: nonexistent utility" self.clients[sock]["state"]["registered"] = True self.clients[sock]["state"]["utility"] = utility if not data_included: return "" else: utility = self.clients[sock]["state"]["utility"] # Client sends null data, so we close the socket and disconnect # them. if not data_included: if not data.strip(): self.disconnect(sock) sock.close() return # Otherwise send data off for lookup # utility = self.clients[sock]["state"]["utility"] if not utility: return "" u = self.utilities.get(utility, False) if not u: return "ERROR: nonexistent utility" utility_queue = u.get('queue') utility_socket = utility_queue.socket utility_socket.send(data.encode('utf-8')) message = utility_socket.recv() return message class TelnetListener(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, server_options, utilities): self.options = server_options self.utilities = utilities = "" self.port = self.options.get('port') threading.Thread.__init__(self) # threading: Die when app dies. self.setDaemon(True) def run(self): # do whatever to run server and handle clients from circuits import Debugger print 'preparing telnet host on <%s:%d>' % (, self.port) self.t = Telnet(bind=(, self.port), utilities=self.utilities, debug=True) # listen for work, and perform work while True: time.sleep(0.02)