"Test some examples." import socket import os.path, unittest, sys, time from cStringIO import StringIO import twill.commands, twill.parse, twill.unit from openid.consumer.discover import \ OpenIDServiceEndpoint, OPENID_1_1_TYPE from openid.consumer.consumer import AuthRequest class TwillTest(twill.unit.TestInfo): """Variant of twill.unit.TestInfo that runs a function as a test script, not twill script from a file. """ # twill.unit is pretty small to start with, we're overriding # run_script and bypassing twill.parse, so it may make sense to # rewrite twill.unit altogether. # Desirable features: # * better unittest.TestCase integration. # - handle logs on setup and teardown. # - treat TwillAssertionError as failed test assertion, make twill # assertions more consistant with TestCase.failUnless idioms. # - better error reporting on failed assertions. # - The amount of functions passed back and forth between TestInfo # and TestCase is currently pretty silly. # * access to child process's logs. # TestInfo.start_server redirects stdout/stderr to StringIO # objects which are, afaict, inaccessible to the caller of # test.unit.run_child_process. # * notice when the child process dies, i.e. if you muck up and # your runExampleServer function throws an exception. def run_script(self): time.sleep(self.sleep) # twill.commands.go(self.get_url()) self.script(self) def splitDir(d, count): # in python2.4 and above, it's easier to spell this as # d.rsplit(os.sep, count) for i in xrange(count): d = os.path.dirname(d) return d def runExampleServer(host, port, data_path): thisfile = os.path.abspath(sys.modules[__name__].__file__) topDir = splitDir(thisfile, 3) exampleDir = os.path.join(topDir, 'examples') serverExample = os.path.join(exampleDir, 'server.py') serverModule = {} execfile(serverExample, serverModule) serverMain = serverModule['main'] serverMain(host, port, data_path) class TestServer(unittest.TestCase): """Acceptance tests for examples/server.py. These are more acceptance tests than unit tests as they actually start the whole server running and test it on its external HTTP interface. """ def setUp(self): self.twillOutput = StringIO() self.twillErr = StringIO() twill.set_output(self.twillOutput) twill.set_errout(self.twillErr) # FIXME: make sure we pick an available port. self.server_port = 8080 # We need something to feed the server as a realm, but it needn't # be reachable. (Until we test realm verification.) self.realm = '' % (self.id(),) self.return_to = self.realm + '/return_to' twill.commands.reset_browser() def runExampleServer(self): """Zero-arg run-the-server function to be passed to TestInfo.""" # FIXME - make sure sstore starts clean. runExampleServer('', self.server_port, 'sstore') def v1endpoint(self, port): """Return an OpenID 1.1 OpenIDServiceEndpoint for the server.""" base = "http://%s:%s" % (socket.getfqdn(''), port) ep = OpenIDServiceEndpoint() ep.claimed_id = base + "/id/bob" ep.server_url = base + "/openidserver" ep.type_uris = [OPENID_1_1_TYPE] return ep # TODO: test discovery def test_checkidv1(self): """OpenID 1.1 checkid_setup request.""" ti = TwillTest(self.twill_checkidv1, self.runExampleServer, self.server_port, sleep=0.2) twill.unit.run_test(ti) if self.twillErr.getvalue(): self.fail(self.twillErr.getvalue()) def test_allowed(self): """OpenID 1.1 checkid_setup request.""" ti = TwillTest(self.twill_allowed, self.runExampleServer, self.server_port, sleep=0.2) twill.unit.run_test(ti) if self.twillErr.getvalue(): self.fail(self.twillErr.getvalue()) def twill_checkidv1(self, twillInfo): endpoint = self.v1endpoint(self.server_port) authreq = AuthRequest(endpoint, assoc=None) url = authreq.redirectURL(self.realm, self.return_to) c = twill.commands try: c.go(url) c.get_browser()._browser.set_handle_redirect(False) c.submit("yes") c.code(302) headers = c.get_browser()._browser.response().info() finalURL = headers['Location'] self.failUnless('openid.mode=id_res' in finalURL, finalURL) self.failUnless('openid.identity=' in finalURL, finalURL) except twill.commands.TwillAssertionError, e: msg = '%s\nFinal page:\n%s' % ( str(e), c.get_browser().get_html()) self.fail(msg) def twill_allowed(self, twillInfo): endpoint = self.v1endpoint(self.server_port) authreq = AuthRequest(endpoint, assoc=None) url = authreq.redirectURL(self.realm, self.return_to) c = twill.commands try: c.go(url) c.code(200) c.get_browser()._browser.set_handle_redirect(False) c.formvalue(1, 'remember', 'true') c.find('name="login_as" value="bob"') c.submit("yes") c.code(302) # Since we set remember=yes, the second time we shouldn't # see that page. c.go(url) c.code(302) headers = c.get_browser()._browser.response().info() finalURL = headers['Location'] self.failUnless(finalURL.startswith(self.return_to)) except twill.commands.TwillAssertionError, e: from traceback import format_exc msg = '%s\nTwill output:%s\nTwill errors:%s\nFinal page:\n%s' % ( format_exc(), self.twillOutput.getvalue(), self.twillErr.getvalue(), c.get_browser().get_html()) self.fail(msg) def tearDown(self): twill.set_output(None) twill.set_errout(None) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()