!!!Meeting setup * Date: 22.08.2005 * Time: 10.00 Norw. time * Place: Wherever we are :-) * Tools: Phone, iChat, SubEthaEdit !!! Agenda # Opening, agenda review # Reviewing the task list from a week ago # Documentation - divvun.no # Corpus gathering # Corpus infrastructure # Linguistics # Speller infrastructure # Other issues # Summary, task lists # Closing !!!1. Opening, agenda review, participants Opened at 10:12. Present: Tomi, Sjur, Børre, Maaren, Thomas Absent: Trond (although following the meeting online) Main secretary: Sjur Agenda accepted as is. !!!2. Reviewing the task list from the last meeting !! Børre * Add crontab specification for the cvs update/export script Tomi made ** Adjust it so it will work with the new server *** Not done * reopen the jspwiki + UTF-8 issue ** Not done * Add issue to forrest issue tracker about utf-8 ihtml documents. ** Not done * Contact Svenska bibelsällskapet ** Not done * discuss with Anders Kintel about whether we could get the Sámi-Norwegian dictionary ahead of acceptance ** Anders wants to have a corpus contract before giving any content to us. Børre will contact him and discuss possibilities for cooperation between his work and ours. * Begin writing a contract draft, together with Trond and Sjur. Coordinate with Kimmo Koskenniemi ** Done * Follow up on CVS mailing: ** check that Thomas and Maaren receive forwarded mail from cochice ** set up Thomas and Maaren *** Tried setting up Thomas, but Thomas isn't on the CVS mailing list. Sjur will add him, and Børre will continue from there. The same goes for Maaren. * Investigate compatibility between MySpell and Aspell ''source'' files ** There are differences between iSpell and Aspell ''source'' files, but we don't know exactly what those are, and how we could set up an "abstract" common source, and convert to the source files of each, and how much work it would be. * Book Helsinki flight via Via :-) ** Fixed * Help Trond with Saara's computer ** Done * meeting about corpus contract ** Done * Finish giellatekno forrest transition. ** Lot's of more work, making multilingual pages and setting them up. Some translation done. !! Maaren * The missing list, both the overall missing list from our xml corpus, and a file-for-file review, in order to get different terminology ** still some more work to do * check whether work is checked in ** turned out not to, and also that cvs was missing - a lot of work to get it back * Go through the missing list from risten.no ** done some, will continue * book rooms in Helsinki ** The rooms are booked, but will have to be payed on-site - Maaren will bring money. * remember headphones, money and batteries for Helsinki ** Maaren has already got headphones and batteries. !! Sjur * risten.no bugs and fixes ** continued * complete the action summary after our half-year evaluation ** :-( (but found some notes) * follow up on: ** voice group-chat not working to Sámediggi ** Maaren has problems with SubEthaEdit (can't connect) *** I have talked with LÅH, KS, and tried to call Stein Aksel Basma/Accelero (the company responsibe for the SD firewall). * To the board: ** write proposal for permanent maintenance organisation ** write draft specification for the outsourced tasks ** write half-yearly project report with progress and bugdet status ** write agenda ** Deadline for the board tasks: 3 weeks ahead of meeting (date not decided, but in September) *** Not finished - the meeting is scheduled for Oct. 4, Børre should be prepared to demonstrate sme speller (Aspell) on Linux. * add Divvun to the UNESCO Hall-of-Fame list ** Not done * Plan the Helsinki meeting ** Not finished * meeting about corpus contract ** Done first meeting, but we need another meeting to finish the discussion. * project planning with Trond ** Not done * Other tasks: ** Lots of back-logged paper work done ** reinstalled the missing cvs on Maaren's computer (actually, Maaren did it herself:-) ) ** prepared my new office in our new appartement !! Thomas * work on Lule Sami verbs ** done, gone through all verbs * contact Jonny Andersen about place names ** done. Johnny Andersen is going to send us a CD with the updated files * Also received updated Sámi place names from Finland !! Tomi * Aspell: Create the affix file, work on automatic conversion from LEXC to affix file ** Doing the affix file manually (~900 lines now, containing propernouns, nouns (not all), and bi-syll. verbs) ** Solved munch-list problem, it is working now and wordlist gets smaller (~45% of the original wordlist now) - size down to 160 Mb (compared to the first version of 580 Mb!) * investigate Aspell/MySpell/OOo issues ** Not done * three-part compounding ** Not done * decapitalisation of proper nouns when (if?) compounded, and when derived (the oslolaš issue) ** Not done * corpus infrastructure: dtd location (both public and internal) ** Not done * corpus infrastructure: file and dir organisation ** Not done * Follow up on CVS mailing: ** check that all received forwarded mail ** set up Thomas and Maaren when they're back from vacation *** Børre did it (see above) !! Trond * Work on the bug list (Lule Sámi). ** Did some, but not too much. * Work on compounds (three-part + oslolaš, with Tomi) ** Not done * Work on the corpus interface (with Lars) ** Haven't seen Lars, phoned him, but didn't readh him * Corpus infrastructure: dtd location ** Have some ideas. * Get the new version of the New Testament ** Have talked to Britt and the Bible society, didn't get the right person, but I will get a version this week. * Check Hans-Ragnars names. ** Again, not. * Look at the Sámi names issue ** Not done. * Plan the Helsinki meeting * New coworker ** Got the application, only one applicant, so in reality, the issue is settled. ** Looked at the new machine with Børre. * meeting about corpus contract ** Had meeting with Sjur and Børre * check the new giellatekno site ** Checked, changed the front page to a certain extent. * project planning with Sjur ** Not done. * Otherwise: Worked with... !!!3. Documentation - divvun.no The giellatekno site is converted to the Forrest format, and is in principle ready for publication. Trond has to read through it and do some QA/editing before being released. The standing invitation remains: Document what you do, when you do it. !!!4. Corpus gathering Børre, Trond and Sjur had their meeting, and the Helsinki contract is quite good as it is. There are some points still to be discussed. We'll continue this week. !!!5. Corpus infrastructure Do documentation. !!Naming conventions and directory structure The idea was to continue in the newsgroup, but nothing has happened. We'll bring this up next week in Helsinki instead. !!!6. Linguistics !!North Sámi * New place names (to be) received, should be added to our lexicons * three-part compounds and oslolaš issue still open * we should create a new missing list !!Lule Sámi When do we get the lexicon from Anders Kintel? * All the major POSes have been covered * closed POSes should be checked * compounding and derivation !!!7. Speller infrastructure !!aSpell Write documentation here as well. Munch-list is working, see above. Needs more affixes before it is useful, cf the size discussion. See [previous meeting memo|/admin/weekly/2005/Meeting_2005-08-15.html]. !!MS Office spellers Nothing new, see [previous meeting memo|/admin/weekly/2005/Meeting_2005-08-15.html]. !!OpenOffice.org Requires MySpell (probably hunspell and even Aspell in the future), we want to maintain only one main source file for all spellers. Others are doing it, the question is only __how__. This is the goal to be investigated by Børre and Tomi. For pointers, see the [previous meeting memo|/admin/weekly/2005/Meeting_2005-08-15.html]. !!!8. Other !!Helsinki gathering Program draft available at [/admin/physical_meetings/helsinki-2005-08.html] Trond and Sjur are going to finish it this week. To bring from Kautokeino: * headphones * battery pack for Sjur * registration money for FSMNLP !!Technical issues * The mac os / perl bug (at least Trond has it): ** utf8 "\xC4" does not map to Unicode at /Users/trond/gt/script/preprocess line 82. This msg did not show up in 10.3 (perl 5.8.1), but does so in 10.4 (perl 5.8.6). It is probably a perl - OS mismatch. * 25 open bugs - too much! Have a look at what you can fix. !!!9. Summary, task list !! Børre * Add crontab specification for the cvs update/export script Tomi made ** Adjust it so it will work with the new server * reopen the jspwiki + UTF-8 issue * Add issue to forrest issue tracker about utf-8 ihtml documents. * Contact Svenska bibelsällskapet * discuss with Anders Kintel about possible cooperation * Continue writing a contract draft, together with Trond and Sjur. Coordinate with Kimmo Koskenniemi * Follow up on CVS mailing: ** check that Thomas and Maaren receive forwarded mail from cochice ** set up Thomas and Maaren * Investigate compatibility between MySpell and Aspell source files * Meeting about corpus contract * Finish giellatekno forrest transition. !! Maaren * The missing list, both the overall missing list from our xml corpus, and a file-for-file review, in order to get different terminology * Go through the missing list from risten.no * remember headphones, 2*money and batteries for Helsinki !! Sjur * risten.no bugs and fixes * complete the action summary after our half-year evaluation * follow up on: ** voice group-chat not working to Sámediggi ** Maaren has problems with SubEthaEdit (can't connect) * To the board: ** write proposal for permanent maintenance organisation ** write draft specification for the outsourced tasks ** write half-yearly project report with progress and bugdet status ** write agenda ** Deadline for the board tasks: 3 weeks ahead of meeting (date not decided, but in September) * add Divvun to the UNESCO Hall-of-Fame list * Plan the Helsinki meeting * meeting about corpus contract * project planning with Trond !! Thomas * work on Lule Sami compounding and derivation, check closed POSes !! Tomi * Aspell: Continue working on the affix file * investigate Aspell/MySpell/OOo issues * three-part compounding * decapitalisation of proper nouns when (if?) compounded, and when derived (the oslolaš issue) * corpus infrastructure: dtd location (both public and internal) * corpus infrastructure: file and dir organisation !! Trond * Work on the bug list (Lule Sámi). * Work on compounds (three-part + oslolaš, with Tomi) * Work on the corpus interface (with Lars) * Corpus infrastructure: dtd location * Get the new version of the New Testament * Check Hans-Ragnars names. * Look at the Sámi names issue * Plan the Helsinki meeting * New coworker * meeting about corpus contract * check the new giellatekno site * project planning with Sjur !!!10. Next meeting, closing 05.09.2005 10:00 Closed at 11:40