__Neahttadigisánit__ is an online reading dictionary which uses analysers to find lemma forms, and send them to dictionary lookup. This page documents developmental work on Neahttadigisánit. !! Publications [Publications and presentations related to dictionaries|../ped/dictpublications.html] !! Using the NDS JavaScript Plugin on other sites. __Neahttadigisánit__ provides an [in-browser plugin|http://sanit.oahpa.no/read/] that allows you to look up words by clicking on them. It is available by bookmarklet, a bookmark that you click while on any site to include the functionality, but it is also simple to include on other sites. For an example, visit [Kursa|http://kursa.oahpa.no/]. If you are a site owner and want to include the plugin on your website (so that the dictionary is available to all visitors), follow the how-to guide: * [Including Neahttadigisánit as an option in a website|nds/AddingNDSPluginToOtherSites.html] !!Planning new features * [New features|NewFeatures.html] !!Linguistic documentation and maintenance * [Overview over existing language pairs|nds/NeahttadigisanitLanguagePairs.html] * [Starting new language pairs|nds/StartingNewLanguagePairs.html] * [Designing language resources for NDS|nds/DesigningResources.html] * [Moving language pairs|nds/NDSMovingLanguagePairs.html] * [Updating linguistic options|nds/NDSLinguisticSettings.html] * [Updating dictionaries and fsts|nds/NDSUpdatingDictionaries.html] * [Updating Localisations|nds/NDSLocalisations.html] * [Logging options and extraction|nds/LogExtraction.html] !!Technical documentation * [Source file directory|https://gtsvn.uit.no/langtech/trunk/apps/dicts/nds/src/] (Each subfolder contains a __README.md__ file describing its content) * [Flask: The software used for NDS|nds/FlaskSoftware.html] * [Developing in NDS and virtualenv|nds/NDSDeveloping.html] * [Troubleshooting|nds/NDSTroubleshooting.html] * [API|nds/API.html] !Configuration file The file {{app.config.yaml}} contains the following things, and is in [YAML|http://www.yaml.org/refcard.html] format: * FST path and format definitions * XML dictionary path and format definitions * Language name defininitions and localisations * Base form information: for each part of speech for each language, words that have an analysis matching these tags will be looked up in the lexicon and shown to users. * Paradigm generation: these are for the word detail views only, and these forms will be generated and presented to users. * Tag rewrites: Tags in FSTs or Lexicon files will be rewritten before being presented to users. * [Detailed explanation of the configuration files|nds/ConfigFiles.html] * [More explanations on the same files|nds/FilesForConfiguratingNDS.html] * [Updating language-specific options|nds/NDSLinguisticSettings.html] !Restarting the service Log in to gtdict, switch to user neahtta, go to /home/neahtta/neahtta and issue: {{{ fab DICT restart_service }}} where DICT is the relevant name for the dictionary to restart. The service must be restarted each time lexica, FSTs, or the configuration file have been updated. Sometimes this may take a little while, as XML files need to be reparsed, and data structures for autocomplete need to be prepared. !!Testing * [Testing dict-FSTs |TestingDictFST.html] * [Overview over click-in-text functionality status|nds/NDSProjectsInBrowsersStatistics.html] !!Meetings * 2013: [4.2.|nds/referat/130204.html]  * 2016: [20.9.|nds/referat/160920.html]