The task now is to change the files from original format to Giellatekno dict format, and thereafter to Apertium dict format. __MAIN TODO LIST__ # Make index pages and links (done) # Write presentation of dictionaries (__Jack, Marina__) # For each of the 3 dictionaries: ## Finish the xml cleanup (__Jack__) ## Convert to Apertium format (__Ciprian__) ## Test (__Jack, Trond, Marina__) !!!Komi-Russian * The source files are in ''main/kt/kom/src/working_files/'' * The dict.xsd files used by the source files is in ''main/kt/kom/src/'' * The gt-converted files are in ''private/trunk/kt/kom/tmp4apdict/'' __TODO__ * Do a new conversion to tmp4apdict, with the data from working_files (__Cip__) ** PROP-files shall not be converted. {{{ 21103 30 des 11:58 A-SUPERL_kom-lex.xml 3712 26 des 07:37 ACRON_kom-lex.xml 440651 30 des 11:58 ADV_kom-lex.xml 1716178 30 des 12:13 A_kom-lex.xml 38559 30 des 11:58 CONJ_kom-lex.xml 4672 26 des 07:37 IDIOM_kom-lex.xml 34315 27 des 23:36 INTERJ_kom-lex.xml 120708 29 des 20:17 NUM_kom-lex.xml 8359747 1 jan 19:09 N_kom-lex.xml 124823 29 des 20:17 PART-ONOM_kom-lex.xml 51398 27 des 23:36 PART_kom-lex.xml 329940 31 des 12:47 POSTP_kom-lex.xml 26224 27 des 23:36 PRON-DEM_kom-lex.xml 16097 26 des 07:37 PRON-INDEF_kom-lex.xml 42507 29 des 20:17 PRON-INTER_kom-lex.xml 66766 27 des 23:36 PRON-PERS_kom-lex.xml 11960 27 des 23:36 PRON-Q_kom-lex.xml 36273 26 des 07:37 PRON-REFL_kom-lex.xml 100691 29 des 20:17 PRON_kom-lex.xml 5872206 30 des 11:58 PROP-RUSSIAN-MALE-SURNAMES_kom-lex.xml 329883 31 des 12:47 PROP_kom-lex.xml 11570 26 des 07:37 VNEG_kom-lex.xml 9795234 1 jan 13:34 V_kom-lex.xml }}} * Evaluate, improve and proceed tp apdictformat (__all__) !!!Komi-English-Finnish * The source files are in ''main/words/dicts/komfineng/src/'' * The files are underway to apertium format.