!!!Overview These instructions are based on LibVoikko 3.6 on Lion (MacOS X 10.7.5). Other systems and older versions of LibVoikko ''have not been tested!'' There are also somewhat older & outdated build instrcuctions on the [Voikko home pages|http://voikko.sourceforge.net/source-mac.html]. These were made for LibVoikko 2.x on Leopard (MacOS 10.5.x). If you are looking for usage info, that can be found [here|/tools/UsingVoikkoWithHfst.html]. !!!Install dependencies Using MacPorts, install the following dependencies for {{hfst-ospell}} and {{libvoikko}}: * pkg-config ≥ 0.23 * gettext ≥ 0.17 * libxml++ 2 * libarchive * libz They can all be installed at once using this command: {{{ sudo port install pkgconfig gettext libxmlxx2 libarchive zlib }}} The following is most likely not necesary anymore: * [Malaga|http://home.arcor.de/bjoern-beutel/malaga/] * Suomimalaga - part of the libvoikko checkout, see [here|http://voikko.sourceforge.net/source-mac.html] for details !!hfst-ospell {{hfst-ospell}} is a speller library (and testing frontent) to use hfst-based transducers as spellers. It is required for the hfst backend for Voikko to work. You get it as follows: {{{ svn co svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/hfst/code/trunk/hfst-ospell }}} Configure hfst-ospell with the following options (the {{enable}} options are required by Voikko): {{{ ./autogen.sh ./configure --enable-zhfst --enable-xml }}} followed by the usual: {{{ make sudo make install }}} !!!Build and install LibVoikko These installation instructions assume we're using the git codebase. Start the build process by cloning {{corevoikko}} from git: {{{ git clone https://github.com/voikko/corevoikko.git }}} The build receipt is the standard one, with one additional flag to enable support for loading dictionaries shared by all users and for backwards and Unix/Linux compatibility. __NB!__ This configuration is for OSX! For Windows and Linux/Unix dictionary paths, see the Libvoikko documenation! __NOTE!__ These directories come in addition to the user-only directories (e.g. ~/.voikko etc.). {{{ cd corevoikko/libvoikko ./autogen.sh ./configure --with-dictionary-path=/Library/Spelling/voikko:/usr/local/share/voikko:/usr/local/lib/voikko make sudo make install }}} Installation in other locations using {{--prefix}} is not recommended, especially for the dependent components. I have not been able to get it to work. If you get __configure errors__ about {{libvoikko}} being unble to find {{hfstospell}}, use this configure command line instead: {{{ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=:/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --enable-hfst }}} !!!Gory details - how to compile hfst-ospell and libvoikko as universal binaries for the LibreOffice extension There is [a separate document|BuildingTheVoikkoExtensionForLibreOffice.html] for building the libs as universal binaries and finally building the LibreOffice extension.