# -*- test-case-name: openid.test.test_ax -*- """Implements the OpenID Attribute Exchange specification, version 1.0. @since: 2.1.0 """ __all__ = [ 'AttributeRequest', 'FetchRequest', 'FetchResponse', 'StoreRequest', 'StoreResponse', ] from openid import extension from openid.server.trustroot import TrustRoot from openid.message import NamespaceMap, OPENID_NS # Use this as the 'count' value for an attribute in a FetchRequest to # ask for as many values as the OP can provide. UNLIMITED_VALUES = "unlimited" # Minimum supported alias length in characters. Here for # completeness. MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_ALIAS_LENGTH = 32 def checkAlias(alias): """ Check an alias for invalid characters; raise AXError if any are found. Return None if the alias is valid. """ if ',' in alias: raise AXError("Alias %r must not contain comma" % (alias,)) if '.' in alias: raise AXError("Alias %r must not contain period" % (alias,)) class AXError(ValueError): """Results from data that does not meet the attribute exchange 1.0 specification""" class NotAXMessage(AXError): """Raised when there is no Attribute Exchange mode in the message.""" def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ class AXMessage(extension.Extension): """Abstract class containing common code for attribute exchange messages @cvar ns_alias: The preferred namespace alias for attribute exchange messages @cvar mode: The type of this attribute exchange message. This must be overridden in subclasses. """ # This class is abstract, so it's OK that it doesn't override the # abstract method in Extension: # #pylint:disable-msg=W0223 ns_alias = 'ax' mode = None ns_uri = 'http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0' def _checkMode(self, ax_args): """Raise an exception if the mode in the attribute exchange arguments does not match what is expected for this class. @raises NotAXMessage: When there is no mode value in ax_args at all. @raises AXError: When mode does not match. """ mode = ax_args.get('mode') if mode != self.mode: if not mode: raise NotAXMessage() else: raise AXError( 'Expected mode %r; got %r' % (self.mode, mode)) def _newArgs(self): """Return a set of attribute exchange arguments containing the basic information that must be in every attribute exchange message. """ return {'mode':self.mode} class AttrInfo(object): """Represents a single attribute in an attribute exchange request. This should be added to an AXRequest object in order to request the attribute. @ivar required: Whether the attribute will be marked as required when presented to the subject of the attribute exchange request. @type required: bool @ivar count: How many values of this type to request from the subject. Defaults to one. @type count: int @ivar type_uri: The identifier that determines what the attribute represents and how it is serialized. For example, one type URI representing dates could represent a Unix timestamp in base 10 and another could represent a human-readable string. @type type_uri: str @ivar alias: The name that should be given to this alias in the request. If it is not supplied, a generic name will be assigned. For example, if you want to call a Unix timestamp value 'tstamp', set its alias to that value. If two attributes in the same message request to use the same alias, the request will fail to be generated. @type alias: str or NoneType """ # It's OK that this class doesn't have public methods (it's just a # holder for a bunch of attributes): # #pylint:disable-msg=R0903 def __init__(self, type_uri, count=1, required=False, alias=None): self.required = required self.count = count self.type_uri = type_uri self.alias = alias if self.alias is not None: checkAlias(self.alias) def wantsUnlimitedValues(self): """ When processing a request for this attribute, the OP should call this method to determine whether all available attribute values were requested. If self.count == UNLIMITED_VALUES, this returns True. Otherwise this returns False, in which case self.count is an integer. """ return self.count == UNLIMITED_VALUES def toTypeURIs(namespace_map, alias_list_s): """Given a namespace mapping and a string containing a comma-separated list of namespace aliases, return a list of type URIs that correspond to those aliases. @param namespace_map: The mapping from namespace URI to alias @type namespace_map: openid.message.NamespaceMap @param alias_list_s: The string containing the comma-separated list of aliases. May also be None for convenience. @type alias_list_s: str or NoneType @returns: The list of namespace URIs that corresponds to the supplied list of aliases. If the string was zero-length or None, an empty list will be returned. @raise KeyError: If an alias is present in the list of aliases but is not present in the namespace map. """ uris = [] if alias_list_s: for alias in alias_list_s.split(','): type_uri = namespace_map.getNamespaceURI(alias) if type_uri is None: raise KeyError( 'No type is defined for attribute name %r' % (alias,)) else: uris.append(type_uri) return uris class FetchRequest(AXMessage): """An attribute exchange 'fetch_request' message. This message is sent by a relying party when it wishes to obtain attributes about the subject of an OpenID authentication request. @ivar requested_attributes: The attributes that have been requested thus far, indexed by the type URI. @type requested_attributes: {str:AttrInfo} @ivar update_url: A URL that will accept responses for this attribute exchange request, even in the absence of the user who made this request. """ mode = 'fetch_request' def __init__(self, update_url=None): AXMessage.