# Database installation I'm sure the process is similar to other oahpas, but it never hurts to take notes! 1. Backup logs (not going to delete them, but just in case) - python manage.py dumpdata smadrill.log > logs.json OR - python manage.py printlogs > logs.txt 2. Update svn in data_sma/ - svn up data_sma/ 3. Recompile FSTs - cd gtsvn/gt/ - cat ../../../compiling_fsts.txt | bash * Note, it is not necessary to run the notes in the documentation, but follow them (this is just a shortcut) 4. Clear smadrill data minus logs - python manage.py sqlclear smadrill | grep -v '_log' | python2.6 manage.py dbshell 5. Sync the database to recreate the destroyed tables - python manage.py syncdb 6. Run the database installation script - ./parafedaba.sh ... And keep an eye on the output. When it's done, error.log will contain the errors from the installation process. You can also less +F error.log to watch while the process runs.