!!! Working with prod and trunk stuff !! Switching a production server from trunk to prod * check out tag to new dir ''neahtta-prod-tag'' * in new dir, switch to runk for translations/ configs/ and dicts/ * ''copy'' the following: {{{ neahtta/dicts/*.xml neahtta-prod-tag/dicts/ neahtta/dicts/*.bak neahtta-prod-tag/dicts/ neahtta/configs/*.yaml neahtta-prod-tag/configs/*.yaml neahtta/user_log.txt neahtta-prod-tag/user_log.txt }}} * ''copy'' the following. {{{ neahtta/secret_key.do.not.check.in neahtta-prod-tag/ }}} * then test configuration {{{ fab sanit test_configuration fab baakoeh test_configuration }}} * troubleshoot any errors with the above * in ''neahtta-prod-tag'' {{{ fab sanit compile_strings fab baakoeh compile_strings }}} * then, stop services {{{ sudo service nds-sanit stop sudo service nds-baakoeh stop }}} * then {{{ cd ~/ mv ~/neahtta ~/neahtta-trunk mv ~/neahtta-prod ~/neahtta }}} * then once more {{{ fab sanit test_configuration fab baakoeh test_configuration }}} * then finally... {{{ sudo service nds-sanit start sudo service nds-baakoeh start }}}