!!!Meeting setup * Date: 5.1.2009 * Time: 09.30 Norw. time * Place: Internet * Tools: SubEthaEdit, iChat !!!Agenda Cf. one of the following, depending on context: * the upper bar of the SEE window (provided you use the JSPWiki syntax mode) * the TOC in Forrest-rendered output, like HTML and PDF !!!Opening, agenda review, participants Opened at 10:59. Present: __Børre, David, Sjur, Thomas, Tomi (text only), Trond__ Absent: __Ciprian, Jovsset__ Agenda accepted. !!!Updated task status since last meeting !!Børre * leaflet: add Linux info * Make a divvun-tools download log * {{gt/Makefile}} remake * fine tune suggestions * improve OOo instructions * increase version number ** done * changes since 1.0.1 * update our front page when released ** done * build new hunspell lexicons ** done * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !!Ciprian * close the open SVN repository at requested paths * continue the dictionary infrastructure discussion (with __Sjur, Trond__) * improve processing of new corpus documents * make the pipeline of ''StarDict'' dictionary generation running on the Mac * update the Makefile for generating dictionaries (related to the dictionary infrastructure task) * take care of the error logging during conversion process * look at the xml conversion quality * make a list of (general and special) problems related with converting docs into xml-forat and adding them to the corpora * continue the search and testing of an appropriate tool for lexicon working (no xml-file editing via text editors!) * generate new sme:nob/nob:sme dictionaries in all formats, marking them as "Beta"-versions (Sjur's proposal to use an image background for that purpose) * infrastructure remake - news discussion * short meeting to go through missing points before a dictionary release (with __Sjur, Trond__) * dictionary discussion on estethics, layout (with __Trond__) * build the first version of smanob-dictionary (both MacDict and StarDict) by 15. dec. 2008 * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !!David * continue gathering {{sma}} corpus texts ** added some more texts from the web before christmas and started OCR:ing today * prepare a workshop on South Sámi orthography and grammar (__David__) ** set up a preliminary agenda (__with Sjur__) *** done ** check in first sketch *** done ** prepare data for each topic (__with Sjur and Trond__) *** nothing done * call __Ristin Persson__ for permission to use Sámi Radio texts ** still cannot reach her * integrate adjectives into the analyser ** done * work with missing lists ** done for now * meet with __Maja__ to discuss corpus gathering ** done * stay in touch with UmU about c-thesises in south sami ** not done * finnish looking at __Ciprians__ list of words. ** done * Call Fylkesmannen i Nordland ** called but havn't got a hold on the right person yet * prepare open invitation to Trondheim seminar (with__Sjur__) ** unfortunately forgot to send invitation !!Jovsset * get the list of verbs from the auhtors of''Verbh''. * Find a suitable infrastructure for the distribution of the CD version. Possible through the library bus, the language centres and common sami centres in all of Sápmi. * write formal letter to translator of ''Gåessie dah jeatjebh åerieminie'' * leaflet: review the Windows pictures, and usage instructions for MS Office. Review especially the select sami language part. * Write installation instructions for word 2003 * better Windows usage descriptions, with emphasis on the pitfalls * work with missing lists !!Per-Eric * transfer the {{smj}} texts by __Kurt Tore__ and __Ulf Stefan Winka__ to our corpus repository * follow-up contract from __Lena Davidsson__ * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !!Saara * add new XSL/XML headers for proofing test docs * Set up ways of adding meta-information for proofing correct corpus docs (source info, used in testing or not, added to lexicon or not) * implement the ped UI and functionality !!Sjur * name db/risten.no * follow-up on some Polderland-related bugs: 621, 630, 652 * InDesign documentation * continue the dictionary infrastructure discussion (with __Ciprian, Trond__) * Contact ''Davvi Girji'' about cooperation on electronic dictionaries * subcontractor work for {{sma}} proofing tools, MS and Adobe versions * support and maintenance contract for {{sme}} and {{smj}}, MS+Adobe tools * Sámi languages as part of ''Norsk språkbank'' * contact MS Nordic, and ask them to include the Divvun tools in the next Office releases * set up a preliminary agenda for {{sma}} workshop (__with David__) * prepare data for each topic at {{sma}} workshop (__with David and Trond__) * short meeting to go through missing points before a dictionary