# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from settings import * from drill.models import * from django.db.models import Q from xml.dom import minidom as _dom from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode import sys import re import string import codecs # Lexicons: words class Words: def install_lexicon(self,infile,linginfo,delete=None,paradigmfile=None,placenamefile=None): xmlfile=file(infile) tree = _dom.parse(infile) lex = tree.getElementsByTagName("lexicon")[0] mainlang = lex.getAttribute("xml:lang") if not mainlang and not placenamefile: print "Attribute mainlang not defined in", infile, "stop." sys.exit() self.all_wordids=[] for e in tree.getElementsByTagName("entry"): pos=e.getElementsByTagName("pos")[0].getAttribute("class") self.store_word(e,linginfo,mainlang,paradigmfile,placenamefile,delete) if delete and pos and not placenamefile: allids = Word.objects.filter(Q(pos=pos) & ~Q(semtype__semtype="PLACE-NAME-LEKSA")).values_list('wordid',flat=True) for a in allids: if force_unicode(a) not in set(self.all_wordids): print "Word id not found from xml. Deleting:", a word = Word.objects.get(pos=pos,wordid=a) word.delete() if delete and placenamefile: allids = Word.objects.filter(Q(pos="N") & Q(semtype__semtype="PLACE-NAME-LEKSA")).values_list('wordid',flat=True) for a in allids: if force_unicode(a) not in set(self.all_wordids): print "Word id not found from xml. Deleting:", a word = Word.objects.get(pos=pos,wordid=a) word.delete() def add_translation(self,el,w,pos,placenamefile): if el.firstChild: translation=el.firstChild.data lang=el.getAttribute("xml:lang") if lang == "sme": if Word.objects.filter(wordid=translation,pos=pos).count()>0: transl = Word.objects.filter(wordid=translation,pos=pos)[0] else: transl, created = Word.objects.get_or_create(wordid=translation,pos=pos) if created: transl.lemma=translation transl.save() # Add reference to the new word object as translation. w.translations.add(transl) w.save() else: if lang == "fin": transl, created = Wordfin.objects.get_or_create(wordid=translation) if created: transl.lemma=translation transl.save() w.translations2fin.add(transl) w.save() if lang == "swe": transl, created = Wordswe.objects.get_or_create(wordid=translation) if created: transl.lemma=translation transl.save() w.translations2swe.add(transl) w.save() if lang == "eng": transl, created = Wordeng.objects.get_or_create(wordid=translation) if created: transl.lemma=translation transl.save() w.translations2eng.add(transl) w.save() if lang == "deu": transl, created = Worddeu.objects.get_or_create(wordid=translation) if created: transl.lemma=translation transl.save() w.translations2deu.add(transl) w.save() if lang == "nob": transl, created = Wordnob.objects.get_or_create(wordid=translation) if created: transl.lemma=translation transl.save() w.translations2nob.add(transl) w.save() # special treatment for å-verbs. if pos=="V": oo = "å".decode('utf8') wordform = translation.lstrip(oo + " ") transl, created = Wordnob.objects.get_or_create(wordid=wordform) if created: transl.lemma=wordform transl.save() # Add reference to the new word object as translation. w.translations2nob.add(transl) w.save() ####### Possible bug here: proper nouns!!! # If placenames # Give norwegian words same semantic classes as sami words. # Temporary solution. if placenamefile: sem_entry, created = Semtype.objects.get_or_create(semtype="PLACE-NAME-LEKSA") if created: print "Created semtype entry with name PLACE-NAME-LEKSA" #transl.semtype.add(sem_entry) #transl.frequency=w.frequency #transl.geography=w.geography #transl.save() transl.semtype.add(sem_entry) transl.frequency=w.frequency transl.geography=w.geography transl.save() def add_semantics(self,e,w,placenamefile): # Give placenames special semantic tag # This is temporary solution. if placenamefile: sem_entry, created = Semtype.objects.get_or_create(semtype="PLACE-NAME-LEKSA") if created: print "Created semtype entry with name PLACE-NAME-LEKSA" w.semtype.add(sem_entry) w.save() else: semantics = e.getElementsByTagName("semantics")[0] elements=semantics.getElementsByTagName("sem") for el in elements: sem=el.getAttribute("class") if sem: print sem # Add semantics entry if not found. # Leave this if DTD is used. sem_entry, created = Semtype.objects.get_or_create(semtype=sem) if created: print "Created semtype entry with name ", sem w.semtype.add(sem_entry) w.save() def add_sources(self,e,w): sources = e.getElementsByTagName("sources")[0] elements=sources.getElementsByTagName("book") for el in elements: book=el.getAttribute("name") if book: # Add book to the database # Leave this if DTD is used book_entry, created = Source.objects.get_or_create(name=book) # Mind the gap/indentation if created: print "Created book entry with name ", book w.source.add(book_entry) w.save() print w.lemma, " added to book ", book def store_word(self,e,linginfo,mainlang,paradigmfile,placenamefile,delete): # Store first unique fields id=e.getAttribute("id") lemma=e.getElementsByTagName("lemma")[0].firstChild.data if not id: id=lemma self.all_wordids.append(id) stem="" forms="" dialects=["GG","KJ"] diphthong="no" gradation="" rime="" attrsuffix="" soggi="" valency="" compare="" frequency="" geography="" presentationform = "" only_sg = 0 