!!!Program !!Tuesday 09.00 - 10.00 - planning the week 10.00 - 11.30 - prepare presentation; smj work; Hunspell; name updates 11.30 - 12.30 - lunch 12.30 - 14.00 - presentation * two-level fixes (stuorra-oslolaš) + PLX? * æøäö issue Beta release dinner. !!Wednesday * two-level fixes ** stuorra-oslolaš Tr&Th ** æä issue To - done ** smj G23 / ie-æ vowel change Tr,Th,Sj * create simple win update package (cf the Mac update package) - Bø * install spellers - Bø,Sj -> only Bård Eriksen * update Polderland binaries - Sj * Hunspell - Bø,To !!Issues with Polderland: * suggestions for generated compounds -> meeting Thursday * windows installer should autostart * hyphenation lexicon update - the dic file * case correction: ** MáRKANSLUSKA => MÁRKANSLUSKA, suggests: Márkanšiljuska and other words with only initial capital. ** SáMI => SÁMI, suggests: Sámi * missing correct suggestion on simple spelling errors (substitute one char): ** dagazii => dagašii, but it gives instead: *** hágažii *** dagaža *** hágážii *** dáhkážii *** dágaža *** hágažiid *** hágažiid- *** háhkažii ** all corrections above are more complex operations (editing distance 2 and above) !!Thursday 09:30 - 10:15 - Meeting with Polderland 10:15 - 11:15 - Meeting with Solvår Knutsen 11:15 - 11:45 - Install Divvun, talk to Kåre Tjikkom about smj Gold Standard docs OOo/Hunspell !!!Topics for Drag: * smj work in general * error markup and processing * new binaries from Polderland * loan words in -áhta or -áhtta (example: ''advokáhtta'' or ''advokáhta'') => SGL; already forwarded !!!Contacts made Erling.Urheim@nfk.no (samisklærar, Knut Hamsun vgs) * vidaregåande * elevar * lærarar vidar.Sandstad@nfk.no (dataansvarleg, Knut Hamsun vgs)