# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group from operator import itemgetter import datetime from local_conf import LLL1 import importlib settings = importlib.import_module(LLL1+'_oahpa.settings') hst = settings.hostname # TODO: need to create fixtures of groups and permissions # TODO: hide delete course admin actions for Instructors group # TODO: site-uit-no-default course added to fixtures #### ## ## User data ## #### class UserProfile(models.Model): """ This is more of a handy organizational object for now, and makes some things easier. Unfortunately, some other models here need to use the User model, and some need to use the UserProfile model. Would like to change this to make extending development easier, but it's not a huge priority to research what the problem is. """ user = models.ForeignKey(User) login_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) last_login = models.DateTimeField(null=True) site_cookie = models.IntegerField(null=True) def __unicode__(self): return self.user.username.encode('utf-8') @property def courses(self): return [a.course for a in self.user.courserelationship_set.all()] @property def instructorships(self): crs = self.user.courserelationship_set\ .filter(relationship_type__name='Instructors') return [a.course for a in crs] @property def studentships(self): crs = self.user.courserelationship_set\ .filter(relationship_type__name='Students') return [a.course for a in crs] @property def is_instructor(self): grs = self.user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True) if 'Instructors' in grs: return True else: return False @property def is_student(self): grs = self.user.courserelationship_set\ .values_list('relationship_type__name', flat=True) if 'Students' in grs: return True else: return False @property def open_id_link(self): return 'http://'+hst+'/'+LLL1+'_oahpa/openid/%s' % self.user.username @property def grades(self): grades = self.usergradesummary_set.all() if grades.count() > 0: return grades else: return None class UserLogin(models.Model): """ Tracking user logins. Model can be counted per user to check login counts, but also times are available. """ user = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile) timestamp = models.DateTimeField() class UserGradeSummary(models.Model): """ Stores the summary for each game for grading purposes. Data here is aggregated by a post_save signal. """ user = models.ForeignKey('UserProfile') game = models.ForeignKey('Activity') average = models.FloatField(null=True) minimum = models.FloatField(null=True) maximum = models.FloatField(null=True) count = models.IntegerField(default=0) class Meta: verbose_name_plural = 'User grade summaries' ordering = ['average'] @property def game_name(self): return self.game.name def __unicode__(self): return '%s grade totals for %s' % (self.user.user.username, self.game) class UserGrade(models.Model): """ This model tracks individual user scores by game and date. For now we're not going to track any more than this data, but answers and input could be possible. TODO: admin isn't displaying date. """ user = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile) game = models.ForeignKey('Activity') datetime = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) score = models.IntegerField() total = models.IntegerField(default=5) def __unicode__(self): return u'Summary for %s from %s' % (self.user.user.username, self.game.name) class Meta: ordering = ['-datetime'] permissions = (("can_change_score", "Can change grade"),) class Activity(models.Model): """ Activity object for agregating course statistics. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=50) class Meta: verbose_name = 'activity' verbose_name_plural = 'activities' def __unicode__(self): return self.name #### ## ## Course data ## #### class Course(models.Model): """ Course object. Users listed as instructors here are granted access to the admin interface, via a post_save signal. In order for instructors to see anything, they must also be in the Instructors user group. """ name = models.CharField(max_length=50, default=u"Fluent in Southern Sámi in 10 days") identifier = models.CharField(max_length=12, default="SAM-1234") # instructors = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name='instructorships') # students = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name='studentships') site_link = models.URLField(max_length=200, blank=True, null=True) end_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, default=None, blank=True) token = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True, null=True, help_text="Token generated for share links. Only generate these, do not enter manually.") @property def students(self): us = UserProfile.objects.filter(user__courserelationship__course=self)\ .distinct() return us def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.token is None: self.token = self.generate_new_key() super(Course, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def add_student(self, u, send_notification=True): from django.contrib.auth.models import Group from notifications import notify student_group = Group.objects.get(name='Students') instructor_group = Group.objects.get(name='Instructors') success = True error_msg = False try: r = self.courserelationship_set.create(relationship_type=student_group, user=u) except Exception, e: success = False error_msg = 'Already exists' if success: course_instructors = [a.user for a in self.courserelationship_set.filter(relationship_type=instructor_group)] for recipient in course_instructors: if send_notification: notify.send( u, actor=u, recipient=recipient, verb=u'enrolled in the course', action_object=r, ) return success, error_msg @property def invitation_link(self): from settings import URL_PREFIX parts = ( URL_PREFIX, self.token, ) return "http://"+hst+"/%s/courses/enroll/?key=%s" % parts def generate_new_key(self): from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer from settings import SECRET_KEY dangerous_signer = URLSafeTimedSerializer(SECRET_KEY) course_token = dangerous_signer.dumps(48) return course_token def __unicode__(self): if self.identifier: return u"%s: %s" % (self.identifier, self.name) else: return u"%s" % self.name def user_completion_rate(self, user): coursegoals = self.coursegoal_set.all() # TODO: percentage of all tasks, not coursegoals completed_tasks = 0.0 task_count = 0.0 for coursegoal in coursegoals: for task in coursegoal.goals.all(): task_count += 1.0 if task.goal.user_completed(user): completed_tasks += 1.0 if completed_tasks > 0.0 and task_count > 0.0: rate = (completed_tasks/task_count)*100.0 else: rate = 0.0 return rate class CourseRelationship(models.Model): """ This model contains information about the relationships of student-to-course and instructor-to-course, and provides expiration dates for the relationships. On expiration, relationships are not deleted, but rather dates are used as an access control. If no date is speficied, this is not an issue. On creation of the relationship, the date is copied from the course. """ DATE_HELP = ("Leave this blank to copy the course end date." "If you wish to specify no end date, you will need to come back, " "and remove it after adding the instructor.") relationship_type = models.ForeignKey(Group) user = models.ForeignKey(User) course = models.ForeignKey(Course) end_date = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True, help_text=DATE_HELP) class Meta: unique_together = ("user", "course", "relationship_type",) ## ## Course goals ## GOAL_HELP_TEXT = _("""This is a plain-text description shown to students describing their goal.""") class CourseGoal(models.Model): """ This is a grouping of goals connected to a course. TODO: fixtures with default set that can be copied to another course. """ course = models.ForeignKey(Course, null=True, blank=True) created_by = models.ForeignKey(User) short_name = models.CharField(max_length=42) description = models.TextField(help_text=GOAL_HELP_TEXT) threshold = models.FloatField(help_text="Complete goals must average this amount.", blank=True, null=True) percent_goals_completed = models.FloatField(default=80.0, help_text="This percentage of associated goals must be completed", blank=True, null=True) def __unicode__(self): return u"%s - %s" % (self.course, self.short_name) @property def combined_name(self): return u"%s (%s)" % (self.short_name, self.course) def user_goal_instances(self, user): """ Get all user goal instances for the user. """ def get_instances(goal): return goal.usergoalinstance_set.filter(user=user) def list_instances(*args, **kwargs): return list(get_instances(*args, **kwargs)) ugis = sum( map( list_instances , [ g.goal for g in self.goals.all() ] ) , [] ) return ugis def newest_user_goal_instances(self, user): """ For each task, get the newest worked on instance for the user. """ def get_newest(ugi_set): if ugi_set.count() == 0: return ugi_set ugi_set = ugi_set.order_by('-last_attempt')[0] return [ugi_set] def get_instances(goal): return goal.usergoalinstance_set.filter(user=user) def list_newest_instances(*args, **kwargs): return list(get_newest(get_instances(*args, **kwargs))) ugis = sum( map( list_newest_instances , [ g.goal for g in self.goals.all() ] ) , [] ) return ugis @property def task_count(self): """ Count the tasks for this instance """ if not hasattr(self, '_task_count') is None: self._task_count = self.goals.all().count() return self._task_count def progress_for(self, user): """ Return user's progress as a formatted string. """ ugis = self.newest_user_goal_instances(user) grading_value = 0.0 if len(ugis) > 0: if self.percent_goals_completed is not None: complete_count = self.instance_completion_rate(ugis) else: complete_count = False if self.threshold is not None: threshold_reached = self.cumulative_instance_threshold(ugis) else: threshold_reached = False if self.percent_goals_completed: grading_value = complete_count elif self.threshold: grading_value = threshold_reached progress_str = "%.0f" % grading_value return progress_str + '%' def cumulative_instance_threshold(self, ugis): progresses = [float(ugi.progress) for ugi in ugis] if len(progresses) > 0: progress = sum(progresses)/float(self.task_count) else: progress = 0.0 return progress def instance_completion_rate(self, ugis): completes = sum([1.0 for ugi in ugis if ugi.is_complete]) return (completes/self.task_count) * 100.0 def user_completed(self, user): """ Depending on the kind of value supplied for the completion rate (avg. vs. total), return True or False for whether this CourseGoal is completed. """ ugis = self.newest_user_goal_instances(user) if len(ugis) == 0: return False if self.percent_goals_completed: complete_count = self.instance_completion_rate(ugis) >= self.percent_goals_completed else: complete_count = True if self.threshold: threshold_reached = self.cumulative_instance_threshold(ugis) >= self.threshold else: threshold_reached = False if self.percent_goals_completed: return complete_count elif self.threshold: return threshold_reached return False class CourseGoalGoal(models.Model): coursegoal = models.ForeignKey('CourseGoal', related_name="goals") goal = models.ForeignKey('Goal', related_name="courses") class Goal(models.Model): """ This is a course goal object, which is connected to criteria. """ course = models.ForeignKey(Course, null=True, blank=True) created_by = models.ForeignKey(User) short_name = models.CharField(max_length=128) # TODO: if remote_task is True, url_base will be the referral # address required remote_task = models.BooleanField(default=False) remote_page = models.TextField() url_base = models.CharField(max_length=24) main_type = models.CharField(max_length=24) sub_type = models.CharField(max_length=24) # TODO: this should be a method that returns a URL based on the # activity definition, for now just making a shortcut. Can # eventually just use whatever code that the deeplink thing uses to # get the user to the right page. threshold = models.FloatField(default=80.0, help_text="Percentage user must get correct. E.g. 80.0") minimum_sets_attempted = models.IntegerField(default=5, help_text="Amount of sets user must try to be finished.") correct_first_try = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="Only count answers correct on the first try") def _clean_remote_page(self): def g(a, x, _or): " Apparently __getattribute__ won't let you do this. " _attr_val = a.__getattribute__(x) if _attr_val: return _attr_val else: return _or from urlparse import urlparse, ParseResult # sanitize the URL if self.remote_page: u = urlparse(self.remote_page) url_args = { 'scheme': g(u, 'scheme', 'http'), 'netloc': g(u, 'netloc', None), 'path': g(u, 'path', None), 'params': g(u, 'params', None), 'fragment': g(u, 'fragment', None), 'query': g(u, 'query', None), } if not url_args['netloc'] and url_args['path']: url_args['netloc'] = url_args['path'] url_args['path'] = '' sanitized = ParseResult(**url_args) self.remote_page = sanitized.geturl() def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self._clean_remote_page() super(Goal, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def create(self, *args, **kwargs): self._clean_remote_page() super(Goal, self).create(*args, **kwargs) @property