from import BaseCommand, CommandError # from_yaml(cls, loader, node) from optparse import make_option import sys # # # # # Command class # # # # def findmissing(tfilter=False, count=0): from univ_drill.models import Form from django.db.models import Count missing = Form.objects.filter()\ .annotate(fc=Count('feedback'))\ .filter(fc=0)\ .values('word__lemma', 'fullform', 'tag__string') for m in missing.iterator(): s = "%(word__lemma)s\t%(fullform)s\t%(tag__string)s" % m try: s = s.encode('utf-8') except: pass print >> sys.stdout, s class Command(BaseCommand): args = '--tagelement' help = """ Search for word forms with missing feedback messages """ option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option("-t", "--tagelement", dest="tagelement", default=False, help="Tag element to search for"), ) def handle(self, *args, **options): import sys, os tag_element = options['tagelement'] dry_run = options['dryrun'] findmissing()