from import BaseCommand, CommandError from optparse import make_option import sys # # # # # Command class # # # # from univ_drill.models import Question, Word def count_activities(gametype='morfa'): from operator import mul def count_question_obj(question): criteria = [] counts = [] _semtypes = [] _question_has_pn = False _question_has_tense = False _question_has_subj = False _subj_is_pron = False _subj_is_noun = False for element in question.qelement_set.all(): if element.syntax == 'SUBJ': _question_has_subj = True poses = element.tags.values_list('pos', flat=True).distinct() if 'Pron' in poses and 'N' in poses: _subj_is_pron = True elif 'Pron' in poses: _subj_is_pron = True elif 'N' in poses: _subj_is_noun = True if element.syntax in [syntax for syntax, _ in counts]: continue if element.semtype and element.semtype.semtype not in criteria: ws = element.wordqelement_set.filter(word__semtype=element.semtype)\ .exclude(word__language__in=['fin', 'nob', 'sma', 'swe'])\ .values_list('word__lemma', flat=True)\ .distinct() c = ws.count() _semtypes.append(element.semtype) criteria.append(element.semtype.semtype) counts.append(( element.semtype.semtype , c )) if not _question_has_tense: if element.tags: has_tense = [ a.tense for a in element.tags.all() if a.tense.strip() ] if 'Prs' in has_tense and 'Prt' in has_tense: _question_has_tense = True if not _question_has_pn: if element.tags: has_pn = set([ a.personnumber for a in element.tags.all() if a.personnumber.strip() ]) if 'Sg1' in has_pn and 'Du1' in has_pn: _question_has_pn = True if len(_semtypes) == 0: counts.append(( "SEMTYPE" , 1 )) if _question_has_pn and _question_has_subj: if _subj_is_pron: counts.append(( "PERSON-NUMBER" , 9 )) elif _subj_is_noun: counts.append(( "PERSON-NUMBER" , 2 )) if _question_has_tense: counts.append(( "TENSE" , 2 )) return counts totals = [] inc = { 'question__gametype': gametype, 'qatype': 'answer' } exc = { 'question__qid__startswith': 'px' } for question in Question.objects.filter(**inc).exclude(**exc): question_answer = question question = question.question answer_counts = count_question_obj(question_answer) question_counts = count_question_obj(question) question_answer_counts = list(set(answer_counts + question_counts)) q_counts = [n for t, n in question_answer_counts] try: q_count = reduce(mul, q_counts) except TypeError: q_count = False if q_count: q_c_str = '*'.join([str(b) for b in q_counts]) print question.qid print " question:" for c in question_answer_counts: print " %s - %d possibilities" % c print " total possible questions: %d " % q_count totals.append(q_count) print " (%s)" % q_c_str print else: print question.qid print " question has no elements" print print "Grand total: %d" % sum(totals) class Command(BaseCommand): args = '--word' help = """ """ option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option("-t", "--type", dest="gametype", default=False, help="Gametype"), ) def handle(self, *args, **options): if not options.get('gametype'): print "Please specify a gametype with --type" print "--type=cealkka, --type=morfa" else: if options.get('gametype') not in ['cealkka', 'morfa']: print "Please specify a gametype with --type" print "--type=cealkka, --type=morfa" count_activities(options.get('gametype'))