def assigned(self): """ Return boolean for whether this course is assigned. """ return (self.course and True) or self.courses.count() > 0 @property def summary(self): for p in self.params.all(): yield p.pretty_parameter @property def begin_url(self): """ Confusing, I know. This constructs the URL that hte user is redirected to for permission checks. """ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse return reverse('begin_course_task', kwargs={'task_id': self.id}) def start_url(self): """ This is the exercise start page that the user will see when they begin working on their goal. It is constructed from the parameters defined in the goal. """ from django.conf import settings from urllib import urlencode URL_PREFIX = settings.URL_PREFIX params = dict([ (p.parameter, p.value) for p in self.params.all() ]) return "/%s%s?%s" % (URL_PREFIX, self.url_base, urlencode(params)) def __unicode__(self): if self.course: return "%s - %s" % (unicode(self.course), self.short_name) else: return "User-defined <%s> - %s" % (unicode(self.created_by.username), self.short_name) def user_completed(self, user): ugi_set = self.usergoalinstance_set.filter(user=user).order_by('-last_attempt') if len(ugi_set) > 0: return self.is_complete(ugi_set[0]) else: return False def is_complete(self, user_goal_instance): import datetime # If this is completed, set the completed_date on the description if self.correct_first_try: up = user_goal_instance.correct_first_try else: up = user_goal_instance.correct if float(up) == 0.0: return False calc_progress = (float(up) / float(user_goal_instance.total_answered)) * 100 # TODO: while testing, found that problem is: # user_goal_instance.rounds was not incremented when the goal # was complete. if self.minimum_sets_attempted: completed_min_rounds = user_goal_instance.rounds >= self.minimum_sets_attempted else: completed_min_rounds = True passed_percent_correct = calc_progress >= self.threshold if passed_percent_correct and completed_min_rounds: user_goal_instance.grade = user_goal_instance.progress user_goal_instance.is_complete = True user_goal_instance.save() return True return False def student_set_count(self, user, logs): """ For a given goal, count the amount of question sets a user answered. """ def exists(l): return l is not None values = logs.values_list('question_set') sets = filter(exists, map(itemgetter(0), values)) return sorted(list(set(sets))) def evaluate_for_student(self, user, last_only=True, iteration=False): logs = UserActivityLog.objects.filter( user=user , usergoalinstance__goal=self ) if len(logs) == 0: return None if iteration: logs = logs.filter(usergoalinstance__attempt_count=iteration) elif last_only: _max = max(logs.values_list('usergoalinstance__attempt_count', flat=True)) logs = logs.filter(usergoalinstance__attempt_count=_max) if logs.count() == 0: # print " -- nothing yet -- " return None question_sets = self.student_set_count(user, logs) # Amount of questions that the user answered correctly on the # first try. def get_correct_on_first_try(ls): first_round = ls.filter(question_tries=1, is_correct=True) return first_round def get_correct(ls): return ls.filter(is_correct=True) def get_total_answered_for_round(ls): # Answers generated at all, correct and incorrect. answered = 0 _tries = list(set(map(itemgetter(0), ls.values_list('question_tries')))) for t in _tries: answered += ls.filter(question_tries=t).count() return answered correct_on_first_try = [] all_correct = [] amount_answered = 0 for q in question_sets: set_logs = logs.filter(question_set=q) first_try = get_correct_on_first_try(set_logs) eventually = get_correct(set_logs) answered = get_total_answered_for_round(set_logs) # print "round: " + repr(q) # print "correct on first: %d" % first_try.count() # print "correct eventually: %d" % eventually.count() # print "attempted: %d" % answered # print '--' correct_on_first_try.extend(get_correct_on_first_try(set_logs)) all_correct.extend(eventually) amount_answered += answered # print # print '---' # print "rounds: %d" % max(question_sets) # print "answered: %d" % amount_answered # print "correct on first: %d" % len(correct_on_first_try) # print "correct at all: %d" % len(all_correct) # print '---' # print result_args = { 'rounds': max(question_sets), 'total_answered': amount_answered, 'correct_first_try': len(correct_on_first_try), 'correct_later_tries': len(all_correct) - len(correct_on_first_try), 