from local_conf import LLL1 import importlib oahpa_module = importlib.import_module(LLL1+'_oahpa') settings = oahpa_module.settings URL_PREFIX = settings.URL_PREFIX hst = settings.hostname from django.template import RequestContext from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseForbidden, Http404 from django.conf import settings from .models import Goal, UserGoalInstance def render_to_response(*args, **kwargs): """ Append an attribute onto the response so that we can grab the context from it in the track decorator. It has to be an attribute so that it doesn't depend on the function returning the response to be decorated by @trackGrade to get proper output. """ #from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.shortcuts import render #response = render_to_response(*args, **kwargs) response = render(*args, **kwargs) response.context = args[2] return response from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from models import UserProfile, Course, UserGrade, Activity def trackGrade(gamename, request, c): """ Takes a name of the game, request, and the context, and produces a course grade entry for the student. In the corresponding oahpa.drills.views, first import this function ex.) from courses.views import trackGrade Then, insert the following into each view before the return render_to_response ex.) trackGrade('Morfa', request, c) return render_to_response( etc ... ) The first value is the name of the game, but this function handles the rest of choosing specifics, so course grade entries will display: Morfa - N-ILL - Bisyllabic Morfa - PRS - Trisyllabic """ try: SETTINGS = c['settingsform'].data except TypeError: return if c['show_correct'] == 1 or c['all_correct'] == 1: if request.user.is_authenticated() and not request.user.is_anonymous(): game_type = '' if 'gamename_key' in c['settings']: game_type = c['settings']['gamename_key'] gamename = gamename + ' - ' + game_type points, _, total = c['score'].partition('/') activity, _ = Activity.objects.get_or_create(name=gamename) new_grade = UserGrade.objects.create(user=request.user.get_profile(), game=activity, score=points, total=total) @login_required def courses_coursegoal_sub_goal_add(request): template = 'course_goal_constructor_iframe.html' c = {'dialog': True} return render_to_response(request, template, c) @login_required def courses_goal_construction(request): template = 'courses_main_goals.html' c = {'coursegoal': False, 'for_iframe': False } return render_to_response(request, template, c) @login_required def courses_coursegoal_construction(request): template = 'courses_main_goals.html' c = {'coursegoal': True, 'for_iframe': False } return render_to_response(request, template, c) @login_required def courses_stats(request): """ This is the main view presented to users after login. Instructors will be shown a link to view grades and student progress, students will be shown their current progress in all of the games that they have records in. """ template = 'courses_stats.html' c = {} new_profile = None is_student = None try: profile = request.user.get_profile() new_profile = False except UserProfile.DoesNotExist: profile = UserProfile.objects.create(user=request.user) new_profile = True summary = False if profile.is_instructor: if request.GET.get('student_view', False): is_student = True else: is_student = False else: is_student = True if is_student: summary = profile.usergradesummary_set.all() if summary.count() == 0: new_profile = True user_defined_goals = Goal.objects.filter(created_by=request.user, course=None) c = { 'user': request.user, 'profile': profile, 'new_profile': new_profile, 'is_student': is_student, 'summaries': summary, 'courses': profile.studentships, 'user_defined_goals': user_defined_goals } return render_to_response(request, template, c) @login_required def personal_goals(request): """ This is the main view presented to users after login. Instructors will be shown a link to view grades and student progress, students will be shown their current progress in all of the games that they have records in. """ template = 'personal_goals.html' c = {} new_profile = None is_student = None try: profile = request.user.get_profile() new_profile = False except UserProfile.DoesNotExist: profile = UserProfile.objects.create(user=request.user) new_profile = True summary = False user_defined_goals = Goal.objects.filter(created_by=request.user, course=None) c = { 'user': request.user, 'profile': profile, 'new_profile': new_profile, 'is_student': is_student, 'user_defined_goals': user_defined_goals } return render_to_response(request, template, c) @login_required