!!!Meeting setup * Date: 04.07.2005 * Time: 12.30 Norw. time * Place: Wherever we are :-) * Tools: Phone, iChat, SubEthaEdit !!! Agenda # Opening, agenda review # Reviewing the task list from a week ago # Corpus gathering # Linguistics # risten.no # Other issues # Summary, task lists # Closing !!!1. Opening, agenda review, participants Opened at 12.33. Agenda accepted as is. Present: Maaren, Sjur, Thomas Absent: Børre, Trond, Tomi Main secretary: Sjur !!!2. Reviewing the task list from the last meeting !! Maaren: * The missing list, both the overall missing list from our xml corpus, and a file-for-file review, in order to get different terminology ** Added 777 missing words! * Go through the missing list from risten.no ** The list has not yet been available * Wrote letter to SGL (Sámi Giellalávdegoddi) with the issues identified by Thomas (slightly rewised, see the list of normativity issues) !! Sjur: * Ask Anne-Britt to update the contract with the University (we are getting 3, not 2, persons there from the fall) ** Anne-Britt is now on vacation (should still write the letter) * risten.no bugs and fixes ** updated CVS with lots of new bugs, fixed some * Give Maaren (or: add to the gt/sme/corp corpus) a list of the risten.no words ** done * write the LIST option to our test tools, as requested in the discussion group ** not done yet * complete the action summary after our half-year evaluation ** not done * contact Kimmo Koskenniemi about kwic-snt and UTF-8 bug ** not done * voice group-chat not working to Sámediggi ** sent new e-mail to SD IT guys with proper inforamtion for them to act on * Maaren has problems with SubEthaEdit (can't connect) ** included in the e-mail above (see previous task) ** more testing to identify the cause * add i18n bug to Forrest issue tracker ** not done * add i18n menu as feature request to Forrest issue tracker ** not done !! Thomas: * wait for proofreading of the last QA on smj translations ** Hasn´t yet been proofread * write to Hans Ragnar Mahtisen about the parallel placenames ** Waiting for Trond to check if the names we have got from H-R are parallel or not * work with Lule Sami adjectives ** Done what I can do for the moment. The pos. suffix paradigms for even syllable nom and gen/acc prooved not to be precise enough in normative grammars, so we have made a kind of maximal paradigm based on the descriptive work of Harald Grundström and Juhani Lehtiranta. Now waiting for Trond to implement the new pos. suffix paradigm *** The question whether the norm should be open or restrictive should be sent to SGL. Thomas will write a letter, which Maaren will put into the SD document archive and send out. !! Vacationists since last meeting !Børre * Vacation ! Tomi: * Vacation * cvs update script for divvun documentation ** partly done - it works for manual updates !Trond * Vacation * Work on the bug list (Lule Sámi). ** done some, much left * Work on the corpus interface (with Lars) ** some discussion in the newsgroup * Get back to Xerox on the commercial license. ** wrote a new e-mail reminding them that they should come back with an answer * Check Hans-Ragnars names. ** not done * Give Thomas a telephone, and a crash-course in setting up phone meetings ** done !!!3. Corpus gathering Not much have happened. See Thomas' notes above. !!!4. Linguistics !!sme Maaren will continue the work with the missing lists. !!smj * Thomas working with substantives now until vacation (and well after). * Trond working with bugs after vacation (next week). !!!5. risten.no Sjur will continue to use some time on the following issues: * more bug fixing * a couple of critical features still needs to be added !!!6. Other issues Nothing. !!!7. Summary, task list !! Maaren: * The missing list, both the overall missing list from our xml corpus, and a file-for-file review, in order to get different terminology * Go through the missing list from risten.no * send new letter to SGL about Lule Sámi possessives !! Sjur: * Ask Anne-Britt to update the contract with the University (we are getting 3, not 2, persons there from the fall) * risten.no bugs and fixes * write the LIST option to our test tools, as requested in the discussion group * complete the action summary after our half-year evaluation * contact Kimmo Koskenniemi about kwic-snt and UTF-8 bug * follow up on: ** voice group-chat not working to Sámediggi ** Maaren has problems with SubEthaEdit (can't connect) * add i18n bug to Forrest issue tracker * add i18n menu as feature request to Forrest issue tracker * To the board: write proposal for permanent maintenance organisation * To the board: write draft specification for the outsourced tasks * To the board: write agenda, question: should the memos be public? * Deadline for the board tasks: 3 weeks ahead of meeting (date not decided, but in September) !! Thomas: * bug proofreader for proofreading of the last QA on smj translations * write new letter to SGL about Lule Sámi possessives * work with Lule Sami substantives !! On vacation Tasks are transferred to the following weeks until they return from vacation, to keep the tasks alive and updated till after vacation. New tasks may be added:-) !Børre * Add crontab specification for the cvs update/export script Tomi made * Correct the war file/jspwiki issue * Continue http://giellatekno.uit.no conversion to forrest ... * Contact Svenska bibelsällskapet * Add issue to forrest issue tracker about utf-8 ihtml documents. ** Check for existing bug reports, it might already be in there * Continue forrest i18n research ** Sometimes abides the =locale=se/smj/fi in the url (the document gets correctly selected). The menus and tabs are translated to the language that the browser asks for. * add RSS newsfeed support (check with Sjur/risten.no) * discuss with Anders Kintel about whether we could get the Sámi-Norwegian dictionary ahead of acceptance ! Tomi: * Common Makefile for all the languages * catxml default language issue * three-part compounding * decapitalisation of proper nouns when (if?) compounded, and when derived (the oslolaš issue) * cvs update script for divvun documentation * corpus infrastructure: dtd location (both public and internal) !Trond * Work on the bug list (Lule Sámi). * Work on compounds (both regular and three-part, with Tomi) * Work on the corpus interface (with Lars) * Corpus infrastructure: dtd location * Get the new version of the New Testament * Get back to Xerox on the commercial license. * Check Hans-Ragnars names. * Give Thomas a telephone, and a crash-course in setting up phone meetings !!!8. Next meeting, closing 11.07.2005 10:00 Closed at 13:20