!!!Meeting setup * Date: 19.12.2005 * Time: 09.30 Norw. time * Place: Wherever we are :-) * Tools: iChat, SubEthaEdit, phone !!! Agenda # Opening, agenda review # Reviewing the task list from two weeks ago # Documentation - divvun.no # Corpus gathering # Corpus infrastructure # Linguistics # name lexicon infrastructure # Other issues # Summary, task lists # Closing !!!1. Opening, agenda review, participants Opened at 10:20. Present: __Børre, Maaren, Saara, Sjur, Thomas__ Absent: __Maaren, Saara, Tomi, Trond__ Main secretary: __Børre__ Agenda accepted as is. !!!2. Reviewing the task list from the last meeting !! Børre * Gather public texts ** Not done * Continue converting text from input format to our xml ** Done. Reported bugs in convert2xml.pl which __Saara__ fixed. * Document the corpus infrastructure ** Not done * Ask __Thor-Øivind__ to help us move bugzilla to our new project server ** ... and make the URL [http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] point to it (and even to [http://project.divvun.no/bugzilla]). *** He began this work on friday afternoon. * install new XXE and the new XXE Forrest config for Ilona ** not necessary, she doesn't use it * divvun.no and giellatekno.uit.no: ** Binary files download area *** Done ** Continue the conversion to static site, using our own script. *** Done * review code and documentation for corpus xsl files under version control ** Not done * review the convert2xml.pl script, what works well and what doesn´t. ** Done, see above * comment review template made by __Saara__ ** Not done * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Maaren * work with risten.no * review corpus usage documentation, and the usage of the corpus * discuss with relevant people regarding seminar on proofing tools, normativity and SGL in February * SGL: have had their meeting - all of our issues have been handled, we're waiting for their answer (from __Maaren:__ 'SGL har i sitt møte på tirsdag "godkjent" lista vår med noen små endringer') !! Saara * Look at the corpus infrastructure issue * Look at the corpus interface issue with Lars * Convert the name lexicon from present format to xml * discuss the new lexicon format in the newsgroup * document corpus infrastructure, your own parts ** done * catxml review: make a template, and post it in the newsgroup ** done * Language detection for the corpus files ** not done * Implement addition of tags to the converted corpus files ** done * Do some testing for bug [#211|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=211] * update the convert2xml script according to the comments ** done * review corpus upload user interface ** done * add version control of the corpus xsl files to the (upload) processing ** preliminary commands added (still in comments) and documentation written. some things with write access of RCS files have to solved first. * xml2lexc update to handle complex names: construct entries like we have now from the different parts of a complex name entry * update preprocess to handle inflected forms of complex names ** done, but needs to be optimized * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Sjur * Lule Sámi twol problems, with __Thomas__ and __Trond__ * follow up on voice group-chat not working to Sámediggi ** Test Marratech when the new Marratech server is in place *** waiting for the new server * project planning with __Trond__, continued ** also look at the development processes - specification and testing *** done some * Follow up on place names from Norge Digitalt ** write an e-mail to or call __Bjørn Olav Megard__ * Evaluate SFST as speller (and analyzer) lexicon ** more thorough analysis than was possible in Guovdageaidnu * write a background document on the corpus contracts ** not done * discuss kvensk project support ** done * proper names: ** discuss lexicon format *** some discussion with Trond ** discuss implementation with Tomi *** nope ** post a draft XML format for the name lexicon, based on the discussion above *** not yet * write public tender documents ** worked with the selection criterias with Trond * update the SD contract version ** done * send SD corpus contract to lawyer ** done * review corpus upload user interface ** done * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] * Other: ** made a test version of the Komi lexicon in eXist/risten.no (my local installation) - a very nice proof of concept for dictionaries and language technology from the same source: it is (a copy of) the very same lexicon as is used to compile the transducer (using xml2lexc)! Have a look: [], search for e.g. 