from django import template register = template.Library() @register.filter(name="parameter_value") def goal_parameter_value(goal, parameter): for p in goal.params.all(): if p.parameter == parameter: return p.value @register.filter(name='course_completion_rate') def course_completion_rate(course, user): return course.user_completion_rate(user) @register.filter(name='complete_for') def complete_for(a, user): return a.user_completed(user) @register.filter(name='goal_instances_for') def goal_instances_for(goal, user): return goal.usergoalinstance_set.filter(user=user).order_by('-last_attempt') @register.filter(name='format_percent') def format_percent(_float): _perc = "%s" % round(_float, 2) return _perc + '%' @register.filter(name='goals') def goals(coursegoal): """ Return a list of goals, skipping the related thing. """ return (c.goal for c in coursegoal.goals.all()) @register.filter(name='cumulative_progress') def cumulative_progress(coursegoal, user): return coursegoal.progress_for(user) @register.filter(name='goals_with_progress') def goals_with_progress(coursegoal, student): """ Return a list of goals with user progress, skipping the related thing. """ from courses.models import Goal user = student.user gs = [] for g in Goal.objects.filter(coursegoalgoal__coursegoal=coursegoal): if len(g.usergoalinstance_set.filter( > 0: gs.append(g) return gs @register.filter(name='highlight_differences') def highlight_differences(a, b): import difflib s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=a, b=b) chars = [] matches = [] s.get_matching_blocks() matches = s.matching_blocks okay = [] for (_a, _b, _len) in matches: if _len > 0: okay.extend(range(_a, _a + _len)) else: okay.append(_a) for i, c in enumerate(a): if i in okay: highlight = False else: highlight = True chars.append({ 'char': c, 'highlight': highlight }) return chars