# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import settings from django.db.models import Q from xml.dom import minidom as _dom from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode import sys from rus_drill.models import * import conf.ordereddict from collections import OrderedDict # For easier debugging. # _D = open('/dev/ttys005', 'w') _D = open('/dev/null', 'w') COUNT_ONLY = False supported_langs = ['rus', 'nob', 'eng', 'dan'] # # # # # Settings variables # # # # _STDERR = sys.stderr _STDIN = sys.stdin _STDOUT = sys.stdout # Note: this is from sma, we do not need dialects for Russian, # remove. try: DIALECTS = settings.DIALECTS NG_DIALECT = settings.NONGEN_DIALECT except: print """Dialects not defined in settings.py... DIALECTS = { 'main': ('generator-oahpa-gt-norm.xfst', 'Unrestricted'), } DEFAULT_DIALECT = 'main' NONGEN_DIALECT = 'NG' """ sys.exit(2) try: INFINITIVE_SUBTRACT = settings.INFINITIVE_SUBTRACT INFINITIVE_ADD = settings.INFINITIVE_ADD except: print """Infinitives not defined in settings.py... INFINITIVE_SUBTRACT = { 'nob': ur'^(?P책 )?(?P.*)$', 'swe': ur'^(?Patt )?(?P.*)$', 'eng': ur'^(?Pto )?(?P.*)$', 'deu': ur'^(?Pzu )?(?P.*)$', } INFINITIVE_ADD = { 'nob': ur'책 \g', 'swe': ur'att \g', 'eng': ur'to \g', 'deu': ur'zu \g', } """ sys.exit(2) from django.db import transaction # # # # # Some XML shortcuts # # # # _elements = lambda e, x: e.getElementsByTagName(x) _attribute = lambda e, x: e.getAttribute(x) def _data(e): try: return e.firstChild.data except AttributeError: return False def _firstelement(e, x): e = _elements(e, x) try: return e[0] except IndexError: return None # # # # # Handy objects # # # # # Note: the tag_kwargs list will need some additions, a.o. gender. class Analysis(object): def getTag(self): # PI: this is a huge gotcha. The Python code mostly # manipulates variations of 'pos', but tags.txt _must_ # have 'Wordclass'. Docs needed (Or ideally a saner # tags.txt setup.) tag_kwargs = { 'string': self.tags, 'pos': self.classes.get('Wordclass', ""), 'number': self.classes.get('Number',""), 'gender': self.classes.get('Gender', ""), # PI: added for Russian 'animate': self.classes.get('Animate',""), 'case': self.classes.get('Case',""), # 'inflection_class': self.classes.get('Inflectionclass',""), # added by Heli: this is the Zaliznjak code # 'possessive': self.classes.get('Possessive',""), 'grade': self.classes.get('Grade',""), 'infinite': self.classes.get('Infinite',""), 'personnumber': self.classes.get('Person-Number',""), # 'polarity': self.classes.get('Polarity',""), 'tense': self.classes.get('Tense',""), 'mood': self.classes.get('Mood',""), 'subclass': self.classes.get('Subclass',""), 'attributive': self.classes.get('Attributive',"") } t, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(**tag_kwargs) t.save() return t def __init__(self, linginfo, analysis): # TODO: update_only setting self.classes = {} self.form, self.tags = analysis for t in self.tags.split('+'): nt = t.lower().capitalize() # PI: normalize the tags, this is what bit me if nt in linginfo.tagset: tagclass = linginfo.tagset[nt] self.classes[tagclass] = nt class Entry(object): """ The beginning of a class for parsing entry nodes. This makes it much easier to read the code below, so well worth it. Potential gotchas are with indexes. Next step is to add some methods that create the django Word or WordTranslation objects... """ def processMiniParadigm(self, mini_paradigm): """ Processes a mini_paradigm datnem dov # TODO: """ try: analyses = _elements(mini_paradigm, 'analysis') except IndexError: return None paradigm_forms = [] for analysis in analyses: ms = _attribute(analysis, 'ms') ms = ms.split('_') dial = _attribute(analysis, 'dial') wordforms = [_data(an) for an in _elements(analysis, 'wordform')] paradigm_forms += [(word, ms, dial) for word in wordforms] return paradigm_forms def processLG(self): """ Handles nodes such as... девочка Including those containing lemma_stressed: вечер ве́чер and miniparadigms: мышь N_Sg_Nom мы́шь ..... мыше́й """ n = self.node lg = _elements(n, "lg")[0] l = _elements(lg, "l")[0] # first item is xml attribute, second is what to set it to on # the python object, if None, then it is the same # This list must be revised for Russian. l_attrs = [ ("class", "wordclass"), ("pos", None), ("hid", None), ("gen_only", None), ("animate", None), ("declension", None), ("gender", None), ("zaliznjak", "inflection_class") ] analysis = _firstelement(lg, "analysis") miniparadigm = _firstelement(lg, "mini_paradigm") lemma_stressed = _firstelement(lg, "lemma_stressed") if analysis: self.analysis = _data(analysis).replace('_', '+') else: self.analysis = False if miniparadigm: self.lemma_analyses = self.processMiniParadigm(miniparadigm) else: self.lemma_analyses = False if lemma_stressed: self.lemma_stressed = _data(lemma_stressed) else: self.lemma_stressed = False for xmlattr, objattr in l_attrs: if not objattr: objattr = xmlattr self.__setattr__(objattr, _attribute(l, xmlattr)) self.lemma = _data(l) def processSources(self): """ Handles nodes such as... """ n = self.node self.frequency = False self.geography = False self.sources = False try: sources = _elements(n, "sources")[0] except IndexError: self.sources = False return books = _elements(sources, "book") book_names = [_attribute(b, "name") for b in books] book_chapters = [_attribute(b, "chapter") for b in books] self.sources = book_names self.chapters = book_chapters frequency = _elements(sources, "frequency") geography = _elements(sources, "geography") self.frequency = [_attribute(b, "class") for b in frequency] self.geography = [_attribute(b, "class") for b in geography] def _handleSemantics(self, node): """ Handles nodes such as... """ try: semantics = _elements(node, "semantics")[0] except IndexError: return False sems = _elements(semantics, "sem") semclasses = [_attribute(b, 'class') for b in sems] return semclasses def _handleTranslations(self, node): """ Handles nodes such as... spor etter reinflokk reinspor spor """ __tcomm = lambda v: True and v in ['yes', 'YES', 'true', 'True'] or False __stat = lambda v: True and v.lower() == 'pref' or False tgs = _elements(node, "tg") translations = {} for tg in tgs: lang = _attribute(tg, "xml:lang") trans_list = [] Ts = _elements(tg, "t") # tf = phrase, te = explanation, t = lemma for T in Ts: trans = { 'pos': _attribute(T, 'pos'), 'stat': __stat(_attribute(T, 'stat')), 'tcomm': __tcomm(_attribute(T, 'tcomm')), 'lemma': _data(T), 'phrase': False, 'explanation': False, } trans_list.append(trans) TFs = _elements(tg, "tf") for T in TFs: trans = { 'pos': _attribute(T, 'pos'), 'stat': __stat(_attribute(T, 'stat')), 'tcomm': __tcomm(_attribute(T, 'tcomm')), 'lemma': False, 'phrase': _data(T), 'explanation': False, } trans_list.append(trans) TEs = _elements(tg, "te") for T in TEs: trans = { 'pos': _attribute(T, 'pos'), 'stat': __stat(_attribute(T, 'stat')), 'tcomm': __tcomm(_attribute(T, 'tcomm')), 'lemma': False, 'phrase': False, 'explanation': _data(T), } trans_list.append(trans) translations[lang] = trans_list return translations def processMeaningGroups(self): """ Handles nodes such as... bestefars barnebarn bestefar sitt barnebarn farfars barnbarn etc... """ self.meanings = [] mgs = _elements(self.node, "mg") for mg in mgs: meaning = {} meaning['semantics'] = self._handleSemantics(mg) meaning['translations'] = self._handleTranslations(mg) self.meanings.append(meaning) def handlePartnerVerbs(self): """ Handles nodes such as... уви́деть идти """ self.aspect = _data("aspect") self.motion = _data("motion") def make_checksum(self): import hashlib self.checksum = hashlib.md5(self.node.toxml().encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def __init__(self, e_node): """ Takes a parsed e_node and begins the process. Returns traceback upon fail. """ self.node = e_node try: self.exclude = _attribute(e_node, 'exclude') self.processLG() self.processSources() self.processMeaningGroups() self.handlePartnerVerbs() self.make_checksum() except Exception, e: import traceback message = 'Traceback:\n%s' % ( '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())),) print >> _STDERR, e_node.toxml().encode('utf-8') print >> _STDERR, "Error while handling XML:" print >> _STDERR, Exception, e print >> _STDERR, message print >> _STDERR, "Exiting." sys.exit(2) class Words(object): def paradigm_is_changed(self, key, paradigm): # TODO: only run this when update setting is present return True from diff.models import ParadigmDiff import hashlib hashable = '|'.join(paradigm.keys()) checksum = hashlib.md5(hashable.