!!! Including Neahttadigisánit in a website At minimum, two or three files need to be included on any page of content that you wish to include NDS with. If you are using a Content Management System, you may need to edit the system's templates in the relevant location to include these files. * {{neahttadigisanit.css}} - the stylesheet that provides styling for the definition bubbles and options menu * {{neahttadigisanit.jquery.min.js}} - the main Neahttadigisanit (compressed) JS file, with its own version of jQuery * Optionally, you may include a third file that contains the options and actually initializes the plugin, or simply put this in a {{ }}} You may add the JS file in the footer. !! Initializing the plugin The final step is to call the plugin. Typically, you will want to do this within a jQuery event-- usually when the document is ready. This code may be included in its own {{script}} node (which you can place in the footer), but must run after the {{.js}} file has been included above. {{{ // Wait for the document to load... $(document).ready(function (){ // Initialize and configure NDS $(document).selectToLookup({ // This specifies the dictionary set to api_host: 'https://PROJNAME.oahpa.no/', }); }); }}} For most purposes you should be able to just copy and paste this JS snippet without changes. If you need another dictionary set, you may alter the {{api_host}} setting: * South Saami / Norwegian - https://baakoeh.oahpa.no/ * More coming soon... Mind the trailing slash. !! Custome language pair If you want to use the plugin with a custom language pair, you can specify it in the script tag as follows: {{{ }}} Where you need to replace iso_source with the iso for the source language, and iso_target with the iso for the target language. For example, if you use sanit.oahpa.no and you want to customize the plugin so that it shows North-Sámi to Norwegian as your custom default, add the following: {{{ }}} !! Contact If you encounter problems, please contact us!