release (with __Ciprian, Trond__) * leaflet: add link to OOo installation and usage instructions * leaflet: add InDesign text * make an installer for the InDesign Divvun tools * 1.1 readme - English ** made template, done by Børre * installation package for MS Off Mac ** done * update installation package for MS Off Win ** done * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] * other things: ** administrative work ** preparations for permanent organisation discussions !!Thomas * gather the {{smj}} texts from ''Nord-Salten avis'' (online archive) ** not done * fine tune suggestions for Hunspell ** is this any more for now? * look at test cases still not behaving properly ** not anything this week * {{sme->smj}} lexicon conversion to build bilingual lexicon resources, and increase {{smj}} coverage ** not done * review the readme files for MS tools **done * write a short e-mail about the release, and send it to our release e-mail list ** not done * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] ** not anything this week !!Tomi * document how compounding is controlled in the PLX conversion ** not done * fix double hyphen bugs ** waiting for PL * fix PL hyphenator bugs ** not done * fix PL and Hunspell conversion bugs ** working * infrastructure remake ** not done * document the error type selection feature in ccat ** not done * increase speller lex version number ** done * 1.1 version of MS lexicon ** done * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !!Trond * integrate {{sma}} adjectives into the analyser (without morphology) ** Work in progress. * finish reformulating the proper noun grammar (with __Sjur__) ** Not finished. * infrastructure remake ** Børre and Ciprian. * prepare data for each topic at {{sma}} workshop (__with David and Sjur__) ** Not embarked upon. * dictionary discussion on estethics, layout (with __Ciprian__) ** Have a sketch ready, but no meetings yet * meeting to go through missing points before a dictionary release (with __Ciprian, Sjur__) ** No meeting yet * clean the {{smanob}} data ** Now we go for a new start, after Ciprians new version. Here, I have done some. * discuss new-found {{smj}} issues (with __Lene, Linda, Thomas__) ** Improved smj to a certain extent. No meeting so far. * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla]. ** Worked on bugs. !!!Pedagogical software online Meeting memos can be found at [http://giellatekno.uit.no/ped/index.html#Meeting+memos] Oahpa needs a separate domain - what shall it be? Candidates: * http://oahpa.no/ * http://oahpa.uit.no/ We would prefer the former, but it seems there is a rule that a given IP domain cannot register but 20 direct top nodes. Suggestion: apply for oahpa.no, but start to use oahpa.uit.no. In the application, argue that the limit of 20 top domain names is arbitrary, and causing a lot of trouble for large and diverse organisations like uit. !!!Corpus gathering __David__ has found some texts on the net, and is also OCR scanning some books we have permission to use. __TODO:__ * continue gathering {{sma}} corpus texts (__David, Jovsset__) * transfer the {{smj}} texts by __Kurt Tore__ and __Ulf Stefan Winka__ to our corpus repository (__Per-Eric__) * other contacts: Lena Davidsson, daughter to Lars-Matto Tuolja * make a 1-page, light version of the contract, also in Swedish (__Børre, David, Sjur, Trond__) ** Bokmål and Northern Sami versions are commited at {{xtdoc/sd/src/documentation/content/xdocs/adm/legal/short-contract.(nb|se).xml}} * discuss infra improvements for corpus rep administration (__Børre, Ciprian__) ** delayed till we are done with the {{gt/Makefile}} improvements * gather the {{smj}} texts from ''Nord-Salten avis'' (online archive) (__Thomas__) !!!Promoting Divvun __TODO:__ * Make a download log (__Børre__) * make leaflet to inform about the project (__Jovsset, David__) ** better Windows usage descriptions, with emphasis on the pitfalls (__Jovsset__) ** add link to OOo installation and usage instructions (__Sjur__) ** improve OOo instructions (__Børre__) ** add Linux info (__Børre__) ** add InDesign text (__Sjur__) - requires installer ** review the Windows pictures, and usage instructions for MS Office 2003 (__Jovsset__) *** text (__Jovsset__) * distribute CD version through the library bus, the language centres and common sami centres in all of Sápmi. Gaaltije in Östersund for example. (__Leif Åge, Jovsset__) * contact MS Nordic, and ask them to include the Divvun tools in the next Office releases (both Windows and Mac). The integration can/should be done by Polderland, which is an official MS subcontractor/integrator. It could be used by MS as part of their advertising for the next releases, and it will