from django import http from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template from openid.consumer import consumer from import DiscoveryFailure from openid.extensions import ax, pape, sreg from openid.yadis.constants import YADIS_HEADER_NAME, YADIS_CONTENT_TYPE from openid.server.trustroot import RP_RETURN_TO_URL_TYPE from djopenid import util PAPE_POLICIES = [ 'AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT', 'AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR', 'AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR_PHYSICAL', ] # List of (name, uri) for use in generating the request form. POLICY_PAIRS = [(p, getattr(pape, p)) for p in PAPE_POLICIES] def getOpenIDStore(): """ Return an OpenID store object fit for the currently-chosen database backend, if any. """ return util.getOpenIDStore('/tmp/djopenid_c_store', 'c_') def getConsumer(request): """ Get a Consumer object to perform OpenID authentication. """ return consumer.Consumer(request.session, getOpenIDStore()) def renderIndexPage(request, **template_args): template_args['consumer_url'] = util.getViewURL(request, startOpenID) template_args['pape_policies'] = POLICY_PAIRS response = direct_to_template( request, 'consumer/index.html', template_args) response[YADIS_HEADER_NAME] = util.getViewURL(request, rpXRDS) return response def startOpenID(request): """ Start the OpenID authentication process. Renders an authentication form and accepts its POST. * Renders an error message if OpenID cannot be initiated * Requests some Simple Registration data using the OpenID library's Simple Registration machinery * Generates the appropriate trust root and return URL values for this application (tweak where appropriate) * Generates the appropriate redirect based on the OpenID protocol version. """ if request.POST: # Start OpenID authentication. openid_url = request.POST['openid_identifier'] c = getConsumer(request) error = None try: auth_request = c.begin(openid_url) except DiscoveryFailure, e: # Some other protocol-level failure occurred. error = "OpenID discovery error: %s" % (str(e),) if error: # Render the page with an error. return renderIndexPage(request, error=error) # Add Simple Registration request information. Some fields # are optional, some are required. It's possible that the # server doesn't support sreg or won't return any of the # fields. sreg_request = sreg.SRegRequest(optional=['email', 'nickname'], required=['dob']) auth_request.addExtension(sreg_request) # Add Attribute Exchange request information. ax_request = ax.FetchRequest() # XXX - uses myOpenID-compatible schema values, which are # not those listed at ax_request.add( ax.AttrInfo('', required=True)) ax_request.add( ax.AttrInfo('', required=False, count=ax.UNLIMITED_VALUES)) auth_request.addExtension(ax_request) # Add PAPE request information. We'll ask for # phishing-resistant auth and display any policies we get in # the response. requested_policies = [] policy_prefix = 'policy_' for k, v in request.POST.iteritems(): if k.startswith(policy_prefix): policy_attr = k[len(policy_prefix):] if policy_attr in PAPE_POLICIES: requested_policies.append(getattr(pape, policy_attr)) if requested_policies: pape_request = pape.Request(requested_policies) auth_request.addExtension(pape_request) # Compute the trust root and return URL values to build the # redirect information. trust_root = util.getViewURL(request, startOpenID) return_to = util.getViewURL(request, finishOpenID) # Send the browser to the server either by sending a redirect # URL or by generating a POST form. if auth_request.shouldSendRedirect(): url = auth_request.redirectURL(trust_root, return_to) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: # Beware: this renders a template whose content is a form # and some javascript to submit it upon page load. Non-JS # users will have to click the form submit button to # initiate OpenID authentication. form_id = 'openid_message' form_html = auth_request.formMarkup(trust_root, return_to, False, {'id': form_id}) return direct_to_template( request, 'consumer/request_form.html', {'html': form_html}) return renderIndexPage(request) def finishOpenID(request): """ Finish the OpenID authentication process. Invoke the OpenID library with the response from the OpenID server and render a page detailing the result. """ result = {} # Because the object containing the query parameters is a # MultiValueDict and the OpenID library doesn't allow that, we'll # convert it to a normal dict. # OpenID 2 can send arguments as either POST body or GET query # parameters. request_args = util.normalDict(request.GET) if request.method == 'POST': request_args.update(util.normalDict(request.POST)) if request_args: c = getConsumer(request) # Get a response object indicating the result of the OpenID # protocol. return_to = util.getViewURL(request, finishOpenID) response = c.complete(request_args, return_to) # Get a Simple Registration response object if response # information was included in the OpenID response. sreg_response = {} ax_items = {} if response.status == consumer.SUCCESS: sreg_response = sreg.SRegResponse.fromSuccessResponse(response) ax_response = ax.FetchResponse.fromSuccessResponse(response) if ax_response: ax_items = { 'fullname': ax_response.get( ''), 'web': ax_response.get( ''), } # Get a PAPE response object if response information was # included in the OpenID response. pape_response = None if response.status == consumer.SUCCESS: pape_response = pape.Response.fromSuccessResponse(response) if not pape_response.auth_policies: pape_response = None # Map different consumer status codes to template contexts. results = { consumer.CANCEL: {'message': 'OpenID authentication cancelled.'}, consumer.FAILURE: {'error': 'OpenID authentication failed.'}, consumer.SUCCESS: {'url': response.getDisplayIdentifier(), 'sreg': sreg_response and sreg_response.items(), 'ax': ax_items.items(), 'pape': pape_response} } result = results[response.status] if isinstance(response, consumer.FailureResponse): # In a real application, this information should be # written to a log for debugging/tracking OpenID # authentication failures. In general, the messages are # not user-friendly, but intended for developers. result['failure_reason'] = response.message return renderIndexPage(request, **result) def rpXRDS(request): """ Return a relying party verification XRDS document """ return util.renderXRDS( request, [RP_RETURN_TO_URL_TYPE], [util.getViewURL(request, finishOpenID)])