from local_conf import LLL1 import importlib oahpa_module = importlib.import_module(LLL1+'_oahpa') tls = importlib.import_module(LLL1+'') cvs = importlib.import_module(LLL1+'') cds = importlib.import_module(LLL1+'') from django.template import Context, RequestContext, loader from django.db.models import Q from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404 from django.shortcuts import get_list_or_404 from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from random import randint from game import * from forms import * from qagame import * from sahka import * from cealkka import * # comment this out # DEBUG = open('/dev/ttys001', 'w') # This is some crazy voodoo for course tracking # render_to_response needs to be imported from here because it # applies a context attribute to the returned response so that # the trackGrade decorator can work. render_to_response = cvs.render_to_response trackGrade = cds.trackGrade def index(request): c = { 'jee': "joku arvo", } return render_to_response(request, 'oahpa_main.html', c) def updating(request): c = { 'jee': "joku arvo", } return render_to_response(request, 'updating.html', c) class Gameview(object): """ Gameview is instantiated with a Settings object and a Game object, then called with create_game() game = GameView(drill.forms.Settings, Alter settings as necessary... game.settings['pos'] = pos.capitalize8) game.settings['gametype'] = "bare" Then run create_game with the request, which checks for POST or GET data, adjusts settings, and instantiates various$qagame objects, and returns a context. c = game.create_game(request) If there are any additional settings which are always set, these may be set by overriding the additional_settings method. (See documentation on that method.) """ def register_logs(self, request, game, settings_form): """ Grab all the logs that were generated from a form, and append them to the request session """ request.user_logs_generated = [ f.last_log for f in game.form_list if hasattr(f, 'last_log') ] # Use this to track whether the user switches away from the # current exercise, if they do, then we can optionally stop # tracking activity. exercise_params = request.path_info + self.create_deeplink(game, settings_form) request.session['current_exercise_params'] = exercise_params request.session['all_correct'] = game.all_correct in [1, True, 'True', 'true'] request.session['set_completed'] = request.session['all_correct'] or \ game.show_correct in [1, True, 'True', 'true'] request.session['new_game'] = game.is_new_game def __init__(self, settingsclass, gameclass): self.SettingsClass = settingsclass self.GameClass = gameclass self.init_settings() def init_settings(self): show_data = 0 self.settings = {} def deeplink_keys(self, game, settings_form): """ Return a list of keys that should be included in the deep link. This is not really obligatory to be set on every class, because the default behavior is to just display all keys in the deep link. """ return False def create_deeplink(self, game, settings_form): """ Produces a string of all of the settings parameters. """ keys = self.SettingsClass().fields.keys() values = {} for key in keys: val = False if key in val =[key] elif key in self.settings: val = self.settings[key] if val: if type(val) == list: val = ','.join(val) values[key] = val key_filter = self.deeplink_keys(game, settings_form) if key_filter: key_values = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in values.iteritems() if k in key_filter] else: key_values = ['%s=%s' % k for k in values.iteritems()] return '?' + '&'.join(key_values) def change_game_settings(self, game): """ If any settings need to be set before Game.new_game is called, they are set here. """ return game def additional_settings(self, settings_form): """ Override this method if any additional settings need to be applied to the game before it returns a context. This is called within the create_game