make it much easier for people to get access to the tools. (__Sjur__) * write a short memo from the meeting with __John Marcus__ (__Jovsset__) !!!Future plans, directions and ideas See a separate document in {{plan/strat/5year.jspwiki}}. !!!Infrastructure To accomodate future enhancements in different directions (in rough order of importance): # test bench for all parts of our language technology efforts ## test bench enhanced, but not yet complet # set up the Leopard Server features for collaborative support: ## permanent chat rooms ## stored (and indexed) chat transcripts of the chat rooms ## iCal server / group calendars ## wiki # wiki? on G5 (is part of Leopard Server) or other web-based documentation # improve Forrest stability and i18n support ( the divvun crashes) ## __Sjur__ has been working on better i18n and pdf rendering ## __Børre__ has some ideas for getting back to serving static html files # reorganise the documentation: ## differ between target groups ## get better grouping ## decide what to write in forrest and what in wiki (cf. [Apertium|http://www.apertium.org/] and [http://xixona.dlsi.ua.es/apertium/]) for a similar split) ## update/add missing parts # migrate lexc lexicons to XML, splitting the task ## Name lexica (the Name project) ## Dictionaries (already in XML, task is to integrate them) ## At least migrate the lexc open POSes (Komi as a pilot case) # change the look of the documentation web # sfst? ## replacement for xfst -> see [omorf |http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/kieliteknologia/tutkimus/omor/index.shtml], [omorf wiki|https://kitwiki.csc.fi/twiki/bin/view/KitWiki/HfstHome] and [omorfi|https://gna.org/projects/omorfi] ## replacement for hunspell/open-source proofing tools # investigate the [NSIS installer|http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page], potentially replacing the InstallShield package from Polderland # corpus content moved to Max Planck repositories? Norsk språkbank? # update infrastructure to allow content-restricted spellers for special target groups SVN issues: * http access not yet available (https only at the moment, but it works as anonymous checkout if the user is ''not'' specified) * read access to the whole repo is working, BUT: ** {{gt/*/polderland}} should be protected ** {{plan}} should be protected * certain users need to be on the UiT VPN to be able to commit (bug #705) * UTF-8 problem in svn commit mails: the commit log text is garbled __TODO:__ * infrastructure remake: (__Børre, Ciprian, Saara, Sjur, Tomi, Trond__) ** more modularised make / build infra (prepare for smn, sms, sjd, others) ** merge gt, kt and st into one ** modularised preprocess and spellrelax * make a test-all target that runs all tests we have (__Ciprian, Sjur, Trond__) ** delayed until we have restructured the make/build process * define and document testing routines (__Ciprian, Sjur, Trond__) ** delayed until we have restructured the make/build process * follow-up migration to svn: ** close the open SVN repository at requested paths (__Ciprian__) *** completely closed at the moment, until we have solved the path-based control ** prepare and discuss with external users: Jack Ruether (__Trond__) * test iCal Server (on G5) (__Børre__) * remove TOC from the giellatekno home page by using dispatcher (__Trond__) !!!Linguistics !!North Sámi (nothing new, see proofing bugs below) !!Lule Sámi (nothing new, see proofing bugs below) !!South Sámi __TODO:__ * step two for adjectives (__David, Trond, Sjur__) * finish reformulating the proper noun grammar like the verbs (__Sjur, Trond__) * Missing list (focus on closed class words and addition on missing nouns, adjectives and verbs) (__David, Jovsset__) * prepare a workshop on South Sámi orthography and grammar (__David__) ** date: last week of February (23.-27.) seems to work fine with SGL/South Sámi branch ** Place: tentatively ''Trondheim'', nothing decided, no meeting rooms ordered ** we'll cover travel and hotel expenses ** we'll invite both SGL and as many of the other key persons in the {{sma}} writing/normativity community as possible ** set up a preliminary agenda (__David, Sjur__) *** check in first sketch *** send copy of letter to __Sjur__ the seminar will be held ** prepare data for each topic (__David, Sjur, Trond__) ** prepare open invitation to Trondheim seminar (__David, Sjur__) * clean the {{smanob}} data (__Trond__ with some help) !!!Name lexicon/risten.no infrastructure From the meeting with the terminology and IT teams last week: * no major rework on the present search interface now * no work on the editing section; instead: * add existing lists of sanctioned terminology as separate term entities * add a dictionary if we can make one with sufficient quality This means the following tasks: * find already approved lists, in paper or electronic form (__term team__) * convert paper lists to electronic lists (__term team__) * convert lists to standard XML (__Sjur, Tomi__) * add prepared lists to risten.no (__Sjur, Tomi__) __TODO:__ # fix i18n bug in risten.no/G5 (so they will work without the proper locale request) (__Sjur__) # fix bugs in lexc2xml; add comments to the log element (__Saara__) # finish first version of the editing (__Sjur__) # test editing of the xml files. If ok, then: (__Sjur, Thomas, Trond__) # make terms-smX.xml <=== automatically from propernoun-sme-lex.xml (add {{nob}} as well) (the morphological section should be kept intact, in e.g. propernoun-sme-morph.txt) (__Sjur, Saara__) # convert propernoun-($lang)-lex.txt to a derived file from common xml files (__Sjur, Tomi, Saara__) # implement data synchronisation between [risten.no|http://www.risten.no] and the cvs repo, and possibly other servers (ie the G5 as an alternative server to the public risten.no - it might be faster and better suited than the official one; also local installations could be treated the same way) # start to use the xml file as source file # clean terms-sme.xml such that all names have the correct tag for their use (e.g. @type=secondary) (__Thomas, linguists__) # merge placenames which are errouneously in different entries: e.g. Helsinki, Helsingfors, Helsset (__linguists__) # publish the name lexicon on risten.no (__Sjur__) # add missing parallel names for placenames (__linguists__) # add informative links between first names like Niillas and Nils (__linguists__) !!Dictionaries Status * sma-nob first alpha released internally before Christmas. Needs morphology. * We need to finish one dictionary till the oahpa release: ** a subset of smenob / nobsme with the Álgosátnegirji and oahpa lemmas. __TODO:__ * Continue the dictionary infrastructure discussion (__Ciprian, Sjur, Trond__) * make simple installer applications * make a public release ** Make a homepage with instructions for dictionary use: {{xtdoc/gtuit/src/documentation/content/xdocs/dict.eng.xml}} ** Clarify the difference between local and online dictionaries: *** Plugin for Firefox and Internet Explorer (online dictionaries) * Contact Davvi Girji about cooperation on electronic dictionaries (__Sjur__) * short meeting to go through missing points before a release (__Ciprian, Sjur, Trond__) !!!Proofing tools !!Hunspell Beta6 released as part of the 1.1 release of the Divvun tools. Report all bug in Bugzilla. __TODO:__ * work on and debug compounds (__Børre, Thomas__) !!OpenXSpell Working everywhere (almost) in MacOS X applications, provides Sámi spell checking system-wide through a hunspell back-end. [OpenXSPell|http://www.cygnusblack.co.uk/openxspell/index.html] There are two issues: * strings with non-ASCII chars are always flagged * asking for suggestions on words witn non-ASCII chars crashes OpenXSpell !!Testing !Spelling Error Markup __TODO:__ * Set up ways of adding meta-information (source info, used in testing or not, added to lexicon or not) (__Saara__) * test new and nested error markup (__Sjur__) ** nesting still needs to be tested, depends on new {{ccat}} feature !Speller testing __TODO:__ * test the error type selection feature in ccat (__Sjur__) * document the feature (__Tomi__) !!Speller bugs List of bugs returned from Polderland: 621, 630, 652, 656, 676. Status as of the 1.1 release: __12__ open {{sme}} bugs, __8__ open {{smj}} bugs. Open issues based on test results: !sme Version: __Davvisámi, version 1.1, 2008-12-17__ * 397 - see 449 - __FIXED__ * 425 - X not recognized; single letters were left out - __OPEN__ * 435 - roman numbers - inflection of single letter numbers rejected, as well as some complex numbers (but is ok in {{smj}}) - still __OPEN__ ** we should pregenerate all numbers once and for all, and store them in a separate lexicon file * 581 - consonant doubling - still __OPEN__, but input words are real words also ** __FIXED__ ? * 593 - Missing words in beta 2 - __FIXED__ * 595 - prefix+name without hyphen (''ovdaLot'' instead of ''ovda-Lot'') - still __OPEN__ * 597 - does not recognize nubbelohki - __FIXED__ * 599 - numeral attr:s on lot - ''oktalot'' not recognized - __FIXED__ ** 'oktalot' - 10? or 11? * 603 - suomabealdi accepted - still __OPEN__ * 606 - __REGRESSION:__ compound-tags LEXICON VUOHTA * 613 - short gen. as second compound part - still __OPEN__ * 619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails - ''vihttasoarttat'' remaining - still __OPEN__ * 629 - ''a'' taking part in compounding without hyphen - still __OPEN__ ** only open case has word ''A-finálaid'' compounded * 642 - noun/adj/proper + hyphen + ain - still __OPEN__ * 647 - numerals+NOUN - still __OPEN__, open case has uppercase letters * 648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun - still __OPEN__ * 655 - pron + nai - __FIXED__ ** sme.fst does not recognise it either; it should be fixed in lexc * 696 - numerals + NAMAT-adjs + vuohta - __FIXED__ * 728 - vowel shortening GenCmp+Left-tagged - still __OPEN__ !smj Version: __Julevsáme, version 1.1, 2008-12-17__ * 435 - roman number - single letter numbers now recognised ** we should pregenerate all numbers once and for all, and store them in a separate lexicon file ** please note that ''inflection'' of single letter numerals is __fine__ in {{smj}}, as opposed to {{sme}} * 589 - suggestions involving vowel-replacement - __FIXED__ ** isn't ''tjåhkkåjit'' a word, __Thomas__? - Tomi: word was removed from testfile? Th: yes, it seems to be a word * 594 - lågenanguoktáj not recognized - __FIXED__ * 595 - prefix+name as split comp without hyphen - still __OPEN__ * 596 - __REGRESSION:__ C-giellan is not accepted * 616 - Bispadime-me-ráden - __FIXED__ * 647 - numerals+NOUN - still __OPEN__, open case has uppercase letters * 648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun - still __OPEN__ * 650 - noun prefix+name compound without hyphen - still __OPEN__ * 652 - UPPERCASE-typos only get acronym-suggestions - still __OPEN__ * 692 - numeral-variants - all but one fixed (''gáktsalågenantjuotakta''), but still __OPEN__ * 711 - __REGRESSION:__ numeral compounds and cases (''10-biejvvásattja'') ** test case seems to be incorrect; Th: yes, I have corrected now __TODO:__ * document how compounding is controlled in the PLX conversion (__Tomi__) !!Hyphenator bugs Open issues based on test results : !sme Lexicon version: __Davvisámi, version 1.1, 2008-12-17__ * 468 - ''Márkomeanu'' - still __OPEN__ * 547 - hyphen in front of vowel: ''Lotnolasealáhusas'' - still __OPEN__ * 548 - mid syllable hyphenation: ''Háliidivččen'' - still __OPEN__ * 549 - division without hyph: ''Váccedettiin'' - still __OPEN__ !smj Lexicon version: __Julevsáme, version 1.1, 2008-12-17__ * 547 - hyphen in front of vowel: ''Jienastimnjuolgadusá'' and ''Orgánajs'' - still __OPEN__ * 670 - Hard hyphen replaced with soft hyphen: ''10-biejvvásattja'' (the word is not rec.; Bug #711) - still __OPEN__ __TODO:__ * fix PL hyphenator errors (__Tomi__) !!InDesign tools __TODO:__ * make an installer for the InDesign Divvun tools (__Sjur__) !!Releases __TODO:__ * update the ''Changes'' document (__Sjur__) ** __Børre__ did it * InDesign documentation (__Sjur__) ** Norwegian translation received from Davvi Girji * prepare 1.1 release soon ** target date: December 17 ** released 31.12.2008 !1.1 Release __TODO:__ * increase version number (__Børre, Tomi__) ** done * 1.1 version of MS tools ** lexicon (__Tomi__) *** done ** changes since 1.0.1 (__Børre__) *** done * 1.0betaX for OOo/hunspell ** lexicon (__Børre__) *** done ** readme - English (__Børre, Sjur__) *** done * installation package for MS Off Mac (__Sjur__) ** done * update installation package for MS Off Win (__Sjur__) ** done * review the readme files for MS tools (__Thomas__) ** done * update our front page when released (__Børre__) ** done * write a short e-mail about the release, and send it to our release e-mail list (__Jovsset, Thomas__) ** not yet done !!!Other !!Sámi week in Tromsø __Sigbjørn Skåden__ has asked the UiT gang to demonstrate etc at the Tromsø city Library as a part of that week and the happenings at the Library. The week around February 6th (February 2-8). Sounds like a good idea, we will be there. * ped tools * Sámi dictionaries * Sámi proofing tools * other things? !!Text to speech Antti has hinted at the possibility of doing beta versions of other languages as well. We are thus now recording Greenlandic sentences. A further possibility would be smj, sma, this would require phon-smX.xfst files for these languages as well (a couple of days' work for smj, more for sma), plus recording. !!Corpus contracts + open source Postponed until the svn repository is fully functional (it is too open now). !!!Next meeting, closing The next meeting is 12.1.2009, 9.30 Norwegian time. __David__ possibly away next Monday. The meeting was closed at 12:30. !!!Appendix - task lists for the next five days !!Boerre * work on and debug compounds in Hunspell * leaflet: add Linux info * Make a divvun-tools download log * {{gt/Makefile}} remake * fine tune suggestions * improve OOo instructions * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !!Ciprian * close the open SVN repository at requested paths * continue the dictionary infrastructure discussion (with __Sjur, Trond__) * improve processing of new corpus documents * make the pipeline of ''StarDict'' dictionary generation running on the Mac * update the Makefile for generating dictionaries (related to the dictionary infrastructure task) * take care of the error logging during conversion process * look at the xml conversion quality * make a list of (general and special) problems related with converting docs into xml-forat and adding them to the corpora * continue the search and testing of an appropriate tool for lexicon working (no xml-file editing via text editors!) * generate new sme:nob/nob:sme dictionaries in all formats, marking them as "Beta"-versions (Sjur's proposal to use an image background for that purpose) * infrastructure remake - news discussion * short meeting to go through missing points before a dictionary release (with __Sjur, Trond__) * dictionary discussion on estethics, layout (with __Trond__) * build the first version of smanob-dictionary (both MacDict and StarDict) by 15. dec. 2008 * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !!David * continue gathering {{sma}} corpus texts * prepare a workshop on South Sámi orthography and grammar (__David__) ** prepare data for each topic (__with Sjur and Trond__) * call __Ristin Persson__ for permission to use Sámi Radio texts * stay in touch with UmU about c-thesises in south sami * Call Fylkesmannen i Nordland * send open invitation to Trondheim seminar to __Joseph__ (with__Sjur__) * Contact __Sig-Britt Persson__ about corpus texts and Seminar * Translate light version contract to swedish * Contact Lena Kappfjell and Lajla Mattsson Magga about seminar !!Jovsset * write a short e-mail about the release, and send it to our release e-mail list * get the list of verbs from the auhtors of''Verbh''. * Find a suitable infrastructure for the distribution of the CD version. Possible through the library bus, the language centres and common sami centres in all of Sápmi. * write formal letter to translator of ''Gåessie dah jeatjebh åerieminie'' * leaflet: review the Windows pictures, and usage instructions for MS Office. Review especially the select sami language part. * Write installation instructions for word 2003 * better Windows usage descriptions, with emphasis on the pitfalls * work with missing lists !!Per-Eric * transfer the {{smj}} texts by __Kurt Tore__ and __Ulf Stefan Winka__ to our corpus repository * follow-up contract from __Lena Davidsson__ * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !!Saara * add new XSL/XML headers for proofing test docs * Set up ways of adding meta-information for proofing correct corpus docs (source info, used in testing or not, added to lexicon or not) * implement the ped UI and functionality !!Sjur * name db/risten.no * follow-up on some Polderland-related bugs: 621, 630, 652 * InDesign documentation * continue the dictionary infrastructure discussion (with __Ciprian, Trond__) * Contact ''Davvi Girji'' about cooperation on electronic dictionaries * subcontractor work for {{sma}} proofing tools, MS and Adobe versions * support and maintenance contract for {{sme}} and {{smj}}, MS+Adobe tools * Sámi languages as part of ''Norsk språkbank'' * contact MS Nordic, and ask them to include the Divvun tools in the next Office releases * set up a preliminary agenda for {{sma}} workshop (__with David__) * prepare data for each topic at {{sma}} workshop (__with David and Trond__) * short meeting to go through missing points before a dictionary release (with __Ciprian, Trond__) * leaflet: add link to OOo installation and usage instructions * leaflet: add InDesign text * make an installer for the InDesign Divvun tools * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !!Thomas * gather the {{smj}} texts from ''Nord-Salten avis'' (online archive) * work on and debug compounds in Hunspell * look at test cases still not behaving properly * write a short e-mail about the release, and send it to our release e-mail list * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !!Tomi * document how compounding is controlled in the PLX conversion * fix double hyphen bugs * fix PL hyphenator bugs * fix PL and Hunspell conversion bugs * infrastructure remake * document the error type selection feature in ccat * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla] !!Trond * Implement new version of giellatekno front page without ToC (with __Børre__) * prepare data for each topic at {{sma}} workshop (with __David and Sjur__) * dictionary discussion on estethics, layout (with __Ciprian__) * meeting to go through missing points before a dictionary release (with __Ciprian, Sjur__) * [fix bugs!|http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla].