When you have set up the prerequisites in the [Getting Started|GettingStarted.html] documentation, you want to compile the linguistic analysers and use them. !!!The minimun build option You build the analysers in the '''language folder'''. If you have checked out the whole tree, it the language is found in {{langs}} or one of the folder with a name ending in {{-langs}} under the main '''€GTHOME''' folder. Go to your language, e.g. for Pite Saami: {{{ cd $GTHOME/langs/sje }}} First set up the files required to build the analysers (if you get error messages saying that some required files are missing you have probebly skipped some steps on the [Getting started|GettingStarted.html] pages): {{{ ./autogen.sh }}} Now, you must decied what analysers to build. Setup for the core ones you get with the command (for more options, see below) {{{ ./configure }}} You then build the analysers with the command {{{ make -j }}} This command may take a couple of minutes to run. For our most developed languages (like North Saami) on a not too fast machine it may take half an hour or more. When the process is done you should fine a new-built analyser file: {{src/analyser-gt-desc.xfst}} and several more like it in the src catalogue. For more advanced build options, see the last section below. !!!How to use and develop the analysers * [How to user the analysers and generatore|../tools/docu-sme-manual.html] * [Language-independent documentation|../lang/common/index.html] (how to work on developing the analysers) * [Language-specific documentation|lang/index.html] (on the language you want to work on) * Documentation for how to build a new language !!!More advanced build options The Giella infrastructure can build scores of different linguistic analysers and genrators, taylored for different purposes and using different compilers. The {{./configure}} command has a wide range of options for that. Different compilers are turned on and off by adding e.g. {{--with-hfst}} (compiles by using the hfst compiler). Different analysers can be built by adding the {{--enable}} option. To take an example: In order to enable your system to turn your language model into a spellchecker, add the following to the ''./configure'' option: {{{ ./configure --with-hfst --enable-spellers }}} A full list of the options is given by writing {{{ ./configure --help }}} Your current ./configure setting (which is valid until you change it) is shown by writing {{{ head config.log }}}