'кыввор*' (translations displayed are only in Finnish, but the English translations can easily be displayed as well). This is the future - this is what we want to have! ** Tomi and I tried hard to debug the parallel editing bug in risten.no/eXist, to no avail. But a new e-mail to the eXist list was sent, with some new tests from Wolfgang as a suggested next step. !! Thomas * work on North Sámi compounding and derivation **worked and still working * review corpus usage documentation **didn't quite understand it * translate the normativity-issue on second-syllable deletion when compounding and send it to Maaren **done * smj G3 issue with __Sjur__ and __Trond__ **nothing done this week !! Tomi * Aspell: Continue working on the affix file & aspell ** Contact aspell author (UTF-8 thing) * corpus infrastructure: dtd location (both public and internal) * Document aspell and corpus infrastructure * Specification for new catxml in C++ ** this includes also placing the source and binary *** New catxml sources and Makefile are in cvs - gt/script/samiXMLParser/ * new proper name lexicon ** remove last part of complex names not used as simplex names ** start looking at conversion of the name lexicon from present format to xml ** discuss the new lexicon format in the newsgroup ** Look into ynchronisation of proper names with risten.no * hyphenation in corpus docs * comment review template made by __Saara__ * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] * pick up backpacks after Xmas !! Trond * project planning with __Sjur__, continued ** Substantial progress on work with the planning tools during my Helsinki stay. * Work on the G3 bug issue with __Sjur__ and __Thomas__, carry it over to sme. ** Not done. * document corpus infrastructure, your part ** Not done. * update the SD contract version ** Done. * send SD corpus contract to lawyer ** Done. * review corpus upload user interface ** Had a look at it, but not filed anything yet. * review corpus usage documentation ** Not given feedback. * comment review template made by __Saara__ ** Have read it. * discuss the new lexicon format in the newsgroup ** Some done. * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] ** Here my activity has been more subversive, as I have made Linda add more bug reports... * Other: ** Worked with disambiguation, with Komi and with Greenlandic. The outcome of the two latter ones turn out to be of relevance to us as well, the former on the dictionary-xml-lexc issue (here Saara had done a great job!) and the latter on spellchecker issues. The good news about Komi is that the xml dictionary (kt/kom/src/kom-lex.xml) now is made into a set of lexc files via make, and simultaneously into a searchable web dictionary via exist. !!!3. Documentation !!Reviews Add documentation on our corpus infrastructure and our corpus work in general (__Børre__, __Tomi__, __Trond__, __Saara__). For the basic corpora, we need 2 additional types of documentation, or doc for 2 target groups: # For the __users/linguists:__ What corpus are found, how do I use them (this info is now scattered) (Part of the HOWTO USE is documented in the catxml docu, what documents are found where etc + an overall documentation is not written, since the corpus is so sparsely populated) ## catxml done, which is what is needed mostly. Do we need more? ## Review: __Thomas, Maaren, Linda, Ilona, Trond__ # For the __collectors:__ How do I add texts, where do I add them, how do I convert them (this is (partly?) done in the Corpus Conversion document) ## we need a review of the web interface for corpus uploading - what is still missing? ### Review: __Sjur, Saara, Trond, Thomas__ Review setup and reporting to be posted to the newsgroup, possibly a summary in our documentation. __Deadline__ for reviews: by next meeting. Corpus uploading review: closed. Catxml review: this should be based on the new tool made by __Tomi__ (C++ version), called ''ccat''. __Tomi__ will install it, and announce it in news when ready for review. !!Tomcat->static HTML Done. Cronscript doesn't work, requiring manual updates for now. Will be fixed this week. !!!4. Corpus gathering !!Contracts Next step: # Make __our__ versions of the updated Helsinki contracts, and make sure they are according to our intention. (__Sjur and Trond__) ## done # send them to the SD lawyer and to the University lawyer through formal channels. (__Sjur and Trond__) ## done # possibly update contracts with remarks from lawyers # start using them! Contract 1 should have the main priority (contract 2 for __Trond__). __Deadline:__ This was finished last week. !!Collecting Børre have downloaded quite a few web pages and even sites. How and where to store them? Sites stored as directory structures. The Odin pages we will get as source files directly from the editor, cf Trond's report from last meeting. !!!5. Corpus infrastructure Updated task list: # Include the xsl files under version control ## RCS to be used, __Saara__ to include it in the (upload) processing of new corpus files, as well as documentation (__Børre__ to review) ### __Saara__ has made a first draft, but the code is commented out - some bugs need to be fixed # Incorporate language detection as part of the corpus processing (__Saara__) ## The tool needs better training material than was used initially. # we need a way to deal with hyphenated documents (documents with (manually) inserted hyphenation marks) in catxml/preprocess. ## __Saara__ has made a hyphen detection script that tries to discriminate between real hyphenation and other uses of hyphens (recall that only real hyphenation should be tagged ). # we need to review whether only automatic hyphen detection is good enough, or whether manual post-processing in some form is needed. Delayed until we have some results to base the review on. ## Acceptable results: 90% of all real hyphens correctly tagged. # CGI-admin script to add xsl-file to a corpus file that doesn't have one (__Tomi__) !!!6. Linguistics !!North Sámi * three-part compounds issue still open ** look at Lule Sámi, but apply it to second-parts only *** Thomas is finished with three-part compounds for North Sámi. On the negative side, we note a compilation time of 10m for the sme parser as a whole. ** compound shortening issue is waiting for the SGL to make a normative decision ** linguistic analysis/discussion to continue in the newsgroup ** we should include the members-to-be of the Sámi Giellalávdegoddi (SGL) in this discussion, but how? We need a common meeting / normativity seminar / seminar on proofing issues and on language technology in a broader sense with them. Then we also need to open the linguistic issues newsgroup we talked about earlier, and set up their computers and teach them to use the newsgroup. This seminar needs to include the Lule Sámi section of SGL (others are welcome too). Timetable: *** The Sámediggiráđđi is going to appoint new members before Christmas, the meeting is 13.12. (__Johan Mikkel Saara__ is asking people) *** Contact the SGL when it is elected, in December, and ask them to arrange a normativity seminar, with invited keypersons. *** seminar in February? ** TODO list: *** __Maaren__ to discuss with relevant persons on this issue. * number project still open (see below) * diphthong simplification/G3 issue should be carried over from Lule Sámi. ** TODO: *** Writing the rules (copy from smj, adjust) (__Sjur, Thomas__ and __Trond__) *** Bug 77 - clearify whether ''háliid'' is acceptable - it is found, thus we need to be able to analyse it, but only as !SUB: !!Lule Sámi Open tasks: * Derived G3 that looks like G2 are still open. ** __Thomas, Trond and Sjur__ should meet again to finish the rest. !!Numerals The following North Sámi linguistic issues should be settled before going into the numeral project: # Three-part compounds # Diphthong simplification # Derivation These issues are recently done in Lule Sámi, and it is more efficient to complete them in North Sámi directly thereafter instead of beginning a new topic Numeral treatment is on different level in the existing sme and smj parsers, but the issue itself is common to the two langauges, and should therefore be treated in parallel. Numerals in North Sámi: Inventory is listed elsewhere. Numerals in Lule Sámi: There are 70 lines of code setting up the structure for case inflection of basic numerals. !!!7. Name lexicon infrastructure Summary: see the [newsgroup|news:di5mbi$26ad$1@news.uit.no] !!Complex names Task list for this issue: * find eventual unique second-parts (B-parts of names that do not exist in isolation): Take the 1.126 version, remove the non-last parts, and compare the B-parts of proper-complex.xml with the simplex forms in 1.126. Non-hits should then be removed from the current propernoun-sme-lex.txt. ** Postponed till next week * remove these B-parts from the ordinary name file (__Tomi__) ** New York => York, Los Angeles =/=> *Angeles * make sure xml2lexc can handle complex names in ways compatible with our present tool chain (=reconstruct the lexc format we have now) (__Saara__) ** __Tomi__ is working on a C++ version of the xml2lexc tool. He will put it into CVS soon (it is actually catxml, can easily be adopted to the xml2lexc requirements) * the resulting file format should be identical to our present prop-name file (=lexc), that can then be converted to our new xml format using the same script as for the regular names (__Tomi__ or __Saara__, but only when the technical details are settled) * The core issue: The preprocess script can handle uninflected (A + B) compounds, but not (A + inflected B). __Saara__ will add the analyzer as part of the preprocess, to be able to handle inflected cases as well. !!XML format Basis for the progress: separate documents according to project: * Containing one common concept or name id field, plus Divvun/Disamb fields only (based on our old proposal) * Containing one common concept or name id field, plus kvensk fields only (based on the field list from Irene) * common document containing one common id field, plus fields common to several bases We need a meeting to move forward. Suggested time: Wednesday 21, 9:30. Participants: __Børre, Tomi, Sjur, Trond, Saara?__ Tasks: # testing of conversion # continue the discussion of the name lexicon format (__Saara, Tomi, Sjur, Trond__) # implement a prototype in eXist # eXist as editor: ## develop the needed XQueries and interface ## synchronisation between risten.no and ## test whether eXist as editor is actually working well !!!8. Other !!Xmas Planned vacations and working days (two days of work, 4 hours each): * Børre: will work on 27th and 28th, away 29th and 30th. * Maaren: ? * Sjur: no vacation, don't know what days working * Thomas: no vacation, don't know what days working * Tomi: no vacation, working in Finland offline at romjula and online after new year !!Technical issues * The mac os / perl bug (at least __Trond__ and __Sjur__ has it, [Bugzilla #211|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=211]): ** utf8 "\xC4" does not map to Unicode at /Users/trond/gt/script/preprocess line 82. This msg did not show up in 10.3 (perl 5.8.1), but does so in 10.4 (perl 5.8.6). It is probably a perl - OS mismatch. (__Trond__, __Saara__, __Tomi__) ** Test: the result of the last line should indicate whehter this is a problem in cat or a Perl/OS mismatch. {{{ preprocess file_name.txt OK cat file_name.txt | preprocess !! catxml file_name.xml | preprocess ?? }}} !!Bug fixing __28__ open bugs (and 25 risten.no bugs) !!Move Bugzilla Move Bugzilla to our new server when it arrives, and make it work at both the old URL [http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla/] as well as a similar one based on the name of the new server (e.g. something like [http://project.divvun.no/bugzilla], where the 'project' part is still open for discussion) (__Thor Øivind__ and __Børre__). !!!9. Summary, task list !! Børre * Gather public texts * Continue converting text from input format to our xml * Document the corpus infrastructure * review code and documentation for corpus xsl files under version control * review the convert2xml.pl script, what works well and what doesn´t. * comment review template made by __Saara__ * proper names meeting to arrive at final xml format * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Maaren * work with risten.no * find decisisons/documents regarding syllable shortening in compounds in the norm; send them to __Thomas__ * review corpus usage documentation, and the usage of the corpus * discuss with relevant people regarding seminar on proofing tools, normativity and SGL in February !! Saara * Look at the corpus infrastructure issue * Look at the corpus interface issue with Lars * Convert the name lexicon from present format to xml * discuss the new lexicon format in the newsgroup * document corpus infrastructure, your own parts * catxml review: make a template, and post it in the newsgroup * Language detection for the corpus files * Implement addition of tags to the converted corpus files * Do some testing for bug [#211|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=211] * update the convert2xml script according to the comments * review corpus upload user interface * add version control of the corpus xsl files to the (upload) processing * xml2lexc update to handle complex names: construct entries like we have now from the different parts of a complex name entry * update preprocess to handle inflected forms of complex names * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Sjur * Lule Sámi twol problems, with __Thomas__ and __Trond__ * follow up on voice group-chat not working to Sámediggi ** Test Marratech when the new Marratech server is in place * project planning with __Trond__, continued ** also look at the development processes - specification and testing * Follow up on place names from Norge Digitalt ** write an e-mail to or call __Bjørn Olav Megard__ * Evaluate SFST as speller (and analyzer) lexicon ** more thorough analysis than was possible in Guovdageaidnu * write a background document on the corpus contracts * proper names meeting to arrive at final xml format * write public tender documents * review corpus upload user interface * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Thomas * work on North Sámi compounding and derivation * review corpus usage documentation * smj G3 issue with __Sjur__ and __Trond__ !! Tomi * Aspell: Continue working on the affix file & aspell ** Contact aspell author (UTF-8 thing) * corpus infrastructure: ** dtd location (both public and internal) ** cgi-admin script for adding xsl-files * Document aspell and corpus infrastructure * Specification for new catxml in C++ ** install and announce new ccat tool * new proper name lexicon ** remove last part of complex names not used as simplex names ** start looking at conversion of the name lexicon from present format to xml ** discuss the new lexicon format in the newsgroup ** Look into synchronisation of proper names with risten.no ** meeting to arrive at final xml format ** new version of xml2lexc (based on catxml, now ccat) * hyphenation in corpus docs * comment review template made by __Saara__ * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] * pick up backpacks after Xmas !! Trond * project planning with __Sjur__, continued * Work on the G3 bug issue with __Sjur__ and __Thomas__, carry it over to sme. * document corpus infrastructure, your part * review corpus upload user interface * review corpus usage documentation * comment review template made by __Saara__ * discuss the new lexicon format in the newsgroup * proper names meeting to arrive at final xml format * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !!!10. Next meeting, closing 02.01.2006 09:30 Closed at 11:18