README ====== This directory contains the infrastructure to build installation packages and distributions for our proofing tools. The infrastructure is in the midst of a transition from a monolithic, hard-to-maintain build system, to a modular, maintainable infrastructure with clear separation of concerns. When done, the NEW infrastructure is split in these parts: toollibs/ - directory which contains static files to be included or used in one or more distribution, typically library and config files - that is, files that are required parts of the proofing tools, but do not change frequently. installers/ - resources used to build the installers, such as installer build scripts and documents, and makefiles to assemble required pieces and run the scripts. Nothing related to the actual proofing tools should be in this directory tree, such files should be in the toollibs/ dir tree. TODO for the new infrastructure: * centralised, shared variables (exported in the main Makefile) * building documentation and adding it to the distributions (dmg's, cd images, installers) * adding readme's and licenses, especially a readme for Mac users about languages to be used instead of sme, smj and sma. * add support for formatted docs for readme's - easiest solution is to download Forrest xml and run a simple xsl stylesheet to convert to html (Forrest html isn't suitable because of all the overhead from menus, tabs, etc) ** The formatting is needed to easily draw attention to important messages, like remind the user to choose correct language setting on the Mac Dependencies ============ Most tools used are standard *nix tools, with the following additions: * nsis (install via MacPorts or a package manager for your system) used to build Windows installers * packagemaker - comes with XCode (on your system CD, or via used to build the Mac installers * Rez - comes with XCode; used to build the MS Office 2004 tools * SetFile - comes with XCode; used to build the MS Office 2004 tools * hdiutil - comes with MacOS X; used to build HFST-compatible disk images and CD masters, can probably be replaced with similar open-source and cross-plattform tools. To build the Mac installers and disk images you need a recent MacOS X system, with Developer Tools (XCode etc) installed, for the other targets can probably be built on most systems with some work.