__init__(self) self.requested_attributes = {} self.update_url = update_url def add(self, attribute): """Add an attribute to this attribute exchange request. @param attribute: The attribute that is being requested @type attribute: C{L{AttrInfo}} @returns: None @raise KeyError: when the requested attribute is already present in this fetch request. """ if attribute.type_uri in self.requested_attributes: raise KeyError('The attribute %r has already been requested' % (attribute.type_uri,)) self.requested_attributes[attribute.type_uri] = attribute def getExtensionArgs(self): """Get the serialized form of this attribute fetch request. @returns: The fetch request message parameters @rtype: {unicode:unicode} """ aliases = NamespaceMap() required = [] if_available = [] ax_args = self._newArgs() for type_uri, attribute in self.requested_attributes.iteritems(): if attribute.alias is None: alias = aliases.add(type_uri) else: # This will raise an exception when the second # attribute with the same alias is added. I think it # would be better to complain at the time that the # attribute is added to this object so that the code # that is adding it is identified in the stack trace, # but it's more work to do so, and it won't be 100% # accurate anyway, since the attributes are # mutable. So for now, just live with the fact that # we'll learn about the error later. # # The other possible approach is to hide the error and # generate a new alias on the fly. I think that would # probably be bad. alias = aliases.addAlias(type_uri, attribute.alias) if attribute.required: required.append(alias) else: if_available.append(alias) if attribute.count != 1: ax_args['count.' + alias] = str(attribute.count) ax_args['type.' + alias] = type_uri if required: ax_args['required'] = ','.join(required) if if_available: ax_args['if_available'] = ','.join(if_available) return ax_args def getRequiredAttrs(self): """Get the type URIs for all attributes that have been marked as required. @returns: A list of the type URIs for attributes that have been marked as required. @rtype: [str] """ required = [] for type_uri, attribute in self.requested_attributes.iteritems(): if attribute.required: required.append(type_uri) return required def fromOpenIDRequest(cls, openid_request): """Extract a FetchRequest from an OpenID message @param openid_request: The OpenID authentication request containing the attribute fetch request @type openid_request: C{L{openid.server.server.CheckIDRequest}} @rtype: C{L{FetchRequest}} or C{None} @returns: The FetchRequest extracted from the message or None, if the message contained no AX extension. @raises KeyError: if the AuthRequest is not consistent in its use of namespace aliases. @raises AXError: When parseExtensionArgs would raise same. @see: L{parseExtensionArgs} """ message = openid_request.message ax_args = message.getArgs(cls.ns_uri) self = cls() try: self.parseExtensionArgs(ax_args) except NotAXMessage, err: return None if self.update_url: # Update URL must match the openid.realm of the underlying # OpenID 2 message. realm = message.getArg(OPENID_NS, 'realm', message.getArg(OPENID_NS, 'return_to')) if not realm: raise AXError(("Cannot validate update_url %r " + "against absent realm") % (self.update_url,)) tr = TrustRoot.parse(realm) if not tr.validateURL(self.update_url): raise AXError("Update URL %r failed validation against realm %r" % (self.update_url, realm,)) return self fromOpenIDRequest = classmethod(fromOpenIDRequest) def parseExtensionArgs(self, ax_args): """Given attribute exchange arguments, populate this FetchRequest. @param ax_args: Attribute Exchange arguments from the request. As returned from L{Message.getArgs}. @type ax_args: dict @raises KeyError: if the message is not consistent in its use of namespace aliases. @raises NotAXMessage: If ax_args does not include an Attribute Exchange mode. @raises AXError: If the data to be parsed does not follow the attribute exchange specification. At least when 'if_available' or 'required' is not specified for a particular attribute type. """ # Raises an exception if the mode is not the expected value self._checkMode(ax_args) aliases = NamespaceMap() for key, value in ax_args.iteritems(): if key.startswith('type.'): alias = key[5:] type_uri = value aliases.addAlias(type_uri, alias) count_key = 'count.' + alias count_s = ax_args.get(count_key) if count_s: try: count = int(count_s) if count <= 0: raise AXError("Count %r must be greater than zero, got %r" % (count_key, count_s,)) except ValueError: if count_s != UNLIMITED_VALUES: raise AXError("Invalid count value for %r: %r" % (count_key, count_s,)) count = count_s else: count = 1 self.add(AttrInfo(type_uri, alias=alias, count=count)) required = toTypeURIs(aliases, ax_args.get('required')) for type_uri in required: self.requested_attributes[type_uri].required = True if_available = toTypeURIs(aliases, ax_args.get('if_available')) all_type_uris = required + if_available for type_uri in aliases.iterNamespaceURIs(): if type_uri not in all_type_uris: raise AXError( 'Type URI %r was in the request but not ' 'present in "required" or "if_available"' % (type_uri,)) self.update_url = ax_args.get('update_url') def iterAttrs(self): """Iterate over the AttrInfo objects that are contained in this fetch_request. """ return self.requested_attributes.itervalues() def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the attribute type URIs in this fetch_request """ return iter(self.requested_attributes) def has_key(self, type_uri): """Is the given type URI present in this fetch_request? """ return type_uri in self.requested_attributes __contains__ = has_key class AXKeyValueMessage(AXMessage): """An abstract class that implements a message that has attribute keys and values. It contains the common code between fetch_response and store_request. """ # This class is abstract, so it's OK that it doesn't override the # abstract method in Extension: # #pylint:disable-msg=W0223 def __init__(self): AXMessage.__init__(self) self.data = {} def addValue(self, type_uri, value): """Add a single value for the given attribute type to the message. If there are already values specified for this type, this value will be sent in addition to the values already specified. @param type_uri: The URI for the attribute @param value: The value to add to the response to the relying party for this attribute @type value: unicode @returns: None """ try: values = self.data[type_uri] except KeyError: values = self.data[type_uri] = [] values.append(value) def setValues(self, type_uri, values): """Set the values for the given attribute type. This replaces any values that have already been set for this attribute. @param type_uri: The URI for the attribute @param values: A list of values to send for this attribute. @type values: [unicode] """ self.data[type_uri] = values def _getExtensionKVArgs(self, aliases=None): """Get the extension arguments for the key/value pairs contained in this message. @param aliases: An alias mapping. Set to None if you don't care about the aliases for this request. """ if aliases is None: aliases = NamespaceMap() ax_args = {} for type_uri, values in self.data.iteritems(): alias = aliases.add(type_uri) ax_args['type.' + alias] = type_uri ax_args['count.' + alias] = str(len(values)) for i, value in enumerate(values): key = 'value.%s.%d' % (alias, i + 1) ax_args[key] = value return ax_args def parseExtensionArgs(self, ax_args): """Parse attribute exchange key/value arguments into this object. @param ax_args: The attribute exchange fetch_response arguments, with namespacing removed. @type ax_args: {unicode:unicode} @returns: None @raises ValueError: If the message has bad values for particular fields @raises KeyError: If the namespace mapping is bad or required arguments are missing """ self._checkMode(ax_args) aliases = NamespaceMap() for key, value in ax_args.iteritems(): if key.startswith('type.'): type_uri = value alias = key[5:] checkAlias(alias) aliases.addAlias(type_uri, alias) for type_uri, alias in aliases.iteritems(): try: count_s = ax_args['count.' + alias] except KeyError: value = ax_args['value.' + alias] if value == u'': values = [] else: values = [value] else: count = int(count_s) values = [] for i in range(1, count + 1): value_key = 'value.%s.%d' % (alias, i) value = ax_args[value_key] values.append(value) self.data[type_uri] = values def getSingle(self, type_uri, default=None): """Get a single value for an attribute. If no value was sent for this attribute, use the supplied default. If there is more than one value for this attribute, this method will fail. @type type_uri: str @param type_uri: The URI for the attribute @param default: The value to return if the attribute was not sent in the fetch_response. @returns: The value of the attribute in the fetch_response message, or the default supplied @rtype: unicode or NoneType @raises ValueError: If there is more than one value for this parameter in the fetch_response message. @raises KeyError: If the attribute was not sent in this response """ values = self.data.get(type_uri) if not values: return default elif len(values) == 1: return values[0] else: raise AXError( 'More than one value present for %r' % (type_uri,)) def get(self, type_uri): """Get the list of values for this attribute in the fetch_response. XXX: what to do if the values are not present? default parameter? this is funny because it's always supposed to return a list, so the default may break that, though it's provided by the user's code, so it might be okay. If no default is supplied, should the return be None or []? @param type_uri: The URI of the attribute @returns: The list of values for this attribute in the response. May be an empty list. @rtype: [unicode] @raises KeyError: If the attribute was not sent in the response """ return self.data[type_uri] def count(self, type_uri): """Get