!!!The topics of the week are as follows: * south sámi morpho(phono)logy * hunspell * risten.no/online dictionaries * Tromsø presentation < * Snåsa presentation < Per day view: * __Monday__ south sámi, Tromsø presentation, hunspell. Monday night MB? * __Tuesday__ south sámi, Prepare Snåsa presentation * __Wednesday__ Snåsa + Trøndelag presentation, risten.no/online dictionaries * __Thursday__ risten.no, hunspell, Saemien sijte, sma work, skiing * __Friday__ sum up, left-overs !!Snåsa presentation in (some more) detail We should give a demo of the present tools available for sme/smj, based on what we (SD+UiT) have done so far. The demo should contain at least: * spellers (MS Office) * hyphenators (InDesign) * hunspell? (Linux/OOo support, including a Linux desktop all in Sámi) * oahpa.no stuff (VISL language games) * online tagged corpus * online dictionaries (risten.no, which also contain some sma material, and more is coming) * online analysers + sme glossing function * sma paradigms Persons: * M: Thomas, Börre, Per-Eric, Sjur, Tomi, Trond * T: Thomas, Börre, Per-Eric, Sjur, Tomi, Trond, Josef, Julie * W: Thomas, Börre, Per-Eric, Sjur, Tomi, Maaren, Svenne, Josef, Julie * T: Thomas, Börre, Per-Eric, Sjur, Tomi, Maaren, Svenne * F: Thomas, Börre, Per-Eric, Sjur, Tomi, Maaren, Svenne South Sámis: * The normativists, the experts (not in Snåsa this week) * Anita Dunfjeld Aagård * Anne Lise Dunfjeld * Sigbjörn Dunfjeld drgr. * Anne Lene Wilks * X Wilks http://www.saemiensijte.no/ * sn kommune språkkons.