from rest_framework import serializers from .models import ( CourseGoal , Goal , GoalParameter , UserFeedbackLog , UserGoalInstance , CourseGoalGoal ) __all__ = [ 'GoalParamSerializer', 'GoalSerializer', 'FeedbackLogSerializer', 'StatusSerializer', 'CourseGoalSerializer', 'NotificationSerializer', ] class GoalParamSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = GoalParameter fields = ('parameter', 'value') # TODO: edit/put class GoalSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): begin_url = serializers.CharField(source='begin_url', read_only=True) assigned = serializers.CharField(source='assigned', read_only=True) params = GoalParamSerializer(many=True) # TODO: validate that name and desc aren't empty def transform_params(self, obj, value): """ Need to switch all these to dictionaries """ if value is not None: return dict([(p.get('parameter'), p.get('value')) for p in value]) return None class Meta: model = Goal fields = ('id', 'short_name', 'begin_url', 'course', 'params', 'main_type', 'sub_type', 'threshold', 'assigned', 'minimum_sets_attempted', 'correct_first_try') class CourseGoalGoalSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): goal = GoalSerializer() class Meta: model = CourseGoalGoal fields = ('goal', ) class CourseGoalSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): goals = CourseGoalGoalSerializer(many=True, required=False) combined_name = serializers.CharField(source='combined_name', read_only=True) percent_goals_completed = serializers.FloatField(source='percent_goals_completed') def transform_goals(self, obj, value): # Remove the wrapping of {'goal': {}} if value is not None: value = [v.get('goal') for v in value] return value class Meta: model = Goal fields = ('id', 'course', 'created_by', 'short_name', 'combined_name', 'goals', 'threshold', 'percent_goals_completed') class FeedbackLogSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = UserFeedbackLog fields = ('feedback_texts', 'user_input', 'correct_answer', 'datetime', 'user') class StatusSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): class Meta: model = UserGoalInstance fields = ('progress', 'rounds', 'total_answered', 'correct', 'last_attempt', 'grade', 'correct_first_try', 'is_complete') from notifications.models import Notification from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType class TaggedObjectRelatedField(serializers.RelatedField): """ A custom field to use for the `tagged_object` generic relationship. """ def to_native(self, value): """ Serialize tagged objects to a simple textual representation. """ from django.contrib.auth.models import User if isinstance(value, User): return 'User: ' + value.username raise Exception('Unexpected type of tagged object') class NotificationSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): actor = TaggedObjectRelatedField(read_only=True) class Meta: model = Notification fields = ('recipient', 'description', 'actor', 'target_object_id', 'level', 'public', 'recipient', 'timestamp', 'unread', 'id', 'verb',)