method, before the game's correspodning Game class is instantiated. If for example, default initial frequency, semtype, or case settings need to be set, these are set here. self.settings['geography'] = 'world' self.settings['frequency'] = ['common'] These settings will of course be overridden by whatever the user selects through the user interface. """ pass def set_gamename(self): """ Sets the courses log name subtype for the game. """ if 'gamename_key' not in self.settings: self.settings['gamename_key'] = self.settings['gametype'] def getSettingsForm(self, request, initial_kwargs=False): """ Set self.settings and return settings_form (a SettingsForm instance) and is_new_game, a boolean value that is True if a user has just landed on the particular game, or whether the user has adjusted the settings and created a new set. Goal here is to deal with all of the GET/POST differences, such that other methods can act on the resulting data without worrying about whether has come via POST or GET. This function must be as general as possible, and not contain reference to individual SettingsForm fields, since these differ across games. initial_kwargs may be specified if the SettingsForm instance is to be instantiated with any additional settings, such as initial_transtype. """ new_game = False # Get the form data, or URL get variables. if request.method == 'GET': data_src = request.GET new_game = True # presence of GET data means always a new game elif request.method == 'POST': data_src = request.POST # Instantiate settings class if initial_kwargs: settings_form = self.SettingsClass(data_src, **initial_kwargs) else: settings_form = self.SettingsClass(data_src) # If the settings form has any data in it, the user has modified # settings or just come to Oahpa via a link with GET data. It is most # likely that the user has come by link, and thus we need to fill out # the settings form values with the default initial values that were # not specified in the link. if len( > 0: post_like_data = # set initial values... for field, val in self.SettingsClass().fields.iteritems(): if field not in post_like_data: post_like_data[field] = val.initial else: # User has not arrived by a link, or they have and there were no # settings specified. post_like_data = False if post_like_data: # Recreate form with URL variables and default values included settings_form = self.SettingsClass(post_like_data) settings_source = else: # Create the form, because none of the above conditions were true if initial_kwargs: settings_form = self.SettingsClass(**initial_kwargs) else: settings_form = self.SettingsClass() settings_source = settings_form.default_data new_game = True # All form creation operations are complete, so now we copy form values # to the game settings object. for k in settings_source.keys(): if k not in self.settings: self.settings[k] = settings_source[k] # Settings values which aren't set from the form, but from the session if request.session.has_key('country'): self.settings['user_country'] = request.session['country'] else: self.settings['user_country'] = False if request.session.has_key('dialect'): self.settings['dialect'] = request.session['dialect'] if request.session.has_key('django_language'): self.settings['language'] = request.session['django_language'] else: self.settings['language'] = request.COOKIES.get("django_language", None) if not self.settings['language']: self.settings['language'] = request.LANGUAGE_CODE request.session['django_language'] = request.LANGUAGE_CODE print "get_settings_form language: "+self.settings['language'] if request.user.is_authenticated(): request_user = request.user else: request_user = False self.settings['user'] = request_user #if hasattr(request, 'LANGUAGE_CODE'): # self.settings['language'] = request.LANGUAGE_CODE # TODO: should probably be moved out # to individual game object self.syll_settings(settings_form) # If 'settings' exists in data, user has