only_pl = 0 noleksa = 0 print lemma if e.getElementsByTagName("forms"): forms=e.getElementsByTagName("forms")[0] if e.getElementsByTagName("presentationform"): presentationform=e.getElementsByTagName("presentationform")[0].firstChild.data if e.getElementsByTagName("stem"): stem=e.getElementsByTagName("stem")[0].getAttribute("class") diphthong=e.getElementsByTagName("stem")[0].getAttribute("diphthong") gradation=e.getElementsByTagName("stem")[0].getAttribute("gradation") rime=e.getElementsByTagName("stem")[0].getAttribute("rime") if rime=="0": rime="norime" soggi=e.getElementsByTagName("stem")[0].getAttribute("soggi") compare=e.getElementsByTagName("stem")[0].getAttribute("compare") attrsuffix=e.getElementsByTagName("stem")[0].getAttribute("attrsuff") if attrsuffix == "0": attrsuffix="noattr" for d in e.getElementsByTagName("dialect"): dialect=d.getAttribute("class") if dialect: invd=dialect.lstrip("NOT-") dialects.remove(invd) if e.getElementsByTagName("frequency"): frequency=e.getElementsByTagName("frequency")[0].getAttribute("class") if e.getElementsByTagName("geography"): geography=e.getElementsByTagName("geography")[0].getAttribute("class") if e.getElementsByTagName("only-sg"): only_sg = 1 if e.getElementsByTagName("only-pl"): only_pl = 1 if e.getElementsByTagName("noleksa"): noleksa = 1 if e.getElementsByTagName("valency"): valencies = e.getElementsByTagName("valency")[0] for val in valencies.getElementsByTagName("val"): valency = val.getAttribute("class") if valency: break # Part of speech information pos=e.getElementsByTagName("pos")[0].getAttribute("class") if not pos: print "Part of speech information not found for ", lemma, ". give it command line: --pos=N" sys.exit() # Search for existing word in the database. w=None if mainlang == "nob": w,created = Wordnob.objects.get_or_create(wordid=id) elif mainlang == "fin": w,created = Wordfin.objects.get_or_create(wordid=id) elif mainlang == "swe": w,created = Wordswe.objects.get_or_create(wordid=id) elif mainlang == "eng": w,created = Wordeng.objects.get_or_create(wordid=id) elif mainlang == "deu": w,created = Worddeu.objects.get_or_create(wordid=id) else: w,created = Word.objects.get_or_create(wordid=id,pos=pos) w.pos=pos w.lemma=lemma w.presentationform=presentationform print presentationform w.stem=stem w.rime=rime w.compare = compare w.attrsuffix = attrsuffix w.soggi=soggi w.gradation=gradation w.diphthong=diphthong # why two times the same operation (cf. line 250): not mainlang(nob) <=> mainlang(sme) # if not mainlang == "nob": # for d in dialects: # dia, created = Dialect.objects.get_or_create(dialect=d) # w.dialects.add(dia) # w.save() w.valency = valency w.frequency = frequency w.geography = geography w.save() # why two times the same operation (cf. line 238): not mainlang(nob) <=> mainlang(sme) if mainlang=="sme": for d in dialects: dia, created = Dialect.objects.get_or_create(dialect=d) w.dialects.add(dia) w.save() # Add forms and tags if paradigmfile: linginfo.create_paradigm(lemma,pos,forms) # Remove old forms. forms = Form.objects.filter(word=w) for f in forms: f.delete() for f in linginfo.paradigm: g=f.classes if w.pos == "A" and w.compare == "no" and \ (g.get('Grade')=="Comp" or g.get('Grade')=="Superl"): continue t,created=Tag.objects.get_or_create(string=f.tags,pos=g.get('Wordclass', ""),\ number=g.get('Number',""),case=g.get('Case',""),\ possessive=g.get('Possessive',""),\ grade=g.get('Grade',""),\ infinite=g.get('Infinite',""), \ personnumber=g.get('Person-Number',""),\ polarity=g.get('Polarity',""),\ tense=g.get('Tense',""),mood=g.get('Mood',""), \ subclass=g.get('Subclass',""),\ attributive=g.get('Attributive',"")) t.save() form = Form(fullform=f.form,tag=t,word=w) print f.form form.save() if len(f.dialects)==1: dialects2 = f.dialects[:] else: dialects2 = dialects[:] for d in dialects2: dia, created = Dialect.objects.get_or_create(dialect=d) form.dialects.add(dia) form.save() form.save() if only_sg: print "deleting plural forms for", w.lemma Form.objects.filter(Q(word=w.id) & Q(tag__number="Pl")).delete() if only_pl: print "deleting singular forms for", w.lemma Form.objects.filter(Q(word=w.id) & Q(tag__number="Sg")).delete if noleksa: print "word not in leksa", w.lemma w.leksa=0 else: w.leksa=1 if e.getElementsByTagName("sources"): self.add_sources(e,w) if e.getElementsByTagName("semantics"): self.add_semantics(e,w,placenamefile) # Add translations translations = e.getElementsByTagName("translations")[0] elements=translations.getElementsByTagName("tr") for el in elements: self.add_translation(el,w,pos,placenamefile) def delete_word(self, wid=None,pos=None): # no check for pos at the moment because # there is a mess in the nob entries (some have pos, some not) # however pos check is a todo issue. words = Word.objects.filter(wordid=wid) wordnobs = Wordnob.objects.filter(wordid=wid) wordfins = Wordfin.objects.filter(wordid=wid) for w in words: print "Removing", w.wordid w.delete() if not words: print wid, "not found in sma-db ... searching nob-db" for w in wordnobs: print "Removing", w.wordid w.delete() if not wordnobs: print wid, "not found in nob-db either ... searching fin-db" for w in wordfins: print "Removing", w.wordid w.delete() if not wordfins: print wid, "not found in fin-db either. Beklager!"