# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group ## ## Survey ## question_types = [ ('text', 'freeform text',), ('choice', 'single choice',), ('multichoice', 'multiple choice',), ('boolean', 'yes/no',), ] ## Survey definition TARGET = "If you wish to make this visble only to users in a certain course, select it here." class Survey(models.Model): """ Main survey object """ from courses.models import Course title = models.CharField(max_length=50) description = models.TextField() target_course = models.ForeignKey(Course, blank=True, null=True, help_text=TARGET) def __unicode__(self): return self.title def serialize_survey(self): """ Return a list of lists representing rows and columns of a CSV. """ questions = [(a.id, a.question_text, a.question_type) for a in self.questions.all().order_by('id')] question_columns = ["%s (%s)" % (text.encode('utf-8'), _type.encode('utf-8')) for (_id, text, _type) in questions] columns = [ 'user', 'completed', ] + question_columns answer_rows = [] responses = self.responses.all() def user_answer_to_db_answer(q, user_answer_str): try: ans_id = int(user_answer_str) db_value = self.questions.get(id=q).answer_values.get(id=ans_id) except ValueError: return "ERROR: Client sent invalid answer" except Exception, self.DoesNotExist: return "ERROR: retrieving value" return db_value.answer_text.encode('utf-8') def serialize_answer(ans): if _type == 'text': # append bare value serialized_value = ans[0].answer_text.encode('utf-8') elif _type == 'boolean': serialized_value = str(ans[0].answer_text) elif _type in ['choice', 'multichoice']: serialized_value = user_answer_to_db_answer(q, ans[0].answer_text) return serialized_value for r in responses: answers = r.user_answers.all().order_by('id') user_answer_values = [] for (q, text, _type) in questions: ans = answers.filter(question_id=q) if ans.exists(): user_answer_value = serialize_answer(ans) else: user_answer_value = "NO ANSWER" user_answer_values.append(user_answer_value) row = [ r.user_anonymized, r.completed.strftime('%Y.%d.%m'), # strftime ] + user_answer_values answer_rows.append(row) all_rows = [columns] + answer_rows return all_rows TYPE_H = """NB: For single and multiple choice answers, you must specify answer options. Yes/no and Freeform need no choices.""" class SurveyQuestion(models.Model): """ Contains the survey question, and question type. Connects to any possible answer objects. """ # TODO: Internationalization language survey = models.ForeignKey('Survey', related_name='questions') # required boolean field # required = models.BooleanField(default=True) question_text = models.TextField() question_type = models.CharField(max_length=18, choices=question_types, help_text=TYPE_H) def __unicode__(self): if len(self.question_text) > 15: return "%s: %s" % (self.survey, self.question_text[0:15]) else: return "%s: %s" % (self.survey, self.question_text) # TODO: translation # https://github.com/deschler/django-modeltranslation # - no changes to model structure required # - use this one, unless it's unsupported (which it may somehow # be) # class SurveyQuestionTranslations(models.Model): # question = models.ForeignKey('SurveyQuestion') # # language = models.CharField(max_length=5) # text = models.TextField() class SurveyQuestionAnswerValue(models.Model): """ A model for defining answer values for question types that allow for a choice. UserSurveyQuestionAnswer will only be auto-populated from this, not related by foreignkey """ question = models.ForeignKey(SurveyQuestion, related_name='answer_values') answer_text = models.TextField() def __unicode__(self): return "(%s) %s: %s" % (self.question.question_type, self.question.question_text, self.answer_text) ## User survey results class UserSurvey(models.Model): """ This is the user survey instance, to connect individual user answers together. """ survey = models.ForeignKey(Survey, related_name='responses') user = models.ForeignKey(User) # TODO: store anonymized by hash, prevent duplicates by checking # unique on hash. completed = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) @property def user_anonymized(self): return abs(hash(self.user.username)) class Meta: unique_together = ('user', 'survey', ) verbose_name = 'Response' verbose_name_plural = 'Responses' class UserSurveyQuestionAnswer(models.Model): """ This object will store user answers, regardless of whether it comes from a database-specified choice, or user-entered free text. """ user_survey = models.ForeignKey(UserSurvey, related_name="user_answers") question = models.ForeignKey(SurveyQuestion) answer_text = models.TextField()