clicked 'new set' if 'settings' in new_game = True return settings, settings_form, new_game def create_game(self, request, **init_kwargs): """ Instantiate the Game object, check answers and return the context for the view. """ # Grab form POST data, or URL GET data. settings, settings_form, is_new_game = self.getSettingsForm(request, initial_kwargs=init_kwargs) # Apply whatever additional settings need to be made self.additional_settings(settings_form) # Create the game class. If the game is new, self.settings will not # contain any word or wordform data, and thus GameClass will select # random words and create the question/answers. If a game is in # progress, it will reselect the existing values from the game form, # and check whether or not the answers are correct or incorrect. game = self.GameClass(self.settings) self.set_gamename() if is_new_game: game = self.change_game_settings(game) game.new_game() game.is_new_game = True else: game = self.change_game_settings(game) game.check_game( game.get_score( game.is_new_game = False if 'test' in game.count = 1 if "show_correct" in game.show_correct = 1 return self.context(request, game, settings_form) class Leksaview(Gameview): def additional_settings(self, settings_form): self.settings['allsem'] = settings_form.allsem self.settings['frequency'] = None self.settings['geography'] = None # settings_form.default_data['transtype'] = default_langpair def set_gamename(self): transtype = self.settings['transtype'] semtype = self.settings['semtype'] if type(semtype) == list: semtype = ', '.join(semtype) self.settings['gamename_key'] = "%s - %s" % (semtype, transtype) def context(self, request, game, settings_form): self.register_logs(request, game, settings_form) return { 'settingsform': settings_form, 'settings' : self.settings, 'forms': game.form_list, 'count': game.count, 'score': game.score, 'comment': game.comment, 'all_correct': game.all_correct, 'show_correct': game.show_correct, 'deeplink': self.create_deeplink(game, settings_form), } class LeksaPlaceview(Gameview): def additional_settings(self, settings_form): def true_false_filter(val): if val in ['on', 'On', u'on', u'On']: return True else: return False self.settings['allsem'] = [] self.settings['semtype'] = "PLACE_LEKSA" self.settings['geography'] = 'world' self.settings['frequency'] = ['common'] # added self.settings['allsem'] = settings_form.allsem # settings_form.default_data['transtype'] = default_langpair self.settings['frequency'] = [] # NOTE: Checkboxes as choices seem to be weird, thus more complex logic # I wonder if the problem is that the form is not being validated # Because it seems like there's a lot of code getting around this fact if 'common' in if true_false_filter(['common']): self.settings['frequency'].append('common')['common'] = 'on' else:['common'] = None if 'rare' in self.settings['frequency'].append('rare') if true_false_filter(['rare']): self.settings['frequency'].append('rare')['rare'] = 'on' else:['rare'] = None # if len(self.settings['frequency']) == 0: # self.settings['frequency'].append('common') self.settings['geography'] = [] if 'geography' in self.settings['geography'] =['geography'] def deeplink_keys(self, game, settings_form): return ['semtype', 'geography', 'common', 'rare', 'transtype', 'source'] def set_gamename(self): geog = self.settings['geography'] freq = ', '.join(self.settings['frequency']) self.settings['gamename_key'] = "Place - %s - %s" % (geog, freq) def context(self, request, game, settings_form): self.register_logs(request, game, settings_form) return { 'settingsform': settings_form, 'settings' : self.settings, 'forms': game.form_list, 'count': game.count, 'score': game.score, 'comment': game.comment, 'all_correct': game.all_correct, 'show_correct': game.show_correct, 'deeplink': self.create_deeplink(game, settings_form), } @trackGrade("Leksa") def leksa_game(request, place=False): if place: leksagame = LeksaPlaceview(LeksaSettings, QuizzGame) template = 'leksa_place.html' else: leksagame = Leksaview(LeksaSettings, QuizzGame) template = 'leksa.html' sess_lang = request.session.get('django_language') if sess_lang: sess_lang = switch_language_code(sess_lang) if sess_lang == 'myv': sess_lang = 'eng' # was: nob else: sess_lang = 'eng' # was: nob default_langpair = 'myv%s' % sess_lang c = leksagame.create_game(request, initial_transtype=default_langpair) return render_to_response(request, template, c) class Numview(Gameview): def set_gamename(self): self.settings['gamename_key'] = '' def deeplink_keys(self, game, settings_form): keys = ['numgame', 'maxnum'] if self.GameClass == Klokka: keys.append('gametype') return keys def context(self, request, game, settings_form): self.register_logs(request, game, settings_form) return { 'settingsform': settings_form, 'settings' : self.settings, 'forms': game.form_list, 'count': game.count, 'score': game.score, 'comment': game.comment, 'all_correct': game.all_correct, 'show_correct': game.show_correct, 'gametype': self.settings['numgame'], 'deeplink': self.create_deeplink(game, settings_form), # 'numstring': numstring, } @trackGrade("Numra clock") def num_clock(request): numgame = Numview(KlokkaSettings, Klokka) # numgame.settings['gametype'] = clocktype c = numgame.create_game(request) return render_to_response(request, 'clock.html', c) @trackGrade("Numra ordinal") def num_ord(request): numgame = Numview(NumSettings, NumGame) numgame.settings['gametype'] = "ord" c = numgame.create_game(request) return render_to_response(request, 'num_ord.html', c) @trackGrade("Numra cardinal") def num(request): numgame = Numview(NumSettings, NumGame) numgame.settings['gametype'] = "card" c = numgame.create_game(request) return render_to_response(request, 'num.html', c) @trackGrade("Numra dato") def dato(request): datogame = Numview(DatoSettings, Dato) c = datogame.create_game(request) return render_to_response(request, 'dato.html', c) # Translation of gamenames takes place in the templates mgame_n.html etc. # because they have to be available in two different languages - in Saami on the # interface and in the interface language chosen by the user in the translation # tooltips. class Morfaview(Gameview): gamenames = { 'ATTR': _('Practise attributes'), 'A-ATTR': _('Practise attributes'), 'A-NOM': _('Practise adjectives in nominative'), 'A-ILL': _('Practise adjectives in illative'), 'A-ACC': _('Practise adjectives in accusative'), 'A-COM': _('Practise adjectives in comitative'), 'A-ESS': _('Practise adjectives in essive'), 'A-GEN': _('Practise adjectives in genitive'), 'A-NOM-PL': _('Practise adjectives in plural'), 'N-LOC': _('Practise adjectives in locative'), 'A-COMP': _('Practise comparative'), 'A-SUPERL': _('Practise superlative'), 'V-DER': _('Practise verb derivation'), 'V-DER-PASS': _('Practise verb passive derivation'), 'DER-PASSV': _('Practise verb passive derivation'), 'A-DER-V': _('Practise adjective to verb derivation'), 'N-PX-GROUP1': _('Practise noun possessive suffixes'), 'N-PX-GROUP2': _('Practise noun possessive suffixes'), 'N-PX-GROUP3': _('Practise noun possessive suffixes'), 'PX-ACC': _('Practise noun possessive suffixes in accusative'), 'PX-ILL': _('Practise noun possessive suffixes in illative'), 'PX-LOC': _('Practise noun possessive suffixes in locative'), 'PX-GEN': _('Practise noun possessive suffixes in genitive'), 'PX-COM': _('Practise noun possessive suffixes in comitative'), 'N-PX': _('Practice noun possessive suffixes in singular'), 'N-PX-PL': _('Practice noun possessive suffixes in plural'), 'ATTRPOS': _('Practise attributes in positive'), 'ATTRCOMP': _('Practise attributes in comparative'), 'ATTRSUP': _('Practise attributes in superlative'), 'PREDPOS': _('Practise predicative in positive'), 'PREDCOMP': _('Practise predicative in comparative'), 'PREDSUP': _('Practise predicative in superlative'), 'NUM-ATTR': _('Practise numeral