import unittest import codecs import string import random from openid import oidutil def test_base64(): allowed_s = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '+/=' allowed_d = {} for c in allowed_s: allowed_d[c] = None isAllowed = allowed_d.has_key def checkEncoded(s): for c in s: assert isAllowed(c), s cases = [ '', 'x', '\x00', '\x01', '\x00' * 100, ''.join(map(chr, range(256))), ] for s in cases: b64 = oidutil.toBase64(s) checkEncoded(b64) s_prime = oidutil.fromBase64(b64) assert s_prime == s, (s, b64, s_prime) # Randomized test for _ in xrange(50): n = random.randrange(2048) s = ''.join(map(chr, map(lambda _: random.randrange(256), range(n)))) b64 = oidutil.toBase64(s) checkEncoded(b64) s_prime = oidutil.fromBase64(b64) assert s_prime == s, (s, b64, s_prime) class AppendArgsTest(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, desc, args, expected): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self) self.desc = desc self.args = args self.expected = expected def runTest(self): result = oidutil.appendArgs(*self.args) self.assertEqual(self.expected, result, self.args) def shortDescription(self): return self.desc class TestSymbol(unittest.TestCase): def testCopyHash(self): import copy s = oidutil.Symbol("Foo") d = {s: 1} d_prime = copy.deepcopy(d) self.failUnless(s in d_prime, "%r isn't in %r" % (s, d_prime)) t = oidutil.Symbol("Bar") self.failIfEqual(hash(s), hash(t)) def buildAppendTests(): simple = '' cases = [ ('empty list', (simple, []), simple), ('empty dict', (simple, {}), simple), ('one list', (simple, [('a', 'b')]), simple + '?a=b'), ('one dict', (simple, {'a':'b'}), simple + '?a=b'), ('two list (same)', (simple, [('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c')]), simple + '?a=b&a=c'), ('two list', (simple, [('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')]), simple + '?a=b&b=c'), ('two list (order)', (simple, [('b', 'c'), ('a', 'b')]), simple + '?b=c&a=b'), ('two dict (order)', (simple, {'b':'c', 'a':'b'}), simple + '?a=b&b=c'), ('escape', (simple, [('=', '=')]), simple + '?%3D=%3D'), ('escape (URL)', (simple, [('this_url', simple)]), simple + '?'), ('use dots', (simple, [('openid.stuff', 'bother')]), simple + '?openid.stuff=bother'), ('args exist (empty)', (simple + '?stuff=bother', []), simple + '?stuff=bother'), ('args exist', (simple + '?stuff=bother', [('ack', 'ack')]), simple + '?stuff=bother&ack=ack'), ('args exist', (simple + '?stuff=bother', [('ack', 'ack')]), simple + '?stuff=bother&ack=ack'), ('args exist (dict)', (simple + '?stuff=bother', {'ack': 'ack'}), simple + '?stuff=bother&ack=ack'), ('args exist (dict 2)', (simple + '?stuff=bother', {'ack': 'ack', 'zebra':'lion'}), simple + '?stuff=bother&ack=ack&zebra=lion'), ('three args (dict)', (simple, {'stuff': 'bother', 'ack': 'ack', 'zebra':'lion'}), simple + '?ack=ack&stuff=bother&zebra=lion'), ('three args (list)', (simple, [('stuff', 'bother'), ('ack', 'ack'), ('zebra', 'lion')]), simple + '?stuff=bother&ack=ack&zebra=lion'), ] tests = [] for name, args, expected in cases: test = AppendArgsTest(name, args, expected) tests.append(test) return unittest.TestSuite(tests) def pyUnitTests(): some = buildAppendTests() some.addTest(unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestSymbol)) return some def test_appendArgs(): suite = buildAppendTests() suite.addTest(unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestSymbol)) runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() result = assert result.wasSuccessful() # XXX: there are more functions that could benefit from being better # specified and tested in These include, but are not # limited to appendArgs def test(skipPyUnit=True): test_base64() if not skipPyUnit: test_appendArgs() if __name__ == '__main__': test(skipPyUnit=False)