the number of responses for a particular attribute in this fetch_response message. @param type_uri: The URI of the attribute @returns: The number of values sent for this attribute @raises KeyError: If the attribute was not sent in the response. KeyError will not be raised if the number of values was zero. """ return len(self.get(type_uri)) class FetchResponse(AXKeyValueMessage): """A fetch_response attribute exchange message """ mode = 'fetch_response' def __init__(self, request=None, update_url=None): """ @param request: When supplied, I will use namespace aliases that match those in this request. I will also check to make sure I do not respond with attributes that were not requested. @type request: L{FetchRequest} @param update_url: By default, C{update_url} is taken from the request. But if you do not supply the request, you may set the C{update_url} here. @type update_url: str """ AXKeyValueMessage.__init__(self) self.update_url = update_url self.request = request def getExtensionArgs(self): """Serialize this object into arguments in the attribute exchange namespace @returns: The dictionary of unqualified attribute exchange arguments that represent this fetch_response. @rtype: {unicode;unicode} """ aliases = NamespaceMap() zero_value_types = [] if self.request is not None: # Validate the data in the context of the request (the # same attributes should be present in each, and the # counts in the response must be no more than the counts # in the request) for type_uri in self.data: if type_uri not in self.request: raise KeyError( 'Response attribute not present in request: %r' % (type_uri,)) for attr_info in self.request.iterAttrs(): # Copy the aliases from the request so that reading # the response in light of the request is easier if attr_info.alias is None: aliases.add(attr_info.type_uri) else: aliases.addAlias(attr_info.type_uri, attr_info.alias) try: values = self.data[attr_info.type_uri] except KeyError: values = [] zero_value_types.append(attr_info) if (attr_info.count != UNLIMITED_VALUES) and \ (attr_info.count < len(values)): raise AXError( 'More than the number of requested values were ' 'specified for %r' % (attr_info.type_uri,)) kv_args = self._getExtensionKVArgs(aliases) # Add the KV args into the response with the args that are # unique to the fetch_response ax_args = self._newArgs() # For each requested attribute, put its type/alias and count # into the response even if no data were returned. for attr_info in zero_value_types: alias = aliases.getAlias(attr_info.type_uri) kv_args['type.' + alias] = attr_info.type_uri kv_args['count.' + alias] = '0' update_url = ((self.request and self.request.update_url) or self.update_url) if update_url: ax_args['update_url'] = update_url ax_args.update(kv_args) return ax_args def parseExtensionArgs(self, ax_args): """@see: {Extension.parseExtensionArgs}""" super(FetchResponse, self).parseExtensionArgs(ax_args) self.update_url = ax_args.get('update_url') def fromSuccessResponse(cls, success_response, signed=True): """Construct a FetchResponse object from an OpenID library SuccessResponse object. @param success_response: A successful id_res response object @type success_response: openid.consumer.consumer.SuccessResponse @param signed: Whether non-signed args should be processsed. If True (the default), only signed arguments will be processsed. @type signed: bool @returns: A FetchResponse containing the data from the OpenID message, or None if the SuccessResponse did not contain AX extension data. @raises AXError: when the AX data cannot be parsed. """ self = cls() ax_args = success_response.extensionResponse(self.ns_uri, signed) try: self.parseExtensionArgs(ax_args) except NotAXMessage, err: return None else: return self fromSuccessResponse = classmethod(fromSuccessResponse) class StoreRequest(AXKeyValueMessage): """A store request attribute exchange message representation """ mode = 'store_request' def __init__(self, aliases=None): """ @param aliases: The namespace aliases to use when making this store request. Leave as None to use defaults. """ super(StoreRequest, self).__init__() self.aliases = aliases def getExtensionArgs(self): """ @see: L{Extension.getExtensionArgs} """ ax_args = self._newArgs() kv_args = self._getExtensionKVArgs(self.aliases) ax_args.update(kv_args) return ax_args class StoreResponse(AXMessage): """An indication that the store request was processed along with this OpenID transaction. """ SUCCESS_MODE = 'store_response_success' FAILURE_MODE = 'store_response_failure' def __init__(self, succeeded=True, error_message=None): AXMessage.__init__(self) if succeeded and error_message is not None: raise AXError('An error message may only be included in a ' 'failing fetch response') if succeeded: self.mode = self.SUCCESS_MODE else: self.mode = self.FAILURE_MODE self.error_message = error_message def succeeded(self): """Was this response a success response?""" return self.mode == self.SUCCESS_MODE def getExtensionArgs(self): """@see: {Extension.getExtensionArgs}""" ax_args = self._newArgs() if not self.succeeded() and self.error_message: ax_args['error'] = self.error_message return ax_args