attributes'), 'N-NOM-PL': _('Practise plural nominative indefinite'), 'N-PL-GEN-DEF': _('Practice plural genitive definite'), 'N-NOM-DEF': _('Practice singular nominative definite'), 'N-PL-NOM-DEF': _('Practice plural nominative definite'), 'N-GEN-DEF': _('Practice singular genitive definite'), 'N-PL-GEN-DEF': _('Practice plural genitive definite'), 'N-DAT-DEF': _('Practice singular dative definite'), 'N-PL-DAT-DEF': _('Practice plural dative definite'), 'N-PL-ILL-DEF': _('Practice plural illative definite'), 'N-ABL-DEF': _('Practice singular ablative definite'), 'N-PL-ABL-DEF': _('Practice plural ablative definite'), 'N-ELA-DEF': _('Practice singular elative definite'), 'N-PL-ELA-DEF': _('Practice plural elative definite'), 'N-INE-DEF': _('Practice singular inessive definite'), 'N-PL-INE-DEF': _('Practice plural inessive definite'), 'N-PRL-DEF': _('Practice singular prolative definite'), 'N-PL-PRL-DEF': _('Practice plural prolative definite'), 'N-CMPR-DEF': _('Practice singular comparative definite'), 'N-PL-CMPR-DEF': _('Practice plural comparative definite'), 'N-PL-TRA-DEF': _('Practice plural translative definite'), 'N-ABE-DEF': _('Practice singular abessive definite'), 'N-PL-ABE-DEF': _('Practice plural abessive definite'), 'NOM': _('Practise nominative'), 'N-NOM': _('Practise nominative'), 'N-DAT': _('Practise dative indefinite'), 'N-GEN': _('Practise genitive indefinite'), 'N-ILL': _('Practise illative indefinite'), 'N-INE': _('Practise inessive indefinite'), 'N-ELA': _('Practise elative indefinite'), 'N-ABL': _('Practise ablative indefinite'), 'N-ABE': _('Practise abessive indefinite'), 'N-COM': _('Practise comitative indefinite'), 'N-CMPR': _('Practise comparative indefinite'), 'N-PRL': _('Practise prolative indefinite'), 'N-TRA': _('Practise translative indefinite'), 'N-LAT': _('Practise lative indefinite'), 'N-MIX': _('Practise a mix'), 'V-MIX': _('Practise a mix'), 'A-MIX': _('Practise a mix'), 'P-MIX': _('Practise a mix'), 'NUM-ILL': _('Practise numerals in illative'), 'NUM-ACC': _('Practise numerals in accusative'), 'NUM-COM': _('Practise numerals in comitative'), 'NUM-ESS': _('Practise numerals in essive'), 'NUM-GEN': _('Practise numerals in genitive'), 'NUM-NOM-PL': _('Practise numerals in plural'), 'NUM-LOC': _('Practise numerals in locative'), 'COLL-NUM': _('Practise collective numerals'), 'ORD-NUM': _('Practise ordinal numbers'), 'ORD-N-ILL': _('Practise ordinal numerals in illative'), 'ORD-N-ACC': _('Practise ordinal numerals in accusative'), 'ORD-N-COM': _('Practise ordinal numerals in comitative'), 'ORD-N-ESS': _('Practise ordinal numerals in essive'), 'ORD-N-GEN': _('Practise ordinal numerals in genitive'), 'ORD-N-NOM-PL': _('Practise ordinal numerals in plural'), 'ORD-N-LOC': _('Practise ordinal numerals in locative'), 'COLL-N-ILL': _('Practise collective numerals in illative'), 'COLL-N-ACC': _('Practise collective numerals in accusative'), 'COLL-N-COM': _('Practise collective numerals in comitative'), 'COLL-N-ESS': _('Practise collective numerals in essive'), 'COLL-N-GEN': _('Practise collective numerals in genitive'), 'COLL-NOMPL': _('Practise collective numerals in plural'), 'COLL-N-LOC': _('Practise collective numerals in locative'), 'PRS': _('Practise present'), 'PRT1': _('Practise first preterit'), 'PRT2': _('Practise second preterit'), 'PRF': _('Practise perfect'), 'GER': _('Practise gerund'), 'COND': _('Practise conditional'), 'IMPRT': _('Practise imperative'), 'POT': _('Practise potential'), 'V-PRS': _('Practise present'), 'V-PRT1': _('Practise first preterit'), 'V-PRT2': _('Practise second preterit'), 'V-PRF': _('Practise perfect'), 'V-GER': _('Practise gerund'), 'V-COND': _('Practise conditional'), 'V-IMPRT': _('Practise imperative'), 'V-POT': _('Practise potential'), 'P-PERS': _('Practise personal pronouns'), 'P-RECIPR': _('Practise reciprocative pronouns'), 'P-REFL': _('Practise reflexive pronouns'), 'P-REL': _('Practise