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() try: diff = ParadigmDiff.objects.get(key=key) except ParadigmDiff.DoesNotExist: diff = ParadigmDiff.objects.create(key=key, checksum=checksum) diff.save() return True if checksum == diff.checksum: return False else: diff.checksum = checksum diff.save() return True @transaction.atomic def install_lexicon(self,infile,linginfo,delete=None,paradigmfile=False, verbose=True,append_only=False): global VERBOSE VERBOSE = verbose # xmlfile = file(infile) # never used tree = _dom.parse(infile) lex = tree.getElementsByTagName("r")[0] mainlang = lex.getAttribute("xml:lang") print >> _STDOUT, "Mainlang defined ", mainlang.encode('utf-8') if not mainlang: print >> _STDERR, "Attribute mainlang not defined in", infile, "stop." sys.exit() self.all_wordids = [] es = tree.getElementsByTagName("e") total = len(es) count = 0 # Collect data to generate words, or skip if they are already # provided entries = [] for e in es: entry = Entry(e) if entry.lemma_analyses or entry.analysis: pass else: if paradigmfile: paradigm_args = [ entry.lemma, entry.pos, entry.hid, entry.gen_only, [], ] # #entry.wordtype, # TV, IV, TODO: Neg print "lemma: %s %s" % (entry.lemma.encode('utf-8'), entry.pos.encode('utf-8')) if (entry.pos.upper() in ['N', 'V', 'A']): # only N, A, V paradigm generation now try: linginfo.collect_gen_data(*paradigm_args) except TypeError: print e.toxml() print >> sys.stderr, "XML file contains an empty element." print >> sys.stderr, "... Exiting." sys.exit(2) entries.append(entry) if paradigmfile: linginfo.generate_all(dialects=DIALECTS) for entry in entries: # Uppercase POS. pos = entry.pos.upper() if pos.startswith('PHRASE'): pos = pos.replace('PHRASE', '') # Just incase we have longer POS. pos = pos.replace('_', '') if pos: if not COUNT_ONLY: if VERBOSE: print >> _STDOUT, "pos defined ", pos.encode('utf-8') self.store_word(entry=entry, linginfo=linginfo, mainlang=mainlang, delete=delete, paradigmfile=paradigmfile, append_only=append_only) else: try: __data = e.getElementsByTagName("lg")[0]\ .getElementsByTagName("l")[0]\ .firstChild.data except AttributeError: __data = 'None' if not COUNT_ONLY: if VERBOSE: print >> _STDOUT, "undefined pos for ", __data.encode('utf-8') count += 1 print >> _STDOUT, '--- %d/%d entries processed' % (count, total) if delete and pos: allids = Word.objects.filter(pos=pos)\ .exclude(semtype__semtype="PLACE-NAME-LEKSA")\ .values_list('wordid',flat=True) for a in allids: if force_unicode(a) not in set(self.all_wordids): print >> _STDOUT, "Word id not found from xml. Deleting:", a.encode('utf-8') word = Word.objects.get(pos=pos,wordid=a) word.delete() # transaction.commit() def add_translation(self, language, txdata, w, entry, semantics): translation = lemma = phrase = explanation = False if txdata['lemma']: translation = lemma = txdata['lemma'] if txdata['phrase']: translation = phrase = txdata['phrase'] if txdata['explanation']: translation = explanation = txdata['explanation'] if not translation: print >> _STDERR, " *** No translation lemma given in word translation elements for <%s>. Skipping this translation." % entry.lemma.encode('utf-8') return pos = entry.pos.upper() if pos == 'PROP': pos = 'N' wt_kwargs = { 'language': language, 'word': w, 'wordid': translation, 'pos': pos, 'tcomm': txdata['tcomm'], 'tcomm_pref': txdata['stat'] } if lemma: wt_kwargs['lemma'] = lemma elif phrase: wt_kwargs['phrase'] = phrase elif explanation: wt_kwargs['explanation'] = explanation try: transl, created = WordTranslation.objects.get_or_create(**wt_kwargs) if semantics: for item in semantics: transl.semtype.add(item) except WordTranslation.MultipleObjectsReturned: print >> _STDERR, "Extra similar translation objects found, deleting extras..." transls = list(WordTranslation.objects.filter(**wt_kwargs)) for t in transls[1::]: t.delete() # Add reference to the new word object as translation. w.save() if VERBOSE: print >> _STDOUT, "Translation for <%s> added: %s" % (language.encode('utf-8'), translation.encode('utf-8')) def add_semantics(self, semantics, w, entry): if entry.exclude: excl = entry.exclude exclusions = [a.strip() for a in excl.split(',') if a.strip()] for exclusion in exclusions: exclude_type, _ = Semtype.objects.get_or_create(semtype='exclude_' + exclusion) w.semtype.add(exclude_type) direction = (exclusion[0:3], exclusion[3:6]) if VERBOSE: print >> _STDOUT, ' *** This word will be excluded in %s->%s' % direction mg_semtypes = [] if semantics: for semclass in semantics: if not COUNT_ONLY: if VERBOSE: print >> _STDOUT, "Semantic cls: ", semclass.encode('utf-8') # Add semantics entry if not found. # Leave this if DTD is used. sem_entry, created = Semtype.objects.get_or_create(semtype=semclass) if created: if VERBOSE: print >> _STDOUT, "Created semtype entry with name ", semclass.encode('utf-8') w.semtype.add(sem_entry) mg_semtypes.append(sem_entry) w.save() return mg_semtypes def add_sources(self,entry,w): for bookname in entry.sources: book_entry, created = Source.objects.get_or_create(name=bookname) if created: if VERBOSE: print >> _STDOUT, "Created book entry with name ", bookname.encode('utf-8') w.source.add(book_entry) w.save() def add_chapters(self,entry,w): for chapter in entry.chapters: if VERBOSE: print >> _STDOUT, "Added chapter ", chapter.encode('utf-8') w.chapter = chapter w.save() def store_word(self,entry,linginfo,mainlang,paradigmfile,delete,append_only=False): OUT_STRS = [] ERR_STRS = [] # TODO: sometimes translations are added despite no changes changes_to_xml = True changes_to_paradigm = True # Intialize null variables stem, forms, gradation, rime = [""]*4 wordclass, attrsuffix, compsuffix, soggi, valency = [""]*5 compare, frequency, geography, presentationform = [""]*4 diphthong = "no" exist_kwargs = {} # Store first unique fields wid = entry.lemma if not entry.lemma: print >> _STDERR, "No lemma defined" sys.exit(2) else: lemma = entry.lemma if not wid: wid = lemma exist_kwargs['language'] = mainlang self.all_wordids.append(wid) if entry.wordclass: wordclass = entry.wordclass if not COUNT_ONLY: OUT_STRS.append(wordclass) if entry.frequency: frequency = entry.frequency[0] if entry.geography: geography = entry.geography[0] # Part of speech information pos = entry.pos hid = entry.hid if entry.hid: hid = int(entry.hid) exist_kwargs['hid'] = hid else: hid = None pos = pos.upper() if pos.startswith('PHRASE'): pos = pos.replace('PHRASE', '') # Just incase we have longer POS. pos = pos.replace('_', '') if pos == 'PROP': pos = 'N' exist_kwargs['pos'] = pos # if entry.soggi: # soggi = entry.soggi # if entry.attrsuffix: # attrsuffix = entry.attrsuffix # if entry.compsuffix: # compsuffix = entry.compsuffix # if entry.diphthong: # diphthong = entry.diphthong # if entry.gradation: # gradation = entry.gradation # if entry.stem: # stem = entry.stem # if entry.rime: # rime = entry.rime #animate = None or entry.animate #gender = None or entry.gender gender = "" animate = "" print >> sys.stdout, 'lemma: %s' % lemma if pos == 'N' and mainlang == 'rus': # Stem info should be obtained for Russian words only, not the translations. 