!!!Obsolete documentation This page gives an overview of how our technical infrastructure was around 2018. It is kept for now for historical reasons. For the current situation, go to [github.giellalt.io|https://github.giellalt.io]. !!!Getting started * [Getting started (Source files and the tools required to run them)|infraremake/GettingStartedWithTheNewInfra.html] * [Directory structure|infraremake/NewinfraCatalogues.html] * [Connecting to the computer|offline.html] * [SVN repositories|OurSVNRepositories.html] !!!Compiling (building analysers) * [Defining targets for compilation|infraremake/NewInfraMaintenance.html] * [Makefile names and organisation|infraremake/MakefileNamesAndOrganisation.html] * [How to compile our abbreviation handler abbr.txt|infraremake/AbbreviationCompilation.html] * [List of defined automake conditionals|infraremake/ListOfDefinedAutomakeConditionals.html] * [Multiple configurations and out of source building|infraremake/MultipleConfigurationsAndOutOfSourceBuilding.html] * [How To Use XML Files As Lexc Sources|infraremake/HowToUseXMLFilesAsLexcSources.html] * [Example of file sizes with optimisations|infraremake/ExampleOfFileSizesWithOptimisations.html] !!!Finite state transducers * [FST technology overview & future perspective|FSTTechnologyOverview.html] * [Lookup and composition - a direction primer|infraremake/LookupAndComposition_ADirectionPrimer.html] * [Understanding up and down in hfst and xerox|infraremake/LookupAndComposition_ADirectionPrimer.html] * [Transducer name conventions in our infrastructure|infraremake/TransducerNamesInTheNewInfra.html] * [How to enable tags in natural languages|infraremake/HowToEnableTagsInNaturalLanguages.html] !!!How to write documentation * Forrest, Jspwiki * [How to write documentation as comments in your source code|infraremake/In-sourceDocumentation.html] * [How to debug (correct ERRORS) in the documentation written in the source code|infraremake/DebuggingSourceDocumentation.html] * [Forrest debugging|infraremake/ForrestDebugging.html] (when the documentation does not generate) !!!Testing and maintaining test scripts * [Adding test data in the new infra|infraremake/AddingMorphologicalTestData.html] * [Adding new test scripts in the new infra|infraremake/TestScriptsInTheNewInfra.html] * [Build your own tests|infraremake/BuildYourOwnTests.html] - [as slideshow|infraremake/slidy/BuildYourOwnTests.html] * [Ideas for testing our transducers|infraremake/IdeasForNewinfraTesting.html] !!! (Even) Older documentation This documents the move from "old" to "new" (present) infrastructure, in 2012. !!Planning the move to newinfra (This documentation is kept for historical reasons) * [Infra remake|infraremake/InfraRemake.html] * [New infra overview|infraremake/NewInfraOverview.html] * [Documentation generators|infraremake/DocumentationGenerators.html] (overview of tools - obsolete) * [New infra plan|infraremake/NewInfraPlan.html] * [New infra progress|infraremake/NewInfraProgress.html] * [New infra technical overview|infraremake/NewInfraTechnicalOverview.html] !!The move from the old to the new infrastructure * [Web file names from the old infra|infraremake/WebFilenamesFromOldinfra.html] * [How to move a language from the old infra to the new|infraremake/HowToMoveALanguageFromTheOldInfraToTheNew.html] * [Names of the fsts in /opt/smi and in newinfra|QuasicodeForKeepingTrackOfTransducers.html] (see also [this list|infraremake/FstNamesInOldAndNewInfra.html]) * [Moving plx and Hunspell to the new infra|infraremake/MovingPLXAndHunspellToTheNewInfra.html]