relative pronouns'), 'P-DEM': _('Practise demonstrative pronouns'), } def syll_settings(self,settings_form): def true_false_filter(val): if val in ['on', 'On', u'on', u'On','True']: return True else: return False bisyl ='bisyllabic', None) trisyl ='trisyllabic', None) cont ='contracted', None) if 'syll' not in self.settings: self.settings['syll'] = [] # Special treatment of['bisyllabic'] since # it is set by default. if true_false_filter(bisyl): self.settings['syll'].append('2syll')['bisyllabic'] = 'on' else:['bisyllabic'] = None if true_false_filter(trisyl): self.settings['syll'].append('3syll')['trisyllabic'] = 'on' else:['trisyllabic'] = None if true_false_filter(cont): self.settings['syll'].append('Csyll')['contracted'] = 'on' else:['contracted'] = None if len(self.settings['syll']) == 0: self.settings['syll'].append('2syll') self.settings['syll'] = list(set(self.settings['syll'])) def deeplink_keys(self, game, settings_form): """ The MorfaSettings form has a lot of values in it, so we need to prune the deeplink values down a bit. The reason there is a need for logic here is because all of the values in the MorfaSettings form are set regardless of what game type it is. Other game types only have the corresponding values set to each subtype. """ if self.settings['gametype'] == "bare": if self.settings['pos'] == 'N': return ['case', 'bisyllabic', 'trisyllabic', 'contracted', 'book',] if self.settings['pos'] == 'V': return ['vtype', 'bisyllabic', 'trisyllabic', 'contracted', 'book',] if self.settings['pos'] == 'A': return ['adjcase', 'grade', 'bisyllabic', 'trisyllabic', 'contracted', 'book',] if self.settings['pos'] == 'Pron': return ['pron_type', 'proncase'] if self.settings['pos'] == 'Num': return ['num_bare', 'num_level', 'num_type', 'book'] # added num_type else: if self.settings['pos'] == 'N': return ['case_context'] if self.settings['pos'] == 'V': return ['vtype_context'] if self.settings['pos'] == 'A': return ['adj_context'] if self.settings['pos'] == 'Pron': return ['pron_context', 'wordform_type'] if self.settings['pos'] == 'Num': return ['num_context'] def context(self, request, game, settings_form): self.register_logs(request, game, settings_form) return { 'settingsform': settings_form, 'settings' : self.settings, 'forms': game.form_list, 'count': game.count, 'score': game.score, 'comment': game.comment, 'all_correct': game.all_correct, 'show_correct': game.show_correct, 'language' : self.settings['language'], 'deeplink': self.create_deeplink(game, settings_form), } def additional_settings(self, settings_form): self.settings['allcase'] = settings_form.allcase self.syll_settings(settings_form) self.settings['allnum_type'] = settings_form.allnum_type # added by Heli def set_gamename(self): subname = False # Create a gamename which will be used in log entries. # N-ILL if self.settings['pos'] == "N": if self.settings['gametype'] == "bare": gamename_key = self.settings['case'] else: gamename_key = self.settings['case_context'] # N-ILL, etc. if self.settings['pos'] == "Pron": if self.settings['gametype'] == "bare": gamename_key = self.settings['proncase'] subname = self.settings['pron_type'] # dem, recipr, etc. else: gamename_key = self.settings['pron_context'] # TODO: reciprocative, wordform_type? # N-LOC - level 1/2 if self.settings['pos'] == "Num": if self.settings['gametype'] == "bare": if not self.settings['num_type'] or self.settings['num_type'] == 'CARD': gamename_key = self.settings['num_bare'] else: gamename_key = '%s-%s' % (self.settings['num_type'], self.settings['num_bare']) subname = 'level %s' % str(self.settings['num_level']) else: gamename_key = self.settings['num_context'] # PRS if self.settings['pos'] == "V": if self.settings['gametype'] == "bare": gamename_key = self.settings['vtype'] else: gamename_key = self.settings['vtype_context'] # ATTR - COMP if self.settings['pos'] == "A": if self.settings['gametype'] == "bare": gamename_key = self.settings['adjcase'] subname = self.settings['grade'] else: gamename_key = self.settings['adj_context'] # A-DER-V if self.settings['pos'] == "Der": if self.settings['gametype'] == "bare": gamename_key = self.settings['derivation_type'] else: gamename_key = self.settings['derivation_type_context'] # Px if self.settings['pos'] == "Px": if self.settings['gametype'] == "bare": gamename_key = self.settings['possessive_type'] else: gamename_key = self.settings['possessive_case_context'] self.settings['gamename'] = self.gamenames[gamename_key] names = [self.settings['pos'], gamename_key] if subname: names.append(subname) # 2syll/3syll/Csyll if 'syll' in self.settings: sylls = '/'.join(self.settings['syll']) else: sylls = '' # Append syllable types if set if sylls and self.settings['pos'] not in ["Pron", "Num"]: names.append(sylls) #if 'num_type' in self.settings: # added by Heli. I am not sure if it works. # num_type = self.settings['num_type'] # names.append(num_type) self.settings['gamename_key'] = ' - '.join(names) # @timeit @trackGrade("Morfa") def morfa_game(request, pos): """ View for Morfa game. Requires pos argument, ['N', 'V', 'A', 'Num', 'Px'] """ mgame = Morfaview(MorfaSettings, BareGame) mgame.settings['pos'] = pos.capitalize() mgame.settings['gametype'] = "bare" if pos == 'Num': template = 'mgame_l.html' elif pos == 'Der': template = 'mgame_der.html' elif pos == 'Px': template = 'mgame_px.html' else: template = 'mgame_%s.html' % pos.lower()[0] c = mgame.create_game(request) return render_to_response(request, template, c) ### Contextual Morfas # @timeit @trackGrade("Contextual Morfa") def cmgame(request, pos): mgame = Morfaview(MorfaSettings, QAGame) mgame.settings['pos'] = pos.capitalize() mgame.settings['gametype'] = "context" if pos in ['Num', 'num']: p = 'l' elif pos == 'Der': p = 'der' elif pos == 'Px': p = 'px' else: p = pos.lower()[0] template = "mgame_%s.html" % p c = mgame.create_game(request) return render_to_response(request, template, c) class Vastaview(Gameview): def additional_settings(self, settings_form): self.settings['level'] ='level', '1') def change_game_settings(self, game): # These are set before new_game is called game.gametype = "qa" game.num_fields = 2 return game def set_gamename(self): if 'gamename_key' not in self.settings: gamename = 'level %s' % self.settings['level'] self.settings['gamename_key'] = gamename def context(self, request, game, settings_form): self.register_logs(request, game, settings_form) c = { 'settingsform': settings_form, 'settings': self.settings, 'forms': game.form_list, 'messages': game.form_list[0].messages, 'count': game.count, 'score': game.score, 'comment': game.comment, 'all_correct': game.all_correct, 'show_correct': game.show_correct, 'gametype': "qa", 'deeplink': self.create_deeplink(game, settings_form) } return c @trackGrade("Vasta F") def vasta(request): vastagame = Vastaview(VastaSettings, QAGame) c = vastagame.create_game(request) return render_to_response(request, 'vasta.html', c) class Cealkkaview(Gameview): """ View for Cealkka, main difference here is context, and cealkka requires one form set. """ def deeplink_keys(self, game, settings_form): return ['level'] # removed lemmacount def additional_settings(self, settings_form): self.settings['gametype'] = "cealkka" def change_game_settings(self, game): """ This is run before Game.new_game() is called. """ game.num_fields = 2 return game def set_gamename(self): self.settings['gamename_key'] = 'level %s' % str(self.settings['level']) def context(self, request, game, settings_form): self.register_logs(request, game, settings_form) # TODO: seems to be fine, but settings['level'] on the first visit is # all, not 1, even though the menu shows level 1 c = { 'settingsform': settings_form, 'settings': self.settings, 'forms': game.form_list, 'messages': game.form_list[0].messages, 'count': game.count, 'score': game.score, 'comment': game.comment, 'all_correct': game.all_correct, 'show_correct': game.show_correct, 'gametype': "cealkka", 'deeplink': self.create_deeplink(game, settings_form), } return c @trackGrade("Cealkka") def cealkka(request): cealkkagame = Cealkkaview(CealkkaSettings, CealkkaGame) cealkkagame.init_settings() c = cealkkagame.create_game(request) return render_to_response(request, 'vasta.html', c) class Sahkaview(Cealkkaview): """ Sahka is a bit different: it has a main view page (topicnumber = 0) and has separate methods to call the creation of a new game and to continue with an existing game. There are also some attributes that must always be set, such as the image, and wordlist. """ def deeplink_keys(self, game, settings_form): return ['dialogue', 'topicnumber'] def set_gamename(self): if 'gamename_key' not in self.settings: game_name = ' - '.join([self.settings['gametype'], self.settings['dialogue']]) self.settings['gamename_key'] = game_name def additional_settings(self, settings_form): self.settings['gametype'] = 'sahka' self.settings['image'] ='image') self.settings['wordlist'] ='wordlist') self.settings['dialogue'] ='dialogue', '') self.settings['attempts'] = int('attempts',0)) if 'topicnumber' not in self.settings: self.settings['topicnumber'] = 0 def create_game(self, request, **init_kwargs): # Grab form POST data, or URL GET data. # settings, settings_form, is_new_game = self.getSettingsForm(request, initial_kwargs=init_kwargs) # Apply whatever additional settings need to be made # self.additional_settings(settings_form) # Create the game class. If the game is new, self.settings will not # contain any word or wordform data, and thus GameClass will select # random words and create the question/answers. If a game is in # progress, it will reselect the existing values from the game form, # and check whether or not the answers are correct or incorrect. # game = self.GameClass(self.settings) self.set_gamename() if is_new_game: # Set default topic number, clear wordlist. # game.settings['dialogue'] ='dialogue', '') game.settings['topicnumber'] = 0 game.settings['wordlist'] = "" game.settings['attempts'] = 0 game.num_fields = 1 game.update_game(1) else: game.num_fields = int('num_fields', 1)) game.check_game( #game.get_score( if "show_correct" in game.show_correct = 1 # If the last answer was correct, add new field # if game.form_list[game.num_fields-2].error == "correct": game.update_game( len(game.form_list)+1, game.form_list[game.num_fields-2]) game.settings['attempts'] = 0 else: game.settings['attempts'] = game.settings['attempts'] + 1 settings_form.init_hidden( game.settings['topicnumber'], game.num_fields, game.settings['dialogue'], game.settings['image'], game.settings['wordlist'], game.settings['attempts']) #print game.num_fields," nr of attempts ",game.settings['attempts'] return self.context(request, game, settings_form) def context(self, request, game, settings_form): self.register_logs(request, game, settings_form) def getmessages(g): if len(g.form_list) > 0: return g.form_list[-1].messages else: return [] errormsg = "" for f in game.form_list: errormsg = errormsg + f.errormsg c = { 'settingsform': settings_form, 'settings': self.settings, 'forms': game.form_list, 'messages': getmessages(game), 'errormsg': errormsg, 'count': game.count, 'attempts': game.settings['attempts'], 'score': game.score, 'comment': game.comment, 'gametype': self.settings['gametype'], 'topicnumber' : game.settings['topicnumber'], 'num_fields' : game.num_fields, 'image' : game.settings['image'], 'show_correct': game.show_correct, 'all_correct': game.all_correct, 'wordlist' : game.settings['wordlist'], 'dialogue' : game.settings['dialogue'], # 'deeplink': self.create_deeplink(game, settings_form), } return c @trackGrade("Sahka") def sahka(request): sahkagame = Sahkaview(SahkaSettings, SahkaGame) sahkagame.init_settings() c = sahkagame.create_game(request) return render_to_response(request, 'sahka.html', c)