!!!Meeting setup * Date: 23.10.2006 * Time: 09.30 Norw. time * Place: Where we are * Tools: SubEthaEdit, iChat !!!Agenda # Opening, agenda review # Reviewing the task list from two weeks ago # Documentation - divvun.no # Corpus gathering # Corpus infrastructure # Infrastructure # Linguistics # name lexicon infrastructure # Spellers # Other issues # Summary, task lists # Closing !!!1. Opening, agenda review, participants Opened at 09:58. Present: __Børre, Maaren, Saara, Sjur__ Absent: __Thomas, Tomi, Trond__ Agenda accepted as is. !!!2. Updated task status since last meeting !! Børre * corpus collection: ** contact __Ája__ (Kåfjord) *** They will send us documents on a monthly basis ** discuss access to older Min Áigi and Áššu files with __Richard Valkeapää__ *** Done ... * Move norwegian documents in Min Áigi from sme to nob ** Not done * set up Bugzilla automatic reminders for open issues ** Done! * finish Forrest i18n work (pdf) * set up Tomcat on the G5 for use with eXist and the propnouns db, as well as Forrest in its i18n form ** tomcat is up and running * document SquidMan use at SD ** Available at /doc/infras/ichat-through-firewalls.html * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] * Other ** Done a lot of work on the Bergen aligner. !! Maaren * investigate the generated word form list sent to Polderland - use the command {{make pl-wordlist TARGET=sme}} in ''victorio'' ** have started working * investigate unrecognised input word forms in the hyphenator !! Saara * add more texts to the graphical corpus interface * finalize server of the Xerox tools. ** implemented xml-conversions. * generate parallel corpus files manually (with __Trond__) ** prepared and analyzed a set of files for alignment * Improve text_cat ** not finalized * export corpus tools to location available to all (with cron), cf news disc. ** not done * Improve hyph-filter.pl ** done, with respect to the case conversion and check for #- * help Trond with some shell commands ** not done * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Sjur * name lexicon: ** refactor SD-terms editor code *** partly done, refactored and completed the classification editor code ** implement missing propnouns editing functions ** implement improvements decided upon in Tromsø * move corpus user doc issue to Bugzilla ** done * hire linguist and programmer * finish i18n work of Forrest * install eXist and our local copy of risten.no and propnouns on the G5 * investigate unrecognised input word forms in the hyphenator * decide how to specify compounding behaviour info in the lexicon * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] * other tasks: ** hyphenation and normative improvements to the data delivered to Polderland ** delivered hyphenated data to Polderland !! Thomas * refine smj proper noun lexica, cf. the propernoun-smj-lex.txt * find and study all derived verbs in our corpus * suggest which derivations could be generated * investigate unrecognised input word forms in hyphenator * investigate the generated word form list sent to Polderland - use the command {{make pl-wordlist TARGET=sme}} in ''victorio'' * decide how to specify compounding behaviour info in the lexicon !! Tomi * continue implementation of the speller lexicon conversion ** implementing, it will be very nice, maybe too nice and complicated * make generator as server, based on __Saara's__ code * add lexc2xspell code to cvs ** still moving and renaming codefiles * add hyphenation points to the generated output * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Trond * refine smj proper noun lexica, cf. the propernoun-smj-lex.txt * Get more {{sma}} texts to improve language recognition * study paragraphs with mixed content * add corpus user accounts and access issues to Bugzilla * investigate unrecognised input word forms in the hyphenator * decide how to specify compounding behaviour info in the lexicon * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla]. !!!3. Documentation TODO: * finish i18n work (__Børre__ and __Sjur__) ** set up Tomcat at the faculty server, and install Forrest as war. Needs testing before being deployed on the server! Thus, install it on the G5 first and see that it works, then on the faculty server. ** i18n does not work in PDF ("Table of Content" won't translate) *** nothing * Write both user and admin documentation (__Børre__, review: __Sjur, Thomas__) ** move these issues into Bugzilla (__Sjur__) *** finally done (see [Bug 348|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=348]) !!!4. Corpus gathering __Børre__ wrote the renaming script for NSI, but it didn't work on their computer. __Børre__ has also talked with Ája. They agreed that they will send monthly all their documents from that last month, including parallell language versions. He has also been digging more into the SD document hierarchy, to try to find more texts, has added a few more to our corpus repository. One author has signed the corpus contract last week, and sent us a book: __Synnøve Persen__. She has sent us our first novel - excellent! __TODO:__ * discuss corpus transfer with NSI (__Børre__) ** done * continue to contact authors and text producers (__Børre__) ** done !!!5. Corpus infrastructure !!User accounts and access TODO: * add the issue with subissues to Bugzilla (__Trond__) !!More texts to the graphical corpus interface: TODO: * align texts, analyse, and send to Lars (__Trond, Saara__) * add text to the server (__Lars__) !!Aligner __Børre__ has been working hard on the Bergen aligner: fixed compiling errors and cleaned the source - compilation now only produces 15 warnings, as opposed to more than 100 warnings and 74 errors earlier. The aligner now works somewhat automatically, it handles memory issues gracefully without manual intervention. The command line version is coming, so far it loads the input documents, but it does not start aligning by itself. We'll stop working on it for this week, as the fixes already done are very useful in themselves. Some parallell texts in the corpus are now aligned (but many of the texts believed to be in Norwegian were actually in Sámi). __TODO:__ * gather parallel texts (__Trond__) * try out NT alignment strategies (__Saara__) !!Language recognition TODO: * get more {{sma}} texts, first the Bible / NT (__Trond__) * what about paragraphs with mixed content? Build a corpus of such paragraphs (__Trond__) !!!6. Infrastructure !!Xerox tools wrapped as servers __Tomi__ tried to make the generator, but no success. __Saara__ will cooperate with __Tomi__ to make something useful this week. __TODO:__ * improve and finish the present prototype (__Saara__) ** improved * add generator to the server setup (__Tomi__) ** tried !!Hyphenator TODO: * Update the {{sma}} hyphenator rule set with the insights gained from {{smj}} updates (__Trond__ during weekends) * consider case conversion problems (__Saara__) ** done * check #- when comparing input string with hyphenated string - the hyphen ''could'' be part of the input string, keep it if it is, discard the hyphenated string if not (__Saara__) ** done * investigate unrecognised word forms (__Maaren, Thomas, Trond, Sjur__) ** nothing !!Automatic Bugzilla reminder for untouched bugs We now receive reminders for untouched bug reports, once a week. TODO: * fix the remaining issues (__Børre__) ** done! !!M4 Still anything? It is problematic for the CG rules, as the rule numbering gets mixed up. The hope is that it is possible to get the same effect in CG3. !!!7. Linguistics !!Names and multilinguality We need a more principled approach to this. Background: the name lexicon is getting attention from the SD name/terminology sections, and they would like to use our name lexicon also for public searching. Observations: 1) Multilinguality is always optional. 2) We can observe that "foreign" names in texts follows a domination pattern: majority language forms can be found in minority language texts as real names ("Kautokeino produkter"), whereas minority language names ''almost always'' occur in majority language texts as citations. And citations should not be considered a natural part of the text. 3) When looking at our name classification, multilinguality varies according to: {{{ Ani - weak/none? (pet, myth anim. names) Fem - weak (informative) Mal - weak (informative) Obj - strong Org - strong Plc - strong for the national and country names, weak (informative) for foreign names Sur - none Tit - strong (titles) }}} Suggestion: We need to reconsider the ''all names in all languages'' policy. That policy is valid only for {{Fem, Mal,}} and {{Sur}} (and Ani and Tit?). For {{Obj, Org, Plc}} the rule should be that if they have multilingual names, each name should only be used in it's own language. Then we need a modification saying that majority language names can be included in minority language lexicons __if attested__ in our corpus. Also, the majority language varies according to country (obviously), which means that in a speller context, we might consider tailoring spellers for each country, leaving out noise relating to majority language names from another country. A further issue is whether we should reconsider our cohort policy. Today, Sur and Plc are __different__ readings. An alternative would be to have them as secondary tags, not in conflict with each other: {{{ "" "Trosterud" N Prop Sur Sg Nom <<< @HNOUN "Trosterud" N Prop Plc Sg Nom <<< @HNOUN "" "Trosterud" N Prop Sg Nom <<< @HNOUN "" "Trosterud" N Prop Sg Nom &Sur &Plc <<< @HNOUN }}} !!Derivation and spellers like Aspell * find and study all derived verbs in our corpus (__Thomas__) * suggest which derivations could be generated (__Thomas__) * lexicalise the rest (__Thomas__) !!North Sámi Unwanted word forms: * comparation of -laš derivations (they should not be generated in comparative and superlative) TODO: * investigate the generated word form list sent to Polderland - use the command {{make pl-wordlist TARGET=sme}} in ''victorio'' (__Maaren__, __Thomas__) !!Lule Sámi TODO: * refine {{smj}} proper noun lexica, cf. the propernoun-smj-lex.txt (__Thomas, Trond__) * hire new linguist (__Sjur__) !!!8. Name lexicon infrastructure __Sjur__ has cleaned a lot of risten.no code during last week. Decided in Tromsø: * add logging facilities to the interface * add option to download local copies of the lexicon files directly from the db * batch editing (change all entries in the found set), should later be enhanced to allow selection of exceptions (the found set minus deselected items) * tag for excluding/including a name from certain applications * future epxansion: choose what info to display in the single language browser * display existing language entries when adding a new language to a record * add editor to change single, existing entries Details can be found in [the meeting memo.