'correct': len(all_correct), 'progress': (float(len(all_correct)) / float(amount_answered)) * 100 } return result_args class UserGoalInstance(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User) goal = models.ForeignKey('Goal') # only one may be 'opened' at a time opened = models.BooleanField(default=True) # amount of times user has attempted exercise attempt_count = models.IntegerField(default=1) progress = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=4, max_digits=11, default=0.0) is_complete = models.BooleanField(default=False) # Number of repetitions in the current attempt rounds = models.IntegerField(default=1) total_answered = models.IntegerField(default=0) correct = models.IntegerField(default=0) correct_first_try = models.IntegerField(default=0) last_attempt = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) grade = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True) class Meta(object): unique_together = (("user", "goal", "attempt_count"),) def __unicode__(self): return "%s: %.2f" % (self.goal.short_name, self.progress) @property def evaluation(self): return self.evaluate_instance() def evaluate_instance(self): evaluated = self.goal.evaluate_for_student(self.user, iteration=self.attempt_count) if evaluated is not None: if (self.progress is not None) and (self.progress != evaluated.get('progress', False)): self.progress = evaluated.get('progress') self.save() if evaluated.get('progress', False): flo = '%.1f' % (evaluated['progress']) evaluated['progress_pretty'] = flo + '%' evaluated['correct_minus_first'] = evaluated['correct'] - evaluated['correct_first_try'] # evaluated['correct_later_tries'] = evaluated['correct'] - evaluated['correct_later_tries'] else: evaluated['progress_pretty'] = '' evaluated['correct_minus_first'] = '' return evaluated return None def save(self, *args, **kwargs): vals = UserGoalInstance.objects.filter(user=self.user, goal=self.goal).values_list('attempt_count', flat=True) if len(vals) > 0: highest = max( UserGoalInstance.objects.filter(user=self.user, goal=self.goal).values_list('attempt_count', flat=True) ) self.attempt_count = highest + 1 super(UserGoalInstance, self).save(*args, **kwargs) class GoalParameter(models.Model): goal = models.ForeignKey(Goal, related_name='params') parameter = models.CharField(max_length=64) value = models.CharField(max_length=64) @property def pretty_parameter(self): from .data_utils import prepare_goal_params _, param_values = prepare_goal_params() param = param_values.get(self.parameter, False) if not param: return self.value name = param.get('name') opt = param.get('options', {}).get(self.value, {}) return (name, opt) class LevelAssessment(models.Manager): """ For each amount of logs for a particular text, increment the user level for this text. """ level_increment = 5 def get_user_logs(self, user, feedback_texts): return self.model.objects.filter(feedback_texts__in=feedback_texts, user=user) def get_user_level(self, user, feedback_texts): from collections import Counter logs = self.get_user_logs(user, feedback_texts)\ .values_list('feedback_texts', flat=True) # Dictionary of {'text': 4, 'text2': 3} counted = Counter(logs) levels = {} for k, v in counted.iteritems(): levels[k] = 1 + int(v) / int(self.level_increment) return levels def get_minimum_incomplete_level(self, user, wf_feedbacks): feedback_texts = wf_feedbacks.values_list('msgid', flat=True) levels = self.get_user_level(user, feedback_texts) # assuming a level increment, return the highest incomplete # level return levels class UserFeedbackLog(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User) goal = models.ForeignKey(Goal, null=True, blank=True) user_input = models.TextField() correct_answer = models.TextField() datetime = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) feedback_texts = models.TextField() objects = models.Manager() levels = LevelAssessment() def __unicode__(self): return "%s: %s" % (self.user.username, self.feedback_texts) class UserActivityLog(models.Model): """ Tracking user activity, question/answer completion, and feedback use. """ user = models.ForeignKey(User) usergoalinstance = models.ForeignKey(UserGoalInstance) is_correct = models.BooleanField() correct_answer = models.TextField() user_input = models.TextField() question = models.TextField() question_set = models.IntegerField(default=1) question_tries = models.IntegerField(default=1) # Now the rest of the attributes should just be meta where each # activity was generated, i.e., morfa-s, morfa-c, etc. This will be # indirectly contained in the Goal instance, so it may be that # anything else isn't needed. in_game = models.TextField() date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, editable=False) # stats = LearningManager() # objects = models.Manager() def incorrects_by_frequency(user, goal=None): from collections import defaultdict if goal: objs = UserActivityLog.objects.filter(user=user, is_correct=False, usergoalinstance__goal=goal) else: objs = UserActivityLog.objects.filter(user=user, is_correct=False) objs = objs.order_by('-date') incorrects = defaultdict(dict) for o in objs: if o.correct_answer not in incorrects: incorrects[o.correct_answer] = { 'count': 0, } incorrects[o.correct_answer]['count'] += 1 incorrects[o.correct_answer]['question'] = o.question incorrects[o.correct_answer]['correct_answer'] = list(set(o.correct_answer.split(','))) if 'user_inputs' in incorrects[o.correct_answer]: incorrects[o.correct_answer]['user_inputs'].add(o.user_input) else: incorrects[o.correct_answer]['user_inputs'] = set([o.user_input]) return incorrects.values() def create_activity_log_from_drill_logs(request, user, drill_logs, current_user_goal=False): # TODO: do it all in one commit. drill_log_attrs = [ # ('game', 'in_game'), # ('date', 'date'), # user's input ('userinput', 'user_input'), # correct or no? ('iscorrect', 'is_correct'), # the actual correct value ('correct', 'correct_answer'), # ('qid', 'qid'), # ? ('example', 'question'), # ? # ('feedback', 'feedback'), # ? # ('comment', 'comment'), # ('messageid', 'messageid'), # ('lang', 'lang'), # TODO: is this all the lemmas or just some? maybe this is just for # sahka and cealkka # 'tasklemmas', ] question_tries = request.session['question_try_count'] useractivitylog = None for drill_log in drill_logs: activity_log_attrs = {} # Copy for drill_attr, log_attr in drill_log_attrs: activity_log_attrs[log_attr] = getattr(drill_log, drill_attr) # Add some things not present in the original log entry activity_log_attrs['user'] = user activity_log_attrs['usergoalinstance_id'] = current_user_goal activity_log_attrs['question_set'] = request.session['question_set_count'] activity_log_attrs['question_tries'] = question_tries.get(drill_log.correct) # Check if there are existing logs for this question that we # need to update existing_kwargs = activity_log_attrs.copy() existing_kwargs.pop('user_input') existing_kwargs.pop('question_tries') existing_kwargs.pop('is_correct') # We only want to replace previously incorrect logs. existing = UserActivityLog.objects.filter(**activity_log_attrs) # If so, update, otherwise create. if existing: if activity_log_attrs['is_correct'] == True: existing.update(question_tries=question_tries.get(drill_log.correct)+1, user_input=activity_log_attrs['user_input'], is_correct=activity_log_attrs['is_correct']) else: existing.update(question_tries=question_tries.get(drill_log.correct), user_input=activity_log_attrs['user_input'], is_correct=activity_log_attrs['is_correct']) else: useractivitylog = UserActivityLog.objects.create(**activity_log_attrs) return useractivitylog from django.db.models.signals import post_save, pre_save, post_delete from .signals import * post_save.connect(create_profile, sender=User, dispatch_uid=LLL1+"_oahpa.courses.models.post_save") post_save.connect(aggregate_grades, sender=UserGrade, dispatch_uid=LLL1+"_oahpa.courses.models.post_save") post_save.connect(course_relationship_postsave, sender=CourseRelationship, dispatch_uid=LLL1+"_oahpa.courses.models.post_save") post_delete.connect(course_relationship_postdelete, sender=CourseRelationship, dispatch_uid=LLL1+"_oahpa.courses.models.pre_save") pre_save.connect(user_presave, sender=User, dispatch_uid=LLL1+"_oahpa.courses.models.pre_save") import importlib oahpa_module = importlib.import_module(LLL1+'_oahpa') settings = oahpa_module.settings # Not using notification, but using notifications-hq if "notification" not in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and "notifications" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from django_messages.models import Message from .signals import new_message_notification post_save.connect(new_message_notification, sender=Message) # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=72 syntax=python :