def courses_main(request): """ This is the main view presented to users after login. Instructors will be shown a link to view grades and student progress, students will be shown their current progress in all of the games that they have records in. """ if 'survey_done' in request.GET: request.session['no_surveys'] = True if request.user.get_profile().login_count < 2: if 'no_surveys' not in request.session: request.session['courses_survey_redirect'] = True redir = '/%s/survey/answer/' % URL_PREFIX return HttpResponseRedirect(redir) template = 'courses_main.html' c = {} new_profile = None is_student = None try: profile = request.user.get_profile() new_profile = False except UserProfile.DoesNotExist: profile = UserProfile.objects.create(user=request.user) new_profile = True summary = False if profile.is_instructor: if request.GET.get('student_view', False): template = 'courses_main.html' is_student = True else: template = 'courses_main_instructor.html' is_student = False else: template = 'courses_main.html' is_student = True if is_student: summary = profile.usergradesummary_set.all() if summary.count() == 0: new_profile = True user_defined_goals = Goal.objects.filter(created_by=request.user, course=None) c = { 'user': request.user, 'profile': profile, 'new_profile': new_profile, 'is_student': is_student, 'summaries': summary, 'courses': profile.studentships, 'user_defined_goals': user_defined_goals } return render_to_response(request, template, c) from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test def instructor_group(user): if user.get_profile().is_instructor: return True else: return False def instructor_can_see_student(instructor, student): # Instructor's course IDs instructor_p = instructor.get_profile() instructor_courses = list([ for a in instructor_p.instructorships]) # Student's ... student_p = student.get_profile() student_courses = list([ for a in]) intersection = list(set(instructor_courses) & set(student_courses)) if len(intersection) == 0: return False else: return True @user_passes_test(instructor_group) def instructor_student_detail(request, uid, cid): student = UserProfile.objects.get(user__id=uid) instructor = request.user.get_profile() instructor_courses = list([ for a in instructor.instructorships]) course_for_inst = [a for a in instructor_courses if a == long(cid)] if len(course_for_inst) > 0: course = course_for_inst[0] course = Course.objects.get(id=course) else: course = False student_courses = list([ for a in]) intersection = list(set(instructor_courses) & set(student_courses)) if len(intersection) == 0 or not course: error = 'Student not found.' return HttpResponseForbidden(error) template = 'instructor_student_detail.html' c = {} c['student'] = UserProfile.objects.get(user__id=uid) c['course'] = course return render_to_response(request, template, c) def goal_history(request, goal_id, user_id=None): from django.contrib.auth.models import User from .models import UserActivityLog from .models import incorrects_by_frequency if user_id is None: u = request.user else: requested_user = User.objects.get(id=user_id) if == user_id: u = request.user else: # Likely an instructor is requesting this user_id, so we # need to make sure they have access if instructor_can_see_student(request.user, requested_user): u = requested_user else: u = request.user goal = Goal.objects.get(id=goal_id) instances = UserGoalInstance.objects.filter(user=u, goal=goal_id)\ .order_by('-last_attempt') instances_rev = UserGoalInstance.objects.filter(user=u, goal=goal_id)\ .order_by('last_attempt') template = 'goal_history.html' c = {} c['student'] = u.get_profile() c['goal'] = goal c['goal_instances'] = instances c['incorrects'] = incorrects_by_frequency(u, goal=goal) c['spark_data'] = ','.join(map(str, instances_rev.values_list('correct', flat=True))) return render_to_response(request, template, c) def begin_course_task(request, task_id): """ Mark the session with the goal ID, and redirect the user to the goal's start page. """ from .models import Goal, UserActivityLog task_id = int(task_id) # Reset any session variables for tracking progress if 'all_correct' in request.session: del request.session['all_correct'] if 'set_completed' in request.session: del request.session['set_completed'] if 'new_game' in request.session: del request.session['new_game'] if 'prev_new_game' in request.session: del request.session['prev_new_game'] request.session['question_set_count'] = 0 request.session['question_try_count'] = {} request.session['answered'] = {} try: del request.session['previous_exercise_params'] except: pass try: del request.session['current_exercise_params'] except: pass try: del request.session['current_user_goal'] except: pass try: del request.session['max_rounds'] except: pass try: del request.session['correct_threshold'] except: pass request.session['prev_new_game'] = False # Check that the user has the goal user_courses = request.user.get_profile().courses user_own_goals = list(Goal.objects.filter(created_by=request.user, course=None)) user_course_goals = [coursegoalgoal.goal for course in user_courses for coursegoal in course.coursegoal_set.all() for coursegoalgoal in coursegoal.goals.all() ] + user_own_goals goal_ids = list(set([int( for g in user_course_goals])) if not task_id in goal_ids: return HttpResponseForbidden("This is missing, or you do not have access.") # TODO: redirect to beginning of course goal goal = Goal.objects.get(id=task_id) # Reset goal progress # TODO: will this need to be connected to a usergoalinstance? # UserActivityLog.objects.filter(user=request.user, goal=goal) UserGoalInstance.objects.filter(user=request.user, goal=goal).update(opened=False) ugi = UserGoalInstance.objects.create(user=request.user, goal=goal) request.session['current_user_goal'] = int( request.session['max_rounds'] = goal.minimum_sets_attempted request.session['correct_threshold'] = goal.threshold return HttpResponseRedirect(goal.start_url()) @user_passes_test(instructor_group) def course_invite(request, c_id=None): if c_id: c_id = int(c_id) def by_id(course): if c_id == None: return True return == c_id c = {} profile = request.user.get_profile() c['profile'] = profile c['course_invites'] = filter(by_id, profile.instructorships) template = 'invite_students.html' return render_to_response(request, template, c) @user_passes_test(instructor_group) def reset_invite_link(request, cid): template = 'reset_invite_link.html' c = {} instructor = request.user.get_profile() instructor_courses = list([int( for a in instructor.instructorships]) if not request.user.is_superuser: if cid not in instructor_courses: error = 'This is not your course.' return HttpResponseForbidden(error) course = Course.objects.get(id=cid) if request.method == 'GET': c['confirmation'] = True elif request.method == 'POST': course.token = course.generate_new_key() c['confirmation'] = False c['reset_success'] = True c['course'] = course new_link = 'TODO' c['new_link'] = new_link return render_to_response(request, template, c) def course_enroll(request): from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse # invite stored in 'key' parameter. # "http://"+hst+"/davvi/courses/enroll/?key=NDg.BioJAg.E2-Y6uBwr6_35Qhk03uBamTTnHc" # TODO: if user isn't logged in, store the invite key in the session # before redirecting them to log in (we assume they already have a # user account because of cookie auth). # TODO: when user lands on this page, pop the stored key if it # exists, and key isn't set. # TODO: enroll user in course # TODO: notify instructors of enrollment changes (post-save signal # instead?) enrollment_key = request.GET.get('key', False) session_key = False if request.user.is_anonymous(): request.session['enrollment_key'] = enrollment_key next_page = '/%s/courses/enroll/' % URL_PREFIX return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('courses_login') + '?next=' + next_page) if not enrollment_key: try: enrollment_key = request.session.get('enrollment_key') session_key = True except: pass if enrollment_key: course = Course.objects.get(token=enrollment_key) else: course = False enrolled = False # notify these when the enrollment works enrolled, error = course.add_student(request.user) c = { 'enrollment_key': enrollment_key, 'session_key': session_key, 'target_course': course, 'incoming_user': request.user, } if enrolled: try: enrollment_key = request.session.get('enrollment_key') session_key = True except: pass else: c['error'] = error return render_to_response(request, 'course_enroll.html', c) @login_required def recipient_search(request): # from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db.models import Q from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import HttpResponse import simplejson # TODO: filter by user's fellow students/instructors/etc. term = request.GET.get("term") users = User.objects.filter(Q(first_name__icontains=term)| Q(last_name__icontains=term)| Q(username__icontains=term)| Q(email__icontains=term)) if request.GET.get("format") == "json": data = [] for user in users: # avatar_img_url = avatar_url(user, size=50) data.append({"id": user.username, "name": "%s" % str(user), }) return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(data), mimetype='application/json')