!!!Komi dictionary Presnt: Ciprian, Jack, Trond !!!Agenda * Status quo * Webdict * Fileformat !!!Status quo * All a), б) ... removed * The komrus is online on apertiumdict !!!Webdict !!Inversion Do we need rus-kom, fin-kom and eng-kom? I don't think so. {{{ src>grep '___processing___' y_errors.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr 3468 ___processing___ i 1806 ___processing___ gov 624 ___processing___ register 575 ___processing___ com 93 ___processing___ field 47 ___processing___ clarif 38 ___processing___ sns 20 ___processing___ range 11 ___processing___ val 11 ___processing___ att }}} We will have to update the ''about the dictionary'' files. Trond discusses that with Marina. __TODO__ * For fin-kom and eng-kom: yes, and both directions * For rus-kom: Cip will do a __quick__ and-dirty version on thursday (if possible, if not we let it wait) * The 10372 kom/src/Not-V_kvru-lex.xml entries should not be added * Lingustic deadline: Wednesday 20.00 (21.00 Finnish time) !!Non-Russian Cyrillic Unicode characters We need input help for __two__ special characters for the Komi alphabet (cf. webdicts for Kildin Sámi, North Sámi, etc.)? If so I need a list of the characters to offer as help. Yes, we need two letters in addition to the Russian repertoire: * Unicode: ӧ, і (Ӧ, І) * x0406, x0456 !!Paula and komfin Paula Kokkonen should edit Kom-Fin with XMLMind in $GTHOME/words/dicts/kom2X/src/ __TODO__ * Add paula to svn (__Trond__) * Set up the machine * Teach Paula to use relevant programs (__Jack, Trond__) ** XMLMind, XMLEditor ** svn (either command line or the Versions.app) !!!Fileformat !!Files 24th oct (???!!) lemma-translations-examples (dict) in private lemma-stem-contlex in working_files Jack: Everything™ is in working_files. Delete private Oct. Jack's recollection: # ''lemma, stem, contlex, stem'' , content derived from komfineng, # Derived content joined with kom-rus !!kt/kom/src/Not-V_kvru-lex.xml !!Principles # All structure is xml structure # text and nodes should not be sisters All underlines in the lemma field be replaced by space. {{{ Войвывса кытшсайса Войвывса_кытшсайса < Войвывса% кытшсайса }}}