The Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset is needed. Download it from here: To produce an .msi file: * Open the command prompt (cmd.exe) Run these two commands in cmd.exe * \"Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.6\bin\candle.exe" speller_msi.wxs * \"Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.6\bin\light.exe" speller_msi.wixobj The uuid's in speller_msi.wix was produced with uuidgen on linux The package places the files in (on Børres (virtualbox) Windows XP, at least): C:\Programfiler\Divvun The files installed there are: mssp3samiNorthern.lex mssp3samiNorthern-NO.dll mshy3samiNorthern.lex mshy3samiNorthern-NO.dll mssp3samiNorthern-dic.lex The register values that are written is found in speller_msi.wix