'mainlang' is the value of the xml:lang attribute in the xml file. stem_info = linginfo.get_stem_info(force_unicode(lemma).encode('utf-8')) # added by Heli if stem_info: # There is no stem info for the words that are unknown for the FST. gender = stem_info[0] animate = stem_info[1] declension = None or entry.declension inflection_class = None or entry.inflection_class lemma_stressed = None or entry.lemma_stressed trisyllabic = ['3syll', '3', 'trisyllabic'] bisyllabic = ['2syll', '2', 'bisyllabic'] if stem in trisyllabic: stem = '3syll' if stem in bisyllabic: stem = '2syll' # Search for existing word in the database. w = None if entry.lemma_stressed: # For entries with stressed lemma, we need to # actually fetch an existing word entry, # and add the lemma here as fullform to Form models exist_kwargs['lemma'] = entry.lemma_stressed exist_kwargs['wordid'] = entry.lemma # was: lemma_stressed, but then does not find the instance else: exist_kwargs['lemma'] = lemma exist_kwargs['wordid'] = lemma try: w, created = Word.objects.get_or_create(**exist_kwargs) except Word.MultipleObjectsReturned: w = Word.objects.filter(**exist_kwargs) w.delete() w = Word.objects.create(**exist_kwargs) # Check if there are changes to the word's XML element, and if not, skip changes_to_xml = True # try: # diff = w.worddiff_set.all()[0] # if entry.checksum != diff.checksum: # changes_to_xml = True # except: # diff = w.worddiff_set.create(checksum=entry.checksum) # diff.save() # changes_to_xml = True # if not changes_to_xml: # print >> sys.stdout, ' * No changes detected to word XML, skipping... ' # return w.wordclass = wordclass w.pos = pos w.wordid = w.lemma = lemma # w.presentationform = presentationform # w.stem = stem # w.rime = rime # w.compare = compare # w.attrsuffix = attrsuffix # w.compsuffix = compsuffix # w.soggi = soggi # w.gradation = gradation # w.diphthong = diphthong w.gender = gender w.animate = animate w.declension = declension w.inflection_class = inflection_class w.lemma_stressed = lemma_stressed w.valency = valency w.frequency = frequency OUT_STRS.append(frequency) OUT_STRS.append(geography) w.geography = geography w.hid = hid w.save() dialect_objects = [] # Create dialect forms for dialect, dial_data in DIALECTS.items(): dial, created = Dialect.objects.get_or_create(dialect=dialect) if created: dial.name = dial_data[1] dial.save() if dialect != NG_DIALECT: dialect_objects.append(dial) # additional dialect mappings # NG - main, NG; but not L and SH main_dialect = Dialect.objects.get(dialect='main') ng_dialect = Dialect.objects.get(dialect=NG_DIALECT) # PI changed to get it out of the way try: if entry.dial: dialect, created = Dialect.objects.get_or_create(dialect=entry.dial) if created: dialect.name = DIALECTS[entry.dial][1] dialect.save() if entry.dial != NG_DIALECT: dialect_objects.append(dial) except: dialect = False if entry.lemma_analyses: pregenerated = True else: pregenerated = False if pregenerated: analyses = [] if entry.lemma_analyses: analyses = entry.lemma_analyses # Join tags analyses = [(form, '+'.join(tags), dial) for form, tags, dial in analyses] for analysis in analyses: analysis, dialect = (analysis[0], analysis[1]), analysis[2] g = Analysis(linginfo, analysis) tag = g.getTag() form, _ = Form.objects.get_or_create(fullform=g.form, tag=tag, word=w) form.save() if dialect: if type(dialect) != Dialect: dialect = Dialect.objects.get(dialect=dialect) form.dialects.add(dialect) # form.dialects.add(main_dialect) del form if not COUNT_ONLY: if dialect: if VERBOSE: OUT_STRS.append(force_unicode("Created form: %s\t%s\t\t%s" % (tag.string, g.form, dialect.dialect))) else: if VERBOSE: OUT_STRS.append(force_unicode("Created form: %s\t%s" % (tag.string, g.form))) elif paradigmfile: # Create a dictionary that with keys for the tag and wordform, and # set as key the word class and dialects, thus there is no need to # reiterate through already created wordforms just to add dialects. # Time-saving, because we iterate through wordforms and add # dialects, rather than iterating through dialects and going # through wordforms once for each dialect. paradigms_to_create = dict() # OrderedDict() # TODO: sorted by tag for dialect in dialect_objects: if VERBOSE: OUT_STRS.append('Forms for dialect %s' % dialect.dialect) #wordtype = entry.wordtype.capitalize() or None generated_forms = linginfo.get_paradigm( lemma=lemma, pos=pos, forms=forms, dialect=dialect.dialect) #wordtype=wordtype) if not generated_forms: continue for form in generated_forms: tag = form.tags wform = form.form key = '%s|%s' % (tag, wform) if key in paradigms_to_create: form_info = paradigms_to_create[key] else: form_info = {'class': form} if 'dialects' in form_info: form_info['dialects'].append(dialect) else: form_info['dialects'] = [dialect] paradigms_to_create[key] = form_info paradigms_to_create = OrderedDict(sorted(paradigms_to_create.