# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from local_conf import LLL1 import importlib sdm = importlib.import_module(LLL1+'_oahpa.drill.models') hst = settings.hostname from django.db.models import Q from xml.dom import minidom as _dom from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode import sys import re import string import codecs # TODO: get these from settings languages = [ 'sms', 'rus', 'sme', 'nob', # was: 'nob' But in the documentation url-s the abbreviation nno is used to mark the Norwegian version of a help page. 'eng', 'fin', 'deu', ] class Link(object): def get_lang(self): """ Assumes that the file language is stored as part of the file name in the link, e.g., substantiv.nob.html ^ """ file_name = self.url.split('/')[-1] file_name, _, _ = file_name.partition('#') try: title, language, suffix = file_name.split('.') except ValueError: language = 'sme' if language == 'nno': language = 'nob' # added this self.language = language def __init__(self, S): S = S.strip() self.S = S keyword, _, link = S.partition('\t') self.keyword = keyword self.url = "http://"+hst+link self.get_lang() def create_obj(self): kwargs = {'name': self.keyword, 'address': self.url, 'language': self.language} self.obj, _ = Grammarlinks.objects.get_or_create(**kwargs) class Extra: # Installs links to the grammatical information under giellatekno. # The link list appears to the upper right corner of the oahpa-pages. # The links are in the file sme/meta/grammarlinks.txt def read_address(self,linkfile): linkfileObj = open(linkfile, "r") data = [l for l in linkfileObj.readlines() if l.strip()] links = [Link(l) for l in data] languages = list(set([link.language for link in links])) linkobjects = Grammarlinks.objects.filter(language__in=languages).delete() for link in links: try: link.create_obj() print >> sys.stdout, 'Created link for %s/%s' % (link.obj.language, link.obj.name) except Exception: print >> sys.stderr, 'Check the source file and reinstall.' #The comments presented to the user after completing the game. def read_comments(self, commentfile): xmlfile=file(commentfile) tree = _dom.parse(commentfile) comments_el = tree.getElementsByTagName("comments")[0] lang = comments_el.getAttribute("xml:lang") comments = Comment.objects.filter(lang=lang) for c in comments: c.delete() for el in comments_el.getElementsByTagName("comment"): level = el.getAttribute("level") for com in el.getElementsByTagName("text"): text = com.firstChild.data print text comment, created = Comment.objects.get_or_create(lang=lang, comment=text, level=level) comment.save() # Installs the semantic superclasses # defined in sme/xml/semantic_sets.xml def read_semtypes(self, infile): xmlfile=file(infile) tree = _dom.parse(infile) for el in tree.getElementsByTagName("subclasses"): semclass=el.getAttribute("class") print semclass s, created = sdm.Semtype.objects.get_or_create(semtype=semclass) for el2 in el.getElementsByTagName('sem'): subclass = el2.getAttribute("class") print "\t" + subclass for w in sdm.Word.objects.filter(Q(semtype__semtype=subclass) & ~Q(semtype__semtype=semclass)): w.semtype.add(s) print u"\t%s added to word id: %d" % (s, w.id) w.save() for w in sdm.WordTranslation.objects.filter(Q(semtype__semtype=subclass) & ~Q(semtype__semtype=semclass)): w.semtype.add(s) print u"\t%s added to %d" % (s, w.id) w.save()