|/admin/physical_meetings/tromso-2006-08-propnoun.html] TODO: * develop the needed XQueries and UI (__Sjur, Tomi__) * turn Tomcat on on the G5; send admin username and password to __Sjur__ (__Børre__) ** done * add eXist and the proper noun interface to the G5 (__Sjur__) ** eXist installed. * cvs synching of the risten.no code in eXist (read-only) (__Børre__) Postponed: * data synchronisation between risten.no and the cvs repo * new version of xml2lexc (based on ccat), should handle complex names correct: construct entries like we have now from the different parts of a complex name entry !!!9. Spellers !!Speller data generation Derivations during generation of word forms: how do we generate derivations of input words, and their inflections? Problem example: how do we get from {{Oslo}} to {{oslolaš}}? {{{ Input: Oslo Output: Oslo Oslos ... oslolaš oslolaččat ... (+ other derivations and their inflections) }}} Oslo -> Oslo+N+Sg+Nom Oslo+der/laš -> oslolaš oslolaš+N+Sg+Nom Oslo+N+Prop+Der/laš+A+Sg+Nom Make a list of all possible derivations (see lexc lexicon files), and try them out one at a time: * if it succeeds, take the new stem, and inflect it * it not, try the next What about compounding stem? How do we generate it? __TODO:__ * add code to cvs (__Tomi__) * implement generator server based on Saara's code (__Tomi__) * specify compounding behaviour info for the lexicon (__Thomas, Trond, Sjur__) * add hyphenation points to the generated output (__Tomi__) * planning meeting for the word form generator / data conversion script (__Sjur, Saara, Tomi__) !!Automatic testing of the Word spellchecker Ask MS Word to spell check the open documents, and store all unrecognised words into the user dictionary. Possibly using AppleScript to interact with Word. We should also ask Polderland whether they have tools for this. This will only test unrecognised words. We also need to test the suggestions, and misspellings not recognised as such. TODO: * consider a script for automatic testing (__Sjur, Børre__) * ask Polderland about testing tools (__Sjur__) * consider more testing routines (__Sjur, Børre__) !!!10. Other !!Bug fixing __66__ open Divvun/Disamb bugs, and __24__ risten.no bugs Guess: 1/3 of the bugs are fixed already (?) !!Meetings and the SD Firewall __TODO:__ * document SquidMan use at SD (__Børre__) ** done !!How do we set environment variables effective for all users Look into /etc/environment on victorio - __NOT FOUNT__ on the Mac! (only relevant on the G5) !!Task lists as iCal entries TODO: * update Maaren's Forrest installation to r430284 (__Børre__) !!Employee seminar in Alta SD has an employee seminar in Alta in December - should we go there? We'll discuss it in the next meeting. !!!11. Next meeting, closing Next meeting 30.10.2006 at 9:30. Closed at 11:24. !!!Appendix - task lists for the next week !! Boerre * contact writers who already have received contracts * Move norwegian documents in Min Áigi from sme to nob * finish Forrest i18n work (pdf) * cvs synching of the risten.no code in eXist (read-only) * consider a script for automatic testing of the spell checker * consider more testing routines * update Maaren's Forrest installation to r430284 * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Maaren * investigate the generated word form list sent to Polderland - use the command {{make pl-wordlist TARGET=sme}} in ''victorio'' * investigate unrecognised word forms in the hyphenator !! Saara * add more texts to the graphical corpus interface * finalize server of the Xerox tools. * generate parallel corpus files manually (with __Trond__) * export corpus tools to location available to all (with cron), cf news disc. * help Trond with some shell commands * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Sjur * name lexicon: ** refactor SD-terms editor code ** implement missing propnouns editing functions ** implement improvements decided upon in Tromsø * hire linguist and programmer * finish i18n work of Forrest * install our local copy of risten.no and propnouns on the G5 * investigate unrecognised word forms in the hyphenator * decide how to specify compounding behaviour info in the lexicon * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Thomas * refine smj proper noun lexica, cf. the propernoun-smj-lex.txt * find and study all derived verbs in our corpus * suggest which derivations could be generated * investigate unrecognised word forms in hyphenator * investigate the generated word form list sent to Polderland - use the command {{make pl-wordlist TARGET=sme}} in ''victorio'' * decide how to specify compounding behaviour info in the lexicon * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Tomi * continue implementation of the speller lexicon conversion * make generator as server, based on __Saara's__ code * add lexc2xspell code to cvs * add hyphenation points to the generated output * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !! Trond * refine smj proper noun lexica, cf. the propernoun-smj-lex.txt * Get more {{sma}} texts to improve language recognition * study paragraphs with mixed content * add corpus user accounts and access issues to Bugzilla * investigate unrecognised word forms in the hyphenator * decide how to specify compounding behaviour info in the lexicon * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla].