!!!Plan for administrative terminology (forvaltningsordbok) People working on the first phase of the project: ''Børre, Ciprian, Francis, Trond''. The next phase will involve lexicographers. !!!Background and project outline Project 08431 from FAD for work on __Forvaltningsordboken__. The [Prosjektskisse|fad_bakgrunn.html] is the original project outline. !!Revised deadlines (forthcoming) !!!Project plan This is for sme. We wait with sma, smj. # Sentence align (__Ciprian, Børre__) # Word align and make parallel wordlists (__Francis__) # Check for relevant vocabulary (__BM__) # Integrate the resulting list into Autshumato (__Ciprian, etc.__) !!!Work ahead # Correct the sentence alignment # Rerun the parallel list We need a new version of the parallel list, but with input from what we have: * Use the improved sentence-aligned corpus * Improve the tag usage for word alignment ** For both lgs: POS and derivation tags, valency tags: ** We need info on Pass for nob (__Francis__) ** We do not want tense-person-number for sme verbs * Find threshold number (__BM__) !!!Status quo, progress (comments in here) Old month reports are in the [background|fad_bakgrunn.html] document. !!!Milestones, deadlines (overview) (tbw.)