feedback for Russian nouns Feedback should have this format: “This is a A B noun with a C, like X. It D. (E.)” [E is optional.] Example: дире́ктор “This is a masculine animate noun with a hard stem, like студе́нт. It has stress on the stem in the singular and on the ending in the plural. This noun has N(A)Pl in -á/-я́.” A: masculine “masculine” feminine “feminine” neuter “neuter” common gender “common gender” B: inanimate “inanimate” animate “animate” C: [the numbers refer to the Zaliznjak numerical codes, some have circles after them, there isn't a code for irregular] 1 hard stem “hard stem” 2 soft stem “soft stem” 3 stem in velar “stem with к, г, or х” 4 stem in husher “stem with ж, ч, ш, or щ” 5 stem in ц “stem with ц” 6 stem in jod “stem with jod” 7 stem in ий/ия/ие “stem with ий, ия, or ие” 1° stem in анин/янин “stem with анин or янин” 3° stem in онок/ёнок “stem with онок or ёнок” 8 stem in ь “stem with ь” 8° stem in мя “stem with мя” 0 indeclinable stem “stem that is indeclinable” irregular D: [the letters refer to Zaliznjak codes] a stem “always has stress on the stem.” b end “always has stress on the ending.” b' end stemISg “has stress on the ending in all forms except the ISg.” c stemSg endingPl “has stress on the stem in the singular and on the ending in the plural.” d endSg stemPl “has stress on the ending in the singular and on the stem in the plural.” d' endSg stemPl stemAsg “has stress on the ending in the singular, but on the stem in the ASg and the plural.” e stemSgN(A)Pl endElse “has stress on the stem in the singular and N(A)Pl, but has stress on the ending in the other plural forms.” f endElse stemNPl “has stress on the ending in all forms except the NPl.” f' endElse stemAsgNpl “has stress on the ending in all forms except the ASg and NPl.” f'' endElse stemISgNPl “has stress on the ending in all forms except the ISg and the NPl.” E: [symbols to the left are from Zaliznjak; circle1 means a 1 inside a circle, etc.] * mobileV “This noun has a mobile vowel.” circle1 N(A)Pl in -a/-я “This noun has N(A)Pl in -á/-я́.” circle2 irregGPl “This noun has an irregular GPl form.” П2 Loc2 “This noun has a second locative form.” e.g., лес Р2 Gen2 “This noun has a second genitive form.” e.g., чай △ irreg “This noun has some irregular forms.” Other special items -- I don't know how Francis has coded these... Zaliznjak has Р.мн. затрудн. for this one: “This noun has no GPl form.” e.g., мечта́ X = Head nouns [Numbers refer to Zaliznjak codes] 1 masculine inanimate hard stem бана́н 1 masculine animate hard stem студе́нт 2 masculine inanimate soft stem рубль 2 masculine animate soft stem медве́дь 3 masculine inanimate stem in velar уро́к 3 masculine animate stem in velar учени́к 4 masculine inanimate stem in husher каранда́ш 4 masculine animate stem in husher борщ 5 masculine inanimate stem in ц огуре́ц 5 masculine animate stem in ц оте́ц 6 masculine inanimate stem in jod музе́й 6 masculine animate stem in jod геро́й 7 masculine inanimate stem in ий санато́рий 7 masculine animate stem in ий вика́рий 1° masculine animate stem in анин/янин датча́нин 3° masculine animate stem in онок/ёнок цыплёнок 1 feminine inanimate hard stem ко́мната 1 feminine animate hard stem ма́ма 2 feminine inanimate soft stem ба́ня 2 feminine animate soft stem герои́ня 3 feminine inanimate stem in velar кни́га 3 feminine animate stem in velar соба́ка 4 feminine inanimate stem in husher ка́ша 4 feminine animate stem in husher касси́рша 5 feminine inanimate stem in ц у́лица 5 feminine animate stem in ц учи́тельница 6 feminine inanimate stem in jod ста́туя 6 feminine animate stem in jod фе́я 7 feminine inanimate stem in ия ле́кция 7 feminine animate stem in ия фу́рия 8 feminine inanimate stem in ь дверь 8 feminine animate stem in ь фотомоде́ль 1 neuter inanimate hard stem окно́ 1 neuter animate hard stem ча́до 2 neuter inanimate soft stem мо́ре 3 neuter inanimate stem in velar бла́го 4 neuter inanimate stem in husher жили́ще 4 neuter animate stem in husher чудо́вище 5 neuter inanimate stem in ц со́лнце 6 neuter inanimate stem in jod здоро́вье 7 neuter inanimate stem in ие рожде́ние 8° neuter inanimate stem in мя вре́мя Head nouns that need to be added to the lexicon (I have checked all of the other proposed head nouns -- they do indeed exist in the list): Russian English Danish Norwegian студе́нт student student student геро́й hero helt helt санато́рий sanatorium sanatorium sanatorium вика́рий vicar sognepræst, vikar sogneprest, vikar цыплёнок chic kyllingunge kyllingunge герои́ня heroine heltinde heltinne касси́рша cashier kassedame kasserer ста́туя statue statue statue фе́я fairy fe fe фу́рия mythological fury furie furie ча́до child barn barn мо́ре sea sø sjø бла́го good gode gode NOTES: We still need to do something about the masculine nouns that decline like feminines (дядя, дедушка, папа). We also need a solution for the common gender nouns like сирота. Zaliznjak does not use codes to distinguish between feminine nouns with a husher before ь and those with other consonant letters. There are spelling differences in the DPl, IPl, LPl due to spelling rules. It seems best to take the default types as head nouns here.