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) changes_to_paradigm = False paradigm_key = '%s|%s|%s' % (lemma, pos, dialect.dialect) changes_to_paradigm = self.paradigm_is_changed(paradigm_key, paradigms_to_create) if changes_to_paradigm: existing = Form.objects.filter(word=w) if not append_only: if existing.count() > 0: existing.delete() for key, item in paradigms_to_create.iteritems(): f_dialects = item.get('dialects', False) f = item.get('class', False) g = f.classes if w.pos == "A" and w.compare == "no" and \ (g.get('Grade')=="Comp" or g.get('Grade')=="Superl"): continue tag_kwargs = { 'string': f.tags, 'pos': g.get('Wordclass', ""), 'number': g.get('Number',""), 'case': g.get('Case',""), # 'possessive': g.get('Possessive',""), 'gender': g.get('Gender', ""), 'animate': g.get('Animate', ""), # 'inflection_class': g.get('Inflectionclass', ""), 'grade': g.get('Grade',""), # 'infinite': g.get('Infinite',""), 'personnumber': g.get('Person-Number',""), # 'polarity': g.get('Polarity',""), 'tense': g.get('Tense',""), # 'mood': g.get('Mood',""), # 'subclass': g.get('Subclass',""), 'attributive': g.get('Attributive',""), # 'infinite': g.get('Infinite',""), } t,created=Tag.objects.get_or_create(**tag_kwargs) #t.save() # tag meta install/update should be done as a first separate step, not in word install/update # form = Form(fullform=f.form,tag=t,word=w) form, _ = Form.objects.get_or_create(fullform=f.form, tag=t, word=w) form.save() names = set() for dialect in f_dialects: names.add(dialect.dialect) form.dialects.add(dialect) if not COUNT_ONLY: if VERBOSE: fmt = (t.string, f.form, ', '.join(list(names))) #_outstr = u"Created form: %s\t%s\t\t%s" % fmt commented out to avoid unicode error #OUT_STRS.append(_outstr) del form # Figure out NG forms, main dial forms that are not in any of # the other dialects. if changes_to_paradigm: non_main = Dialect.objects.exclude(dialect='main').exclude(dialect='NG') for form in w.form_set.filter(dialects=main_dialect): ng = False for nm in non_main: if nm in form.dialects.all(): ng = True if ng: continue else: form.dialects.add(ng_dialect) if changes_to_xml: if entry.sources: self.add_sources(entry, w) if entry.chapters: self.add_chapters(entry, w) if changes_to_xml: for mgroup in entry.meanings: # Semantics goes first, might copy to WordTranslation objects mg_semantics = self.add_semantics(mgroup['semantics'], w, entry) for language, translations in mgroup['translations'].items(): for translation in translations: self.add_translation(language=language, txdata=translation, w=w, entry=entry, semantics=mg_semantics) if not changes_to_xml: OUT_STRS.append(' * No changes to XML detected, skipping Word objects.') if not changes_to_paradigm: OUT_STRS.append(' * No changes in generation detected, skipping Form objects.') print >> _STDOUT, '\n'.join(OUT_STRS).encode('utf-8') print >> _STDERR, '\n'.join(ERR_STRS).encode('utf-8') OUT_STRS = list() ERR_STRS = list() def delete_word(self, wid=None,pos=None): if not pos: print "specify the part of speech with option -p" # to debug and fix: delete word routine # wordruss = Wordrus.objects.filter(wordid=wid) # for w in wordruss: # print "Removing", w.wordid # w.delete() if wid and pos: words = Word.objects.filter(wordid=wid,pos=pos) for w in words: if not COUNT_ONLY: print >> _STDOUT, "Removing", w.wordid.encode('utf-8') w.delete() if not words: print wid, "not found" def delete_words_by_pos(self, pos=None): print pos if not pos: print "specify the part of speech with option -D" else: words = Word.objects.filter(pos=pos) print words.count() for w in words: w.delete()