#!/usr/bin/env python """ A lookupserv client for testing. This is the simplest possible example, and uses python's default telnetlib """ from .models import Tag def init_logger(): import logging from logging.handlers import WatchedFileHandler FORMAT = '%(message)s' formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=FORMAT) handler = WatchedFileHandler('sms_lookup_client.log', mode='a') handler.setFormatter(formatter) client_log = logging.getLogger('lookup_client') client_log.setLevel(logging.INFO) client_log.addHandler(handler) return client_log client_log = init_logger() def log(*args): a_str = '' if len(args) > 0: for a in args: try: a_str += ' ' + a except: a_str += ' ' +repr(a) try: s = a_str.encode('utf-8') except: s = a_str client_log.info(s) def send_lookup(tool_name, input_string, host='', port=9001, timeout=2, until='\n\n'): import telnetlib import sys if len(input_string) == 0: return False, '' try: data_to_send = input_string.encode('utf-8') except: data_to_send = input_string # connect t = telnetlib.Telnet() t.open(host, port, timeout) # send the command t.write("%s\n%s\n" % (tool_name, input_string)) d = t.read_until(until, 2).decode('utf-8') t.close() if 'ERROR' in d: return False, d return True, d def lookup(*args, **kwargs): """ Clean XFST lookup text, perform lookups in the database for corresponding lemmas and tags. Returns (success, lookup_list): success - boolean lookup_list - any lookups present Success is false if there were no lookups. """ from .models import Tag, Word success, lookup_string = send_lookup(*args, **kwargs) def clean_analysis(analysis): """ Convert analyses to db objects. TODO: if lemma exists, but isn't in db, what then? We don't care about these lemmas, probably, because we only care about the one the DB generated """ lemma, _, tag = analysis.partition('+') log(lemma) if analysis.endswith('+?'): return (False, False) try: l = Word.objects.get(lemma=lemma) except Word.DoesNotExist: return (False, False) t, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(string=tag) if created: log('>> lookup tool returned tag not in DB, created: ' + repr(t)) return (l, t) def split_a_line(analysis_line): wf, _, tag = analysis_line.partition('\t') l, t_obj = clean_analysis(tag) if l and t_obj: return (l, t_obj) else: return (False, False) analysis_chunks = [a for a in lookup_string.split('\n\n') if a.strip()] cleaned = [] for chunk in analysis_chunks: lemmas = [] analyses = [] for part in chunk.split('\n'): (lemma, analysis) = split_a_line(part) lemmas.append(lemma) analyses.append(analysis) lemma = list(set(lemmas))[0] append_ = (lemma, analyses) cleaned.append(append_) # TODO: filter out null analyses in cleaned, if none exist, then # success = False log("--") log("success ", success) log("analysis ", cleaned) if success: return success, cleaned else: return False, []