# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import settings from myv_drill.models import * # from xml.dom import minidom as _dom # from django.db.models import Q import sys import os import re # import string import codecs # Using django settings paths, need to make these more central. # # _D = open('/dev/ttys005', 'w') _D = open('/dev/null', 'w') try: fstdir = settings.FST_DIRECTORY except: fstdir = "/opt/smi/myv/bin" try: lookup = settings.LOOKUP_TOOL except: lookup = "/usr/local/bin/lookup" try: language = settings.MAIN_LANGUAGE[0] except: language = "myv" #numfst = fstdir + "/" + language + "-num.fst" numfst = fstdir + "/" + "transcriptor-numbers2text-desc.xfst" gen_norm_fst = fstdir + "/" + "generator-gt-desc.xfst" STDERR = sys.stderr STDOUT = sys.stdout #!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Omorfi Daemon """ import subprocess as sp import os import sys def Popen(cmd, data=False, ret_err=False, ret_proc=False): """ Wrapper around subprocess Popen to save some time. Expects command and data, ideally data is already single unicode string. """ PIPE = sp.PIPE proc = sp.Popen(cmd.split(' '), shell=False, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) if data: if type(data) == str: try: data = data.encode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: pass except Exception, e: print >> STDERR, "omg, str" print >> STDERR, Exception, e sys.exit(2) if type(data) == unicode: try: data = str(data) except Exception, e: print >> STDERR, "omg, unicode" print >> STDERR, Exception, e sys.exit(2) kwargs = {'input': data} else: kwargs = {} output, err = proc.communicate(**kwargs) try: if err: raise Exception(cmd + err) except: pass if ret_err: return output, err else: return output def FSTLookup(data, fst_file): gen_fst = fst_file # cmd = 'hfst-optimized-lookup /opt/local/share/omorfi/mor-omorfi.apertium.hfst.ol' cmd = lookup + " -flags mbTT -utf8 -d " + gen_fst if type(data) == list: data = [a.strip() for a in list(set(data)) if a.strip()] data = u'\n'.join(data).encode('utf-8') print >> STDOUT, "Generating forms in %s" % gen_fst try: lookups = Popen(cmd, data) except OSError: print >> STDERR, "Problem in command: %s" % cmd sys.exit(2) lookups = lookups.decode('utf-8') return lookups if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) class Entry: pass class Paradigm: def __init__(self): self.tagset = {} self.paradigms = {} self.paradigm = [] self.generate_data = [] def handle_tags(self, tagfile, add_db): """ The function is called from install.py and its aim is to install the contents of the tag file (e.g. tags.txt) in the database. The function installs all tags if add_db=True, otherwise it reads all of the tags and produces a dictionary of the tag as the key and the tag set it belongs to as the value. """ if add_db: with open(tagfile, "r") as F: # Read tags, remove newlines tags = [a.strip() for a in F.readlines()] tagclass = "" for line in tags: if line.startswith("#"): tagclass = line.lstrip("#") else: string = line.strip().replace('*', '') self.tagset[string] = tagclass if add_db and tagclass and string: string = string.replace('%', '') #print "adding " + tagclass + " " + string tagset, created = Tagset.objects.get_or_create(tagset=tagclass) pos, created = Tagname.objects.get_or_create(tagname=string, tagset=tagset) print "%s added to %s" % (string, tagclass) else: tagname_tagset = Tagname.objects.all().values_list('tagname', 'tagset__tagset') tagset_dict = dict() for k, v in tagname_tagset: if k in tagset_dict: tagset_dict[k].append(v) else: tagset_dict[k] = [v] self.tagset = tagset_dict def read_paradigms(self, paradigmfile, tagfile, add_database): """ The function is called from install.py and its aim is to install the contents of the paradigm file (e.g. paradigms.txt) into the database. """ if not self.tagset: self.handle_tags(tagfile) fileObj = codecs.open(paradigmfile, "r", "utf-8" ) posObj = re.compile(r'^(?:\+)?(?P[\w]+)\+.*$', re.U) while True: line = fileObj.readline() #print >> STDOUT, 'A line from paradigms: %s' % line if not line: break if not line.strip(): continue matchObj = posObj.search(line) if matchObj: pos = matchObj.expand(r'\g') try: if not self.paradigms.has_key(pos): self.paradigms[pos]=[] except UnboundLocalError: print >> STDERR, ' * Could not match pos. Check format of paradigm file.' print >> STDERR, ' * Error on line: %s' % line sys.exit() self.paradigms[pos].append(line) # print >> STDERR, '%s paradigm: %s' % (pos,self.paradigms[pos]) def create_paradigm_no_gen(self, lemma, pos, baseform, wordforms): """ Creates paradigm objects as does create_paradigm, but using data stored in XML. This data is already parsed in words_install, for the most part, but passed off here. Best way for least work. """ pos = pos.upper() if pos == 'PROP': pos = 'N' if not self.tagset: self.handle_tags() self.paradigm = [] # instead of lookups, we have wordforms for wordform in wordforms: g = Entry() g.classes = {} lemma = lemma g.form, g.tags = wordform for t in g.tags: if self.tagset.has_key(t): tagclasses = self.tagset[t] for tagclass in tagclasses: g.classes[tagclass] = t self.paradigm.append(g) def collect_gen_data(self, lemma, pos, hid, wordtype, gen_only, forms): """ Collects tags and paradigms to be passed off to the FST for generation. Tags and items to be generated are filtered based on following parameters * gen_only * wordtype * hid so that there is minimal overgeneration. FSTs trim some nongeneratable forms as well. """ pos = pos.capitalize() # if context is defined as one of these, then we only generate # forms that have a tag with one of the following items as a # substring of that tag. # E.g., context='upers' abrodh # abrodh +V+Prs+Sg1 => NO # abrodh +V+Prs+Sg2 => NO # abrodh +V+Prs+Sg3 => YES # contexts = { # 'upers': ['Sg3'], # '3.pers': ['Sg3', 'Du3', 'Pl3'], # 'pl': ['Pl1', 'Pl2', 'Pl3', 'Pl'], # 'sg': ['Sg'], # } # Using gen_only now # commented out everything about gen_only, hid, wordtype: """ if not gen_only.strip(): gen_only = False else: gen_only = [a.strip() for a in gen_only.split(',') if a.strip()] # try: # context = contexts[context] # except: # print >> STDERR, "*** Context (%s) not found" % context.encode('utf-8') # context = False if pos.upper() == 'PROP': pos = 'N' """ if not self.tagset: self.handle_tags() lookups = "" """ if not hid.strip(): hid = "" else: hid = '+' + hid """ # If wordtype is defined, then the wordtype is inserted after # the first tag element, which should be the part of speech. # If hid is defined simultaneously, this should not mess with that. """ if not wordtype.strip(): wordtype = "" else: w, rest = wordtype[0], wordtype[1::] wordtype = '+' + w.capitalize() + rest """ if self.paradigms.has_key(pos): for a in self.paradigms[pos]: #if wordtype.strip(): # if not wordtype in a: # _pos, _, _rest = a.partition('+') # tag = "%s%s+%s" % (_pos, wordtype, _rest) #else: # tag = a #if gen_only: # for c in gen_only: # if c in tag: # lookups = lookups + lemma + hid + "+" + tag #else: if not lemma: raise TypeError lookups = lookups + lemma + hid + "+" + a # was: tag instead of a lookups += '\n\n\n' self.generate_data.append(lookups) def generate_all(self, dialects): if not self.tagset: print >> STDERR, 'No tags generated or supplied' self.handle_tags() data = self.generate_data[:] # concatenate all data to be run through one gen command # isma-SH.restr.fst # isma-norm.fst # dialects = {'main': ('isma-norm.fst', 'Unrestricted'), etc... } gen_dialects = {} for dialect, d_data in dialects.items(): if d_data[0]: gen_dialects[dialect] = d_data self.master_paradigm = gen_dialects.copy() #for dialect, gen_file in gen_dialects.items(): dialect = 'main' # HU: There are no dialects defined for myv. I have defined this just to make the program work. lookups = FSTLookup(data, fst_file=gen_norm_fst) lookup_dictionary = {} for line in lookups.split('\n\n'): # print >> STDOUT, 'line in lookups: %s' % line items = line.split('\n') for item in items: result = item.split('\t') lemma = result[0].partition('+')[0] try: lookup_dictionary[lemma] += item + '\n' except KeyError: lookup_dictionary[lemma] = item + '\n' self.master_paradigm[dialect] = lookup_dictionary def get_paradigm(self, lemma, pos, forms, dialect=False, wordtype=None): if not dialect: dialect = 'main' extraforms = {} try: lines_tmp = self.master_paradigm[dialect][lemma].split('\n') except Exception, e: print >> STDERR, 'No forms generated for %s in dialect %s' % (lemma.encode('utf-8'), dialect.encode('utf-8')) lines_tmp = False if not forms: self.paradigm = False return if forms: if forms.getElementsByTagName("form"): form_els = forms.getElementsByTagName("form") for f in form_els: tagstring = f.getAttribute("tag") wordform = f.firstChild.data extraforms[tagstring] = wordform print >> STDOUT, "adding extra wordform..", wordform.encode('utf-8') # HIDCHANGES if lines_tmp: self.paradigm = [] for line in lines_tmp: if not line.strip(): continue else: line = line.strip() # line: # govledh+2+V+Ind+Prt+Pl3\tgovlin # lea+V+Ind+Prt+Pl3\tlij lem, _, rest = line.partition('+') # ('govledh', '+', '2+V+Ind+Prt+Pl3\tgovlin') # ('lea', '+', '2+V+Ind+Prt+Pl3\tlij') fullform = line.split('\t')[-1] # 'govlin' # '?+' # 'lij' hid_test = rest.partition('+') # ('2', '+', 'V+Ind+Prt+Pl3\tgovlin') # ('V', '+', 'Ind+Prt+Pl3\tgovlin') # If first element of tag is an integer, then # it is hid, otherwise it's just part of the tag. try: hid = int(hid_test[0]) tag = hid_test[2] except ValueError: hid = '' tag = ''.join(hid_test) tag = tag.partition('\t')[0] # 'V+Ind+Prt+Pl3' # Never gets hid number, due to testing above #print >> STDOUT, 'lemma: %s fullform: %s tag: %s' % (lem, fullform, tag) if fullform.find('?') == -1: g = Entry() g.classes={} g.dialect = dialect lemma = lem g.form = fullform g.hid = hid g.tags = tag # Here something happens to the tags that occur in several tagsets. Todo: make it possible to use the same tag in different tagsets. for t in g.tags.split('+'): if self.tagset.has_key(t): tagclasses = self.tagset[t] for tagclass in tagclasses: g.classes[tagclass] = t # if wordtype is specified (G3, Actor, etc.,), we want only # these forms, otherwise we want only forms without a # wordtype, these are assigned to the Nountype group in tags.txt. if wordtype is not None: wordtype = wordtype.upper() g_wordtype = g.classes.get('Subclass', False) if g_wordtype: if wordtype == g_wordtype.upper(): self.paradigm.append(g) else: continue else: continue else: g_wordtype = g.classes.get('Subclass', False) # subclass is also part of another tag group, # thus not only a subclass, so none. # Kind of hacky, for Der/PassL which if g_wordtype in g.classes.values(): g_wordtype = False if g_wordtype: continue else: self.paradigm.append(g) if extraforms.has_key(g.tags): g.form = extraforms[g.tags] else: err_msg = 'No form created: %s+%s' % (lemma.encode('utf-8'), tag.encode('utf-8')) if dialect: err_msg += ' (%s)' % dialect.encode('utf-8') print >> STDERR, err_msg else: self.paradigm = False return self.paradigm def create_paradigm(self, lemma, pos, forms, dialect=False): pos = pos.capitalize() if not self.tagset: self.handle_tags() self.paradigm = [] # TODO: is this preventing matching south sámi forms? # How can we do this so we don't need to constantly rewrite this to specify a new alphabet? # genObj_re = r'^(?P[\wáŋčžšđŧ]+)\+(?P[\w\+]+)[\t\s]+(?P[\wáŋčžšđŧ]*)$' genObj_re = r'^(?P[\w]+)\+(?P[\w\+]+)[\t\s]+(?P[\w]*)$' genObj=re.compile(genObj_re, re.U) lookups = "" if self.paradigms.has_key(pos): for a in self.paradigms[pos]: lookups = lookups + lemma + "+" + a # generator call # Moving paths up # fstdir = "/opt/smi/myv/bin" # lookup = "/usr/local/bin/lookup" # None of these dialects in sma. Obs! Dialects! sme-specific!!! # gen_gg_restr_fst = fstdir + "/isme-KJ.restr.fst" # gen_kj_restr_fst = fstdir + "/isme-GG.restr.fst" print >> _D, lookups.encode('utf-8') gen_norm_lookup = "echo \"" + lookups.encode('utf-8') + "\" | " + lookup + " -flags mbTT -utf8 -d " + gen_norm_fst # gen_gg_restr_lookup = "echo \"" + lookups.encode('utf-8') + "\" | " + lookup + " -flags mbTT -utf8 -d " + gen_gg_restr_fst # gen_kj_restr_lookup = "echo \"" + lookups.encode('utf-8') + "\" | " + lookup + " -flags mbTT -utf8 -d " + gen_kj_restr_fst # TODO: check where de/code is? lines_tmp = [a.decode('utf-8') for a in os.popen(gen_norm_lookup).readlines()] # lines_gg_restr_tmp = os.popen(gen_gg_restr_lookup).readlines() # lines_kj_restr_tmp = os.popen(gen_kj_restr_lookup).readlines() extraforms={} if forms: if forms.getElementsByTagName("form"): form_els = forms.getElementsByTagName("form") for f in form_els: tagstring = f.getAttribute("tag") wordform = f.firstChild.data extraforms[tagstring] = wordform print >> STDOUT, "adding extra wordform..", wordform # TODO: reproduce word type stuff up here for line in lines_tmp: if not line.strip(): continue matchObj=genObj.search(line) if matchObj: g = Entry() g.classes={} lemma = matchObj.expand(r'\g') g.form = matchObj.expand(r'\g') if re.compile("\?").match(g.form): continue g.tags = matchObj.expand(r'\g') print 'amagad: ' print repr(g.tags) for t in g.tags.split('+'): if self.tagset.has_key(t): tagclasses = self.tagset[t] for tagclass in tagclasses: g.classes[tagclass] = t print g.classes raw_input() self.paradigm.append(g) #extraforms override generated ones if extraforms.has_key(g.tags): g.form=extraforms[g.tags] def generate_numerals(self): """ Generate all the cardinal numbers Create paradigms and store to db """ print >> _D, 'generate_numerals called' # Moving paths up # language = "myv" # #fstdir = "/opt/smi/" + language + "/bin" # #lookup = /usr/local/bin/lookup # # fstdir = "/Users/saara/gt/" + language + "/bin" # lookup = "/Users/saara/bin/lookup" # # numfst = fstdir + "/" + language + "-num.fst" for num in range(1,20): num_lookup = "echo \"" + str(num) + "\" | " + lookup + " -flags mbTT -utf8 -d " + numfst numerals = os.popen(num_lookup).readlines() # Take only first one. # Change this if needed! num_list=[] for num in numerals: line = num.strip() if line: nums = line.split('\t') num_list.append(nums[1].decode('utf-8')) numstring = num_list[0] w, created = Word.objects.get_or_create(wordid=num, lemma=numstring, pos="Num") w.save() self.create_paradigm(numstring, "Num") for form in self.paradigm: form.form = form.form.replace("#","") g=form.classes t,created=Tag.objects.get_or_create(string=form.tags,pos=g.get('Wordclass', ""),\ number=g.get('Number',""),case=g.get('Case',""),\ possessive=g.get('Possessive',""),grade=g.get('Grade',""),\ infinite=g.get('Infinite',""), \ personnumber=g.get('Person-Number',""),\ polarity=g.get('Polarity',""),\ tense=g.get('Tense',""),mood=g.get('Mood',""), \ subclass=g.get('Subclass',""), \ attributive=g.get('Attributive',"")) t.save() form, created = Form.objects.get_or_create(fullform=